Could a horror video game about hypnosis work or would it be too hard to implement?
Could a horror video game about hypnosis work or would it be too hard to implement?
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im pretty sure it's illegal to hypnotize software users.
if your just talking about story and gameplay; then yeah. it justs has to be good
yeah it just needs a race baiting narrative to truly be effective
hypnosis isn't real, stop reading hypnosis fanfics
just kidding, keep enjoying fellow patrician
Literally Bioshock
Not really horror. You are scarier than anything crawling around in Rapture.
>imagine a world where nigs accept their place.
it reminded me a lot of resident evil 7 in a way. at least the characters
Not hypnosis. Subconscious conditioning, but also just linear game design.
Weebs would have to accept their place as punching bags and shoe cleaners for the nigs
You're going to have to explain the difference between hypnosis and subconscious conditioning for me.
>there are people that knee-jerk hate Get Out without having seen it
It's like 2 hours max. Give it a shot sometime, even if you hate black people. You might end up enjoying it for its technical skill at least. Even the soundtrack is good.
It could, but you'd have to very subtly imply the MC is not where/who they think they are.
I think hypnosis is more like 1/2, while conditioning is more like 3.
1 is the best
Fight me
They're all hypnosis on that chart though, retard.
not him or op
id consider it where the victim is in a state of trance where there at the mercy of your orders. Jack was born and through out his entire life he was raised to react to stimuli in a certain way
well get out aint really a horror either
Hypnosis is very real but isn't mind control
2 > 4 > 3 > 1
1 isn't even hypnosis, it's some kind of body control.
Is if the subject wants it to be
2 a best.
Fucking best fetish
No wrong. None of muh vidya portray it right though. And I wish it wasn't so associated with furries and autists.
It can be mind control roleplay, sure. And if you give a person access to your mind and let them build strong associations over time, they can alter how you think about things. But it's not like BEEP BOOP I MUST KILL THE PRESIDENT WHEN SOMEONE SAYS CATSUP
this desu
Fuck off nigger
Learn your plwce, inferior. Weebs commit the most crime (piracy) and are the most unemployed fags in the nation
they're also retarded and smelly and have autism but not the high functioning autism
Con non-con is a best
>tfw will never be able to hypnotize people over internet and get them to give me money
Get Out was the best movie I have seen all year. It's going to be pretty hard to top it I feel.
People that think it's some race baiting shit make me laugh. Look passed your own fucking ego and enjoy it.
Also not wrong
I mean you probably can
Half the shit out there is intended to turn the listener gay anyways. If you're ugly just do audio, or team up with a girl and write the scripts.
You don't have to hypnotize people or do anything beneficial for anyone to get money on the internet.
1 > 3 > 4 > 2
shit taste. why would you want her remembering what you did to her?
I find mind-break to be much more hotter for some reason. I overthink my fetishes, but something about someone having their control taken away and losing their identity because of overstimulation just turns me on.
I guess when you look at porn daily for years on end that's bound to happen
shit movie
So what was it really about then? Cause to me I felt like it was a take on how black people feel like white society takes the spirit of who they are out of them and want them to assimilate into their culture and behave like white people and also that underneath white people are pretending are are really just racists somehow. Oh and also hypnosis can control people and make them do whatever you want.
I wouldn't mind playing a vidya with the settings of that movie, i expected sjw shit all over but it's was a fun watch
Jesus christ I really need to find someone who'll do sessions with me
I like this chart more.
I have massive respect for the guy who ruined the 100% rotten tomato rating
Because the resulting feelings of helplessness in the victim turn me on. I don't half-ass my fantasy rape like some sort of casual.
He was an alt-SJW
>that episode
you know which one im talking about
This game was the shit.
You could mind control people from really far away and make them shoot their friends and kill themselves.
Why don't games let me do this anymore?
Horror games need more Neutronium Golems. The kind of thing you can actually try and fight but then get horribly eviscerated in the attempt.