Team Fortress 2

I started maining Medic recently and i was wondering what is the best saw.

or wich saw is best for wich scenario


Ubersaw, always.


until they finally nerf the ubersaw, I would go with the ubersaw

is the ubersaw good, a meme or both ?

The Ubersaw is objectively the best saw. Getting free ubercharges with it is too good. If you aim carefully with it, the reduced attack speed is a negligible down side.

Uber saw ,bone saw, and the Amputator

Bonesaw. It has the highest crit rate in the game

doesn't the ubersaw have the highest crit rate ?

Always ubersaw. You bop some idiot that runs too far into your team a couple times and you get full uber. You also have a fairly good chance of 1 hit killing spies or scouts trying to assassinate you because medic has a really high crit chance with melee due to the way crit chance is calculated (healing done boosts crit chance and melee weapons have high base crit)

If you can hit somebody with melee even once in a life then the ubersaw has more value. Vitasaw is even worse than just the default saw unless you suck and die constantly with uber charge like a fucking idiot

keeping you alive? either solumn vow (know when to run or pick fights) or bonesaw. for le epik save rave!!!!!!! ubersaw, because what does the team need more than a battle medic risking his life, and the team, for some SICK silent saws that *might* pay off. most reliable is vita saw obviously, you wont be using saw much so a constant 20 percent uber is great (however banned from most comp scenes). i always use solumn vow or vita saw, amputator is great for casual just because there are often chokes where healing the whole team is viable but other than that and medieval mode you don't ever want to do that so it isn't great

this is a myth. Please stop spreading rumors that are objectively not true.

ALL melee weapons in the game, with all classes, have the same crit chance (except for ones with conditional crits like axtinguisher or son-on-a-stick). Bonesaw just seems to do a lot of crits because the medic is constantly healing, and healing increases crit chance. Assuming you are constantly healing people, your crit chance with ALL medic melee weapons is 60%. If you are doing absolutely nothing at all, it bottoms out at 15% crit chance.

Plz OP dont play medic if this is not common sense for you

found the 5v5 autist.

In a normal game with a full team you have plenty of opportunities to get saw hits on spies, deep scouts or people trying to flank the medic. And given the damage of a saw crit and how likely they are, it's very possible to get a kill AND uber out of the trade.

Vitasaw is only good if you're playing the unpopular turboautist final destination 5v5 mode


im sure your team really appreciates your game changing plays. im upset with those retards even in casual, it is too risky, and those are the same retards that cry when spy gets a backstab while the medic is looking at him. if you weren't in that position you wouldn't fucking die, but no, you faggots don't just stop with them you bumrush into heavy or soldier, uber sponges, and try to get free uber when if you healed the guy right next to you, you would outdps and more likely than not you would live

comp medics pretty much use ubersaw, crusaders crossbow, and stock medigun.

Amputator and kritz has situational uses though.

fuck you casualbaby, ubersaw is the worst saw you could possibly have other than stock

solemn vow, ubersaw is for chumps, everything else is shit

found the guy who can't aim the syringe gun so he uses uber saw for an excuse

But CC and ubersaw are banned in co- and I just realized you're talking about the bullshit Valve added, not UGC.

I should have bought a strange crossbow before it became popular

Ubersaw for Vaccinator/Quick-Fix

Vitasaw otherwise

Comp players have said multiple times they'd use the vitasaw 100% of the time if it wasn't banned.

10 health is fucking nothing and doesn't drop you below any breakpoints. You die to the exact same sources of damage, save maybe living with 10 or less health against a random scout shot. Two rockets still kills your ass. Two pills still kills your ass. Three stickies still kills your ass. A sniper headshot still kills you. It literally has almost no bearing on your survivability, and in fact raises it by giving you uber sooner.

"Ubersaw is best" is a meme.

the solumn vow is banned too, literally anything viable is banned from most comp configs for no reason at all