which one is the best?
Never played pokemon
Other urls found in this thread:
Crystal version
they're all just iterations of the same game
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
The one where you fuck off back to your /vp/ containment board.
heart gold/soul silver
Sun/Moon for your fully 3D entry that doesnt look like pixilated chibi garbage.
And the original R/B/Y which you can get on VC or just emulate
Shelgon is.
Heart Gold/Soul Silver
Black 2/White 2
1. Heart Gold / Soul Silver
2. Platinum
3. Black 2 / White 2
4. Emerald
5. Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire
Never heard of it. Why is it the best? It doesn't look very interesting visually.
Play HeartGold or SoulSilver.
Fucking 10/10.
X and Y
Question is too vague. You mean best Pokemon game or best Pokemon of all the rest?
the best one in the mainline series
He has a shell and doesn't care what others think.
crystal version hands down
Shelgon is pretty fly, but I dunno about best.
Gold/Silver/Crystal were best games.
Heart Gold / Soul Silver for a standard Pokemon adventure with a lot of the charm of the first generations, has features no other game in the franchise has, such as following pokemon.
Platinum for another standard pokemon adventure, but with less features and worse graphics when compared to HG/SS, but harder and with a better pokemon selection, some would say a better story as well
Black / White for a story focused adventure with only new pokemon you might have never seen before, but missing a few features from older games and not a lot of things to do after the ending
Black 2 / White 2 for a great mix of a standard adventure, good story, pokemon selection and things to do before and after the endgame, however it might be better to play BW before this
Sun / Moon for yet another story focused adventure that tries to break away from tradition by changing how gym leaders work, since it is the most recent one, you can also enjoy the online functions
The rest are either bad or painfully outdated
Any of them is fine, the first few games are still playable, but if you didn't grow with a game boy or just can't go back to it, go for remakes like Fire red/Green Leaf or Heart Gold / Soul Silver.
As for gen3 and gen4, I'd recommend playing Emerald and Platinum and ignore their previous versions. I haven't played BW/XY/SM.
The Mystery Dungeon games are alright, I liked Blue Rescue Team, most people seem to like Explorers of the Sky the most.
Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald. Also check out Pokemon Colosseum
Black 2/White 2
Pokemon Colosseum
it's pokekino
Start on Fire Red/Leaf Green. They're solid remakes of the originals. Heart Gold/Soul Silver are the best games in the series, though.
Just inatalled heart gold
Don't bother, it's a kiddy/manchild meme
Agreeing with these guys.
Crystal is god-tier with likeable pokemon, a nice clean plot, and the useful even to this day Suicune as the box mascot. Apricorn balls are lovely and the day-night cycle is a nice touch. If you can find one with a new battery you're set for years of play. One warning: pack a water pokemon and anti-poison items at all times. Shuckle is the forest zubat.
X/Y is basically a modernized crystal in play type. Apricorns are gone, but pretty much everything else is still there. Also the maps are super cozy. You'll spend tons of time by the river hatching eggs, fighting at the maison, and playing with your bros as the sun sets over the sparkling water. Thankfully no shuckles here, though hoard battles can be a blessing and a curse depending on if you're ready for them or not.
I have burmed more hours on these two games than any other RPGs I have ever played and I have been playing RPGs since Dragon Quest/Dragon Warrior. They're so cozy and nice.
heart gold/soul silver
Walking with a pokemon behind you is just a meme. pick up black 2/white 2 before it's too late for the superior soundtrack.
>Shuckle is the forest zubat
What did xe mean by this?
Black 2 and white 2
Go for Blaze Black 2. It gave me over 40 hours of entertainment before I even reached the third main city.
There's a whole other board for this
Emerald is my personal fave, but I gotta give it to Crystal. Platinum is fantastic, Heart Gold/Soul Silver are good too and Black and White (1 and 2) are some pretty solid games, but I wouldn't consider them good starting points. Don't bother with the 3DS games though.
HGSS is the worst paced game in the series and follows the philosophy of quantity over quality. That being said, it is a unique installment.
Black and White 2 is the best in the series without a doubt.
Sun and Moon
Heart Gold/Soul Silver, Emerald, Fire Red/Leaf Green, Platinum, Black/White/2
Nope. S and M are actually one of the more difficult installments
There's a meme that zubats are everywhere in caves on the early games. You can't avoid them. It's mostly true.
Now, down by the groomers and a few day specific shops in Crystal if memory serves there's a wooded area. This area is where shuckle lives. Lots of shuckles. Shuckles for days, son!
Shuckle has three abilities: sturdy, gluttony and contrary. Sturdy means you can't kill them in one hit. They WILL hit you! Gluttony makes them use heal items up faster. Shuckles carry berry juice: one of the best natural healing items in the game. Contrary makes it to anything that would lower their stats raises them instead.
They have one of the highest HPs and some of the best Defensive stats in the game even to this day. They are rock/bug so their only real weaknesses are water and, oddly, rock. They also have toxic most of the time.
Put it all together and you get a plentiful annoying enemy that will badly poison your entire team if you're not careful.
Play Blue and Crystal.
Black/White 2
Literally what are you talking about right now. Shuckle is only found by rock smash, and in Crystal abilities weren't a thing. Are you thinking of something else?
fire red and leaf green are slightly better then red and blue due to fixing some stuff for the better or worse and it has some extra content
>Play B/W2
>Literally every single area in the game has Pokemon that fit and I wanted to catch
>Almost no filler trashmons
>Best soundtrack
Pure kino
I probably am, but I could have sworn they weren't just rock smash finds in Crystal. Things were slightly different in that game than in gold/silver.
If it's old-man-itis acting up, well, I did say I'm old and have been at this forever. Also thank god it's just old-man-itis.
i'm sorry
i was rude and you spent a long time typing that up and maybe i am wrong
>Posting inferior version
Whatever the fuck you're smoking, I want some.
Heartgold/SoulSilver, Platinum and Black 2/White 2 are what I consider the peak of the series, each with their major strengths that made them stand out. I'd highly recommend playing them in that order too if you can.
The rest are either fairly dated or very subjective to your tastes, I wouldn't say they're outright shit though, you can still probably appreciate R/B/Y and G/S/C despite them having remakes.
Play FireRed/LeafGreen first. The originals are horrendously outdated. Then move you can move onto either HeartGold/SoulSilver then the original Emerald version (I do not recommend playing the OR/AS remakes, they kinda suck). Then move onto Platinum then Gen 5 games. Skip Gen 6 if you want and play Gen 7 if you want something a little more unique.
desu I highly recommend playing the Mystery Dungeon series as well. Start with Blue Rescue Team and then play Explorers of the Sky(AKA the GOAT and arguably the best game of the entire series imo). Don't play gates to infinity and Super's alright
Does anyone else find it incredibly odd that Pokemon is the only JRPG series that has remakes that people tell you NOT to play the originals over the remakes?
Averted with ORAS, the remake is better than RS, but worse than Emerald.
>Mary Sue OC forced plot is better than RS
He didn't ask for the easiest game
emerald,black and black 2
Heartgold/Soulsiler or Platnoum
Heartgold./Soulsilver makes Gold/Silver/Crystal obselete.
Not necessarily, ORAS kinda fails as a remake for not adding enough, focusing on the wrong aspects and arguably not being a remake of the definitive Emerald. FR/LG and HG/SS plays it straight though, brought the old games to the series standards at the time of their release at least in terms of gameplay while adding the right amount of things but still mostly respecting the originals.
People with taste this shit shouldn't be allowed to have access to the Internet.
Fire red is the best because it's a remake of the best game, fixing a lot of the problems it had. Aside from that Heart gold.
Platinum > HG/SS = Emerald > D/P > R/S = B2/W2 > FR/LG > B/W > X/Y > Sun/Moon = G/S > OR/AS > R/B/Y
This. The new ones are also good as well.
Only for the badass connection to red/blue version
HG & SS don't have shit on Crystal.