So, camgirls are allowed now on Twitch?
So, camgirls are allowed now on Twitch?
honestly, that girl's makeup abilities are amazing
Donate 15 shekels.
This bitch is literally bouncing her tits for tips.
how old are you, 12? Are you a menimist too?
You think that little kids should watch tits for tips on a gaming site?
not him but i think they shouldn't...
i get kids liking gameplay videos.
i get kids liking lets players like pewdiepie
but im sure every parent would throw a massive shitfit, if they discover some of the streamers their kids watch are actually whores.
They are phenomenal though.
Saggy tits being held up.
Tell your mom to get off twitch please.
Literally SJW post
Do people actually download streams and watch them for fun?
Who's that one girl on YouTube who always shows her feet while playing games?
Literally all tits are with a good push up bra. Just like any ass can look good in yoga pants
Wait fuck, this is amazing
Holy shit
clarababylegs, she also streams masturbations on myfreecams
Best Twitch mom comming through.
>Get banned from Twitch because I was streaming Skyrim with light nudity for like a few seconds
>Fucking Stacy gets to attention whore on Twitch and flash her tits and vag all she wants
>she has made more in donations than she has followers
okay what the fuck
They've been whoring out for years
why do beta males do this? Why do they give money to women across the planet who will never acknowledge their existence or give a shit about them?
Honestly I would kill myself.
Oh shit, I'll check that out.
who gives a shit? let them get money from thirsty betas, it doesnt affect you
what I do with my money is none of your fucking business you jealous pricks
I wish prostitution was legalized globally so these whores would actually have to suck the cock of the same beta neckbeards that just throw money at them for the minuscule attention of sayin their name.
>he thinks that its downloaded because of the player
>he still watches streams on a shitty laggy browser
but cumming to them anyway while letting them maintain their delusion of propriety is way better
Adjust your filesizes, please. There's no reason for these files to be .PNG and over 1MB. They aren't even highquality pictures
It does affect the community though, just look at the state comics are in for letting whores in.
Its the default windows clipboard screenshot file type/size.
Man, I just don't get the point.
If your aim is to get attention while being titillated, you can cut out the middleman and go straight to cam sites.
A big reason why people always donate to streamers - not necessarily just the bimbos, but streamers in general - is getting noticed, right? That's why most of them have obnoxious subscriber notifications where your name shows up or your meme messages get read by voice to chat?
Well if you want that and you're also horny, just go to a camgirl's page. You can get all the attention you want while they shove a vibrator in their cooter instead of just teasing.
Cucks enjoy to be teased and feel like they are friends "with a gamer girl just like me".
>Man, I just don't get the point.
>If your aim is to get attention while being titillated, you can cut out the middleman and go straight to cam sites.
If you're a girl on a cam site and you're not at least a 9/10, doing some fucked up gimmick, or basically doing literally everything the chat tells you to, you get NOTHING.
It's why camwhores keep pushing the boundaries on noncam whore sites; People pay attention to you when you're the most erotic thing available.
>streaming community
>twitch community
again, who gives a shit?
if you dont like it, dont watch it.
>billions of dollars being made
>who gives a shit
How retarded are you?
We didn't watch liberal commies, look how that went.
Fuck cam sites. If they weren't sad cunts They could go to a strip club and actually get their dicks rubbed on by sluts
It doesnt affect me, and unless youre a mouthbreathing mongoloid it shouldnt affect you either
>It doesnt affect me
But it does, Twitch is actively shaping the gaming community.
I don't play shitty FOTM multiplayer games
I get the competition aspect from the camgirl/streamer's perspective, but I'm talking about from the point of view of the people watching them. If you're just some shmuck with a boner and a need for attention, it just doesn't make sense to me why you wouldn't go straight to a source where you get thanked for your donation and you also get to watch the girl shove stuff in her butt, as opposed to getting thanked and then the girl goes back to pretending to give a shit about Hearthstone.
What you're saying makes sense if you're the one making the product, but as a consumer, I'd rather get exactly what I want if I were in that position.