Last thread got archived, let's get this going again.
ITT: Post the you've logged the most hours in
Other urls found in this thread:
Play a lot of games away from Steam to be honest.
Having fun with Street Figher user?
With 4, yes.
bully me
the games I put 50+ hours into are usually on other systems
>tfw everyone sees BO3 as your most played game.
Sure, why not?
>387 hours in 5
>not having fun with it
user I think you have a problem
What matters is that you're having fun, user
I don't play much on PC but I have like 500/600 hours in Rocket League and Overwatch on PS4
user, why do you like shooters so much?
A drinking problem most likely since almost all of that was while drunk. Can't bear that game otherwise. Maybe when I get a character I actually like it will be alright.
Why are source games so comfy?
who are you hoping for senpai?
Sakura, Fei or the twins.
I dunno, because they are fun?
But they are getting stale
I should look into other genres.
H-how shit is my taste, Sup Forums?
I don't see anything wrong user.
(I don't play dota 2 anymore)
go on your profile under the community tab
then in the side part you should have "games"
and then it should take you to a list of your games
guessing steam stops tracking games if you uninstall them. Since these numbers seem really off.
TF2 is the best game ever made
>85% of people here having Team Cancer 2 in their list
I don't get disgusted easily, but hot damn.
send help
99% of the posts in these threads are just the same list of multiplayer shooters and procedurally generated indies with the occasional grand strategy autist. is it just a 'hey look guys i also play this same handful of immensely popular games for hundreds of hours' circle jerk?
would you rather we spend 100s of hours on shitty anime games?
are you me
Finally, someone who appreciates Elite Dangerous. Your other games are good too, no help needed
wew lad.
here's your (you)
I haven't touched any of these games in the past 2 months.
Even though it sucked, I do miss smnc or just mnc in general
No bully pls
>Has more hours in Battleborn than it's active player count