Does it add to her character?


Other urls found in this thread:örn/Quotes

Nope, its just pandering

what character


>shitty bait thread made by a newfag /polblr/


I'm sorry, but literally everyone on that game is beyond unlikable.

The least they all are is annoying.

>tfw you can't even disable their voices ingame w/o being punished for it.

You literally can't hear ults being used if you do that.

You are forced to hear their annoying and obnoxious voices.

Hey guys look! This blank shell of a "character" is lesbian!! Get the radical Muslims on the line this needs sorting out!

The scraps of character that Tracer has anyway are vile, unfunny, overplayed caricature

Not really but where blizzard fucked up was saying that there was a gay character at all. If they just showed her doing things couples do with her gf without bringing up the gay issue it wouldnt have bothered as many people as it did. Pic related is how you write a good gay character.

It just comes off as pandering to horny teenage boys to me.


Not at all, 'cause at the end of the day, people will still make sfm porn of her sucking dick.

>straight characters can shout at the top of their lungs about their love
>gay characters must be discrete and silent

the internet memeing D.Va into a gremlin was better character development than anything Blizzard has done with OW

People get annoyed at obnoxious straight characters too. Stop playing victim tumblr.

No but they have to fill the diversity quota somehow

Is there any voice lines or sprays that elude to her being a lesbian?

If not, then no, her being a lesbian in the comic doesn't add anything to her character.

>People get annoyed at obnoxious straight characters

Name one

Literally any shitty yandere waifu

Half the games out there today are about dudes saving their wives and girlfriends or have some party member talking about their girl back home.

just give her a taste of the dick

Where did I say that?

What's good about Bill is that he was more than a gay character. He was an neurotic asshole who happened to be gay. You can have a character be gay or straight without having their personality be affected by it or you can also have someone be a flaming homo, not that there is anything wrong with that.

Jann from VC is an example of the latter and while I liked him, I can't remember anything about him other than he liked largo and was really gay.

And you see posts complaining about "muh wife" and "muh gf" regarding said characters.

Name one

it is literally irrelevant in the context of the actual game
just like all the fluff for Overwatch

No you don't

>campaign SC2

DVa was a competitive player! cosplay ruined, maybe actually try next time you fucking scrub

>Woman dressed up as
> is canonically a Terran player
>Toss gameplay in the background
It's like they aren't even trying

no they teased that one of the cast being a fag for browny points, and it will probably never be brought up in the actual game.

Also everything goes to shit when lesbians get involved, just look at Spineratta

DVa was canonically a random player

When the fuck did they change that? I could have sworn she played Terran.

Not exactly a yandere, but PJ from Ace Combat Zero would not shut up about how he has a girl back at base. It was almost a relief seeing him get killed at the end. And then from games such as Persona, you have characters like Junpie and Yusuke go full retard over girls that's more annoying than funny.

Fallout 4

I don't think they ever changed it, it was always random.

Mandela Effect at its finest.

>complains about OW characters
>posts using junkrat avatar

People only complain in Fallout 4 because it's shitty for your character to be married no matter what, that's a dumb example

It never comes up during gameplay, so no.

And if it does, its near-unnoticeable to the point it might as well not exist.

>examples don't count unless I want them to
You asked for an example and you got one. Now fuck off with your fake outrage.

Overwatch heros don't have any characters. They're walking cardboard cutouts that are vaguely entertaining at best.

It doesn't particularly add or take away from that cardboard cutout in any way.

No, but it doesn't really detract from it, either. It doesn't come up in game, it barely changes anything at all.

The diversity in Overwatch doesn't really feel forced like it would in other games, since it's explicitly meant to be an international squad of superheroes in the far future. It comes across as more of an homage of cheesy saturday morning cartoons like GI Joe or Captain Planet.

Tokenism is shit, this thread is shit, tumblr is shit, Sup Forums is also shit, as a homo irl, there is nothing more annoying than obvious pandering. Being gay is not an attribute or fun fact to tack on to a "character" in order to garner attention from faggots such as OP.

It adds length and stiffness to my penis, and that's all that matters.

It doesn't count because it's a shitty example. People complained about being married in FO4 because it restricted role-playing, not because they thought they were annoyingly heterosexual.

Why do straights get mad at everything?

>make a lot of sprays and references to widow's husband
>no one bats an eye
>tracer kisses her gf once

Isn't that what they did? Show her spending Christmas with her girlfriend? Is kissing your significant other not something couples naturally do or something?

I don't understand what you mean. Bill was cool though.

No, but it is never brought up in game so its fine.

This isn't like bioware where there'll make a character gay, and the only words out of his mouth are "I LIKE MEN'S PENIS" in every scene of the game he's in.

>Does it add to her character?
naw the characters are meant to be somewhat shallow so tracer is now the gay one.

The characters are made purposefully shallow so self insert fags and waifu/husbando fags can project whatever they want onto them for them to enjoy in whatever fetishistic way the best want to.

so naw that shit added nothing other than labeling her the gay.

The real answer is Maybe. Maybe it will if we get more details maybe it won't if they don't ad anything more. It's not like people aren't motivated to fight for their loved ones, but most of what we've seen out of Tracer in her time with Overwatch suggest Emily really wasn't a factor.

>Game doesn't let you choose what map/side you want to play on
>go through servers trying to find anything I would like
>Get 0 exp for my next few games because Blizzard forgot what quickplay means

They really just do not give a shit about their game being good, huh? Fucking jews. Makes me glad their game is dying.

Considering the only "character" trait she had was sex appeal, yeah she's completely obliterated.

Imagine if it'd been Reaper and 76, THAT would actually add some small measure of poignancy to the fact that they ended up opposite sides of the same conflict

why do you care about not earning xp for a few games? at least you dont get booted off for 15 minutes like in sm4sh cause you get matched up with brs

Widow's 40 inch blue popsicle does.

because the best part of this game, by far, is the rush I get from opening lootcrates and spend time in the menu, which means less time in game actually playing this piece of shit

>bait post: the post

Not even trying/10

But if you go post this on reddit, I'm sure you'll get the attention you crave

Pissed off the most obnoxious group in gaming so it's worth it

No, I can confirm leaving quickplay games gives you penalties

You really should be able to choose what map you play on in quick play. I'd rather not ever have to play fucking Temple of Anubis ever again, god that map is shit

no ive seen gayer this is 12 year old emotionally stunted girls play

>no penetration
>no penis
>wheres the development???

I didn't deny that leaving QP gives you the penalty. It was all the other autism in that post that indicates that its just bait.

>she was raised by the wind
>turns into a lesbian
makes sense

how big would you say the dick fucking the first girl is? seems huge

Why not just go into arcade mode and make a 24/7 server?

I know 85% of the people who play Overwatch are retarded, but its not like Blizzard doesn't give you idiots every tool in the game to play the way you want.

Hot damn, sauce

It's pretty much the same if she had a male lover, as in it doesn't really effect anything in game. Pretty much every Overwatch character suffers from PG-13 syndrome anyways, so it's really hard to flesh them out in context of them fighting each other. Blizzard rounded them all out into being really generic and safe, anything in their backstory that implies suffering, pain, or loss is watered down into kiddy shit.
They took someone who's supposed to be some grizzled war veteran that they show in his videogame in a hellish frontline smashing robots and watching comrades died and turned him into Santa Claus. Reaper is supposed to have a lot of history with other characters and is pretty much in constant suffering but all you see is him giving edgy one liner quips to other people, he's just a cocky asshole. Widowmaker is handled a little better but still ends up as just a cocky asshole as well instead of a cold trained killer. Overwatch attempted to craft actual characters but it fell flat because they never committed to taking them all the way, TF2 characters are walking cookie cutter stereotypes but they pushed them to the extreme and squeezed every ounce of character and artistic liberty they could. Look at this shit:örn/Quotes
Look what happens when your characters aren't filtered through focus groups and corporate offices.

Are you implying Valve isn't corporate as all fuck?

Does it add to her character?

Here name IS Widowmaker, after all. Being brainwashed by Talon into killing her husband is a major part of her backstory.

The safest means of pandering to SJWs. Even some of them see through the bullshit, but most just sadly eat it up.

Well, it is a character trait, so yeah.

Does it take away from her character?

how is this poo still up?

Yea, because arcade goers are going to be enticed by "literally just volskaya, nothing changed". I get the idea, but arcade people only want "hide and seek", "sombra bossfight", and "everybody is gay".
It would just be straight easier to add an option to only go on attack, or only choose numbani, rather than have to find 11 other people that wanted a fun minigame to play numbani with you.
The only thing I talked about was my anger and penalties in quickplay. Being angry =/= autistic, anger is a normal human emotion

Makes my dick hard is all I care about.

Does it add to her character?