Defend this

defend this

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It's only the cost of a cup of coffee. What are you poor?

That's the first good thing a modern game device has ever done

I never used the web browser on the Wii U or 3DS so why would I use it now? The internet browser on my phone works fine.

Can't you find anything more important to nitpick than the lack of a web browser?

When was the last time you used the web browser on a console?

It's to reduce hacks.

I care only because it's a tablet and I don't have a tablet.

I used the wiiu one like once while playing mh3u. The amount of time it takes to load that shit youre better off just getting up and looking it up on the computer or phone. If it was fast and worked well it would be fine but i dont think any of the consoles have done this yet.

>The internet browser on my phone works fine.

Nintendo, more like Withoutendo.

yesterday in the living room quick because the PC is in my bedroom

why would you want a internet browser on your phone when you have one on your computer?

>no youtube or netflix app
how could they do this bros

you literally have to pay to play online and they don't even let you use your own fucking internet

this shit is disgraceful

Who the fuck actually browses the internet on their console?

okay. For starters console browsers are always shit but that's beside the point.

It's a console, it's for playing games. Everything else is accessory and i mean everything, not only the browsing but the media center capabilities as well.

It is not essential that a console can play movies or music, let alone use netflix, hulu and whatnot.
I won't deny it's convenient if the console can do those things but the console is under no obligation to replace your multimedia center or your smart tv.

people who don't have the console in the same room as the PC and may not want to browse on a tiny phone when they're in that room


Because if I'm using my Switch, Wii U, or 3DS I'm going to be laying down in my bed. I'd rather pull my phone out of my pocket than have to get up and go across the room to find what I need. Or I just use my wireless keyboard and mouse.

retards like op
in fact he's posting from his wiiU right now lmao what a faggot

Not him but i check Sup Forums while waiting for loading times

Hey the Wii U browser is the best browser

it's actually not bad

There's a web browser in there. It's needed for people who have to sign into Hotel Wifi and the like.

It's just not normally accessible.

they spent resources on important stuff? shit.

I have no shortage of devices with Web browsers. I'm not defending anything, but if I were to get a Switch a web browser would not be a factor at all. I doubt it is for the vast majority of people.

in the future people have pocket computers and video game consoles

>used to stream movies from wiiu browser before html5 killed it
>use ps4 everyday to stream movies
I'm sure there's a bunch of us normies that do this

Tons of people, not everyone will go hook their PC to the TV (heck, it's often not in the same room)

Personally I have a mini PC hooked to my TV though, but not everyone will pay for extra stuff.

that mini PC sure makes stuff like emulation a lot simpler than using hacked consoles anyway, can do whatever I want and don't even see the PC because it's so small and hidden.

This is true, didn't think of it that way before. I don't have a switch, but I never use the browser on my 3ds, Wii, PS3, PS4, Vita, so I was thinking, really what's the big deal? I guess you're right though, it is fucked up for them to charge you for internet and not include a browser when you're paying to use internet on your console.

yeah like hd rumble for ice cubes and being able to play botw at 5 fps

Wii U browser was convenient because you upload screenshots directly to Sup Forums.

>5 Fps
But that's not cemu

>shoving money down Nigtendos throat after last """""gen""""" that was the WiiU
wwww gaijin buy electronic scrap for many dorrars



Wii U browser is ace for videos, at least with a wired connection



aka faggots


Only time I used it was to upload screenshots and to load up Gecko for cheating.

>It's a console, it's for playing games
Feeling a bit delusional today? shouldn't a supposed game console have some games then?

>No games
>No browser
>No chance

I actually wouldn't even give a shit about nintendo jewing it up again, but I'm never buying anything they put out while the treehouse is actively censoring "problematic" content in vidya I want to buy. I still haven't bought XCX despite being beyond fucking hyped for it prior to release.

>defend this

This thread didn't need more than one reply.

It's the main security flaw on every console

>buy videogame console
>to surf the internet

Honestly, has any of you fucks even used the WiiU's, PS3's, XBONE, Wii's, Vita's, 3DS' or PS4's web browser?

> using a console browser
> ever

No one has outside of trying it out or used it to hack their systems. If someone says "yes" he's a liar.

Alright, to make sense of why this is an issue since the OP didn't, let me explain with greentext.

>Half of the Switch's selling point is it's mobility
>Need internet to play some games (Splatoon)
>There is no 3G option or anything similar
>Wifi hotspots require a landing page (internet browser) to sign in and allow the device to use their wifi
>No browser means this is impossible, thus killing that entire function at day one.

I use to stream movies/ shows from the PS3 / Wii u browser

it doesn't have a browser because it's a game machine
if you want a netflix machine get a ps4 or pc

Don't care in the slightest. Already have a computer and a phone that can do that.

Oh no now I only have 367 devices with a web browser instead of 368. Fuck you Nintendo!

>Wifi hotspots require a landing page (internet browser) to sign in and allow the device to use their wifi
>No browser means this is impossible, thus killing that entire function at day one

>he doesn't know that the switch actually does have a Web browser for logging into wifi hotspots

the ps2 was a fucking dvd player that could play games too over a decade ago and this shit can't even do a google search in CURRENT YEAR?


>New console
>Pay to play online

>Which is okay, but:
>Have to communicate over your phone
>VOIP is over your phone
>Browser is on your phone
>Your phone is basically the peripheral for the console.

Well I guess they fixed that issue then. Knowing that, the Switch not having a browser turns into a nonsense complaint.

who cares? if i need to use the internet i use my computer

Ah, yes. A valid and pertinent question.

If I may pose a counter-question.

Why should my video gaming device have to do literally anything other than play videogames?

It's a Gaming Machine.....
Not a Web Browser.

>video gaming device
Nintenbabbies playing pretend with their doorstop.


You mean that thing that you can already do with three other devices you own? Wow, what a crime.
Next you'll tell me it's bad because it doesn't play dvd/bluray discs
There are plenty of things wrong with the Switch to criticize it for. Don't shit on it for not having something they were right not to waste time on.

Nintendo is easily the most pathetic company that exist.

I think the only glaring flaw in the switch is the plastic screen. Not only is it annoying having to get a screen protector (Especially when the only glass one I can find is like $18), but there is something about the plastic screen that has a strange shimmering effect.

>no games
>Posts picture from best game from the past century
>Mario Kart 8 is out next week
>Splatoon 2 and ARMS are coming out soon after
>Tons of indie and third party support
>Sonyfags will claim that it has no games

>Vita shipped with the highest HTML5-compliant browser, even against consoles
>Switch launches with a gimped browser

Nintendoes the opposite of Sony, therefore Switch will....succeed?

they gimped all the features because they were afraid of hacks. it'll still get hacked within a year or two, some progress has already been made using the hidden browser.

This. Browsers on gaming devices are all shit. Literally none of them are good.

>not just using the clover app

I used to browse the web on my PSP back in the day

the most successful consoles in years was a dvd and netflix player too

>Video Game Console

I remember trying to do that through the middle of PSP's life, and boy did websites start stressing the 32mb of ram on that handheld too hard.

>Posts picture from best game from the past century
LOL at port. Also not even best game that week.
>Mario Kart 8 is out next week
>Splatoon 2 and ARMS are coming out soon after
wagglan kiddie game
>Tons of indie and third party support
Literally scraping bottom of barrel here user. You can put a post-it note on the screen and play tic-tac-toe on it too.
>Sonyfags will claim that it has no games
Because it had no games, you retard

Splatoon 2 isn't a port you nerd, and ARMS has a regular control mode just like Punchout.

If Sony or Big M did this they be eternally btfo by everyone.

Nintendo can't into securing their shit so instead of trying and failing in matter of hours/days they decided to strip everything instead a ship barebones system.
Once there's enough Switches out there they'll issue system update with browser.

It's a game console, not a PC.

m8 they literally defend the switch warping saying it helps when carrying it in a rear pocket


>Portable gaming device in 2017
>Can't connect to the internet anywhere with an in-browser verification





I have a computer and a phone that do both those things. I dont browse the web on my ps4 or 3ds. Seriously, whats the fucking point

To keep the Mcdonalds wifi using poorfags off of multiplayer games.

>defend this
defend what? I only ever use it to play Zelda. Though I did think of watching some porn on it from time to time.

>Nintendo switch
>Being elitist about multiplayer games

This is rich my homie. Rich.

Enjoy your mcnuggets Tyrone.

Enjoy getting your competitive rocks off to a game about people with slinkies for arms, Steven.

Will do you broke ass nigger

>>Your phone is basically the peripheral for the console.

In a weird way isn't that a good thing? Everyone's got a smartphone these days, so isn't it better to have your phone as a peripheral instead of having to shell out however much extra for web browser, VOIP, and other miscellaneous shit?

It has a built in browser that works just for this kind of authentication

It's shut off from normal access to try get rid of hackers

It doesn't work lol
(Maybe they could try run it in a lightweight VM of some kind?)


who says this

who is 'they'

>Reverse nintenovation

fuck you

>Gamecube got hacked trough a browser
>Wii got hacked trough a browser
>Wii U got hacked trough a browser
>NDSi got hacked trough a browser
>3DS/N3DS got hacked trough a browser

Guess why.


>fucking SONYFAGS of all people claiming that something has no games
