Ask the totem about your fate.
Will the totem spare this thread?
Ask the totem about your fate.
Will the totem spare this thread?
Will Sup Forums ever have dubs again?
will me and him get married someday
will anyone ever love me romantically
Only on /vint/
Will it get better and back to normal?
will i ever stop drinking?
Will she ever date me?
>ask again
WILL Sup Forums
The totem knows.
those crash remakes are gonna be good right?
aw :(
Will I ever get laid?
Will everything work out for me so long as I keep trying my best?
if quints my life will be worse than CWC's
Will PC get Persona 5?
>2.13 MB
>That resolution
I ain't clicking that shit, nigga
Will I live to see what the totem has to say in response to this question?
Fucking brutal.
yo is that a fucking qr code hidden in there
Is this program worth it
does that girl hate me
Should I go to bed?
Will I ever get married?
Can I just die already?
After some photoshop I got this.
Can anyone scan it?
Will my love quest ever end?
will I be cleared by my gynecomastia by the end o the year?
Will I ever be a cool guy?
Last thread he said never... I guess he's getting impatient... since I asked twice
Will I ever lose my virginity?
Nigga I ain't getting my phone possessed by some demon
Good luck user
Will I get laid for the first time this year like I have a sneaking suspicion I will?
Will Contact 2 ever be made?
is Sup Forums shit?
Fuck you totem, I'll prove wrong. I'll prove you all wrong.
Not a valid code apparently
Gotta go fast?
>i leave for one second and this dead CWC totem meme is all over the fucking board
Is this just a case of one guy trying to push something old or what.
Chris sold it for money to pay off debt (read: buy skylanders and get into even more debt) and the person who bought it for 1500 is an user and posted it here.
Oh my God he hasn't seen the threads.
Will the girl I like reciprocate my feelings?
Okay, thanks for the tip. What i get for leaving for a little i guess.
Will the next Zelda be another open world game?
well, we all already know this.
will I pass the exam
>will I pass the exam
>just jerk off
what did he mean by this
Will I get the Dark Souls board game next week?
Just jerk off.