Is Dark Souls 2 better than Bloodborne?
Is Dark Souls 2 better than Bloodborne?
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I plugged 80+ hours into DS2 (and am still playing it). Bloodborne only got 35 hours out of me. Obviously quantity over quality isn't on its own a good thing. So, here's why DS2 is the better game for me:
>PvP that actually works. Both games have dead playerbases, but it's 100x easier to duel, invade, or be summoned to duel in DS2.
>Bonfire Ascetic, so you can choose when and where NG+ happens without having to start from scratch
>Weapon, armor, and playstyle variety. Unfair critique against Bloodborne, since BB is clearly more of a simple Action game, whereas DS2 is a real Action RPG. For example, in BB, the only viable playstyle is rolling/dashing. In DS2, you can be a roller, blocker, archer, or sorcerer.
>Poise system
>Manual NG+. It's so stupid that BB immediately tosses you into NG+.
>Performance that doesn't chug like piss. Playing 60fps on PS4 is so perfect.
Now, there are plenty of things BB does better. Art, enemy placement, sound design, logical level placement (fuck hbomberguy for defending Iron Keep, faggot), story (although DS2 has a better lore than Sup Forums thinks), etc.
As an experience, BB most reminds me of RE4. It's a really, really strong Action game that I will replay many times in the future. But it's not an Action RPG that you can sink your teeth into.
DS2 wins baby.
no the guy above me is a retarded nigger
I don't care that iron keep is on top of a windmill. I'm more bothered by how bad it is as a level - stupid design, too many dudes, crap boss. Only outdone by shitty ass earthen peak immediately before it
>is the worst game in the series better than the best game in the series
This is now a character rate thread.
Is this pasta?
I'll give it an 8 mate
weak, I put in 10 days into bloodborne, and platinumed it too
>Demon's Souls
Best level design
>Dark Souls
Best world design
>Dark Souls II
Best PvP on release
Best music, combat, story, and atmosphere
>Dark Souls III
Best PvP now
The new DS3 DLC weapons went full weeaboo
That is a completely meaningless complaint, if japshit bothers you then you're playing the wrong series. Try shitty western games instead.
DaS3 also has the best bosses.
Wrong, that would be Bloodborne, but DaS3 does have the best bosses out of the entire series and comes close to Bloodborne.
Its not a complaint. Calm your ass down
Ds2 had a pretty nice pve experience.
Including more npc summons and invasions, two whole covenants that actually did something.
It was pretty nice if you ignore the fact that PvE was awful and unsatisfying in basically every way.
Go to bed Kaz.
Not underage and not bait.
From an objective standpoint on all design aspects of these games, the order of quality is
DS2SotFS >> DS1 > DeS > BB = DS3
Buy my numba one praystation brudborn bundaroo roundeye.
Old Iron King > Ivory King > Artorias of the Abyss > Sunken King > Old Hunters > The Ringed City > Ashes of Ariadel
anything else is a meme opinion
not this again...ugh...
I mean, I guess the DLC aside from the first are good but you have to sit through DS2 to get to them.
I'd say not. It's hard to say which game is the best, but the worst one is definitely 3. That is undisputed.
DS2 above anything is a meme option
yes, because everything that said but also it's the last souls game to be true the original dark souls gameplay style. Dark Souls 3 is too inspired by Bloodborne with it's ninja flippy combat style and no poise. Bloodborne ruined the last dark souls game.
nice butt
Dark souls 1 > 2 > BB
Bloodborne is the most overrated game on Sup Forums.
As someone who's an actual fan of the whole franchise that didn't start with Bloodborne and then pretend I'd played DeS and rank it high: here's a better look:
Including ALL DLC:
DaS2 > DaS > Bb > DaS3 > DeS
Before you rush to respond in your retardation, just remember:
• PVP is a weak point in the series but Dark Souls 2 SotFS has the best online experience of any game when it comes to Co-Op and PVP
• More people have pretended to play Demon's Souls than maybe any other game on this board. Most of those people started with Bb.
Stop samefagging.
I don't even really hate DaS2, but pretending that BB doesn't shit all over it is just delusional.
>Dark Souls 2 being above ANYTHING
commit sudoku
DaS3 > DaS1 > Bb > DeS > POWERGAP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DaS2
bloodborne is pretty shit 2bh
>fedora tipping weapon and armor style
>worst pvp of any game i played in recent history
>muh fast paced combat
Bloodborne is better, but I still liked DaSII more because at that point I was only 60% burnout on Souls game whereas after beating it, the Souls magic was lost to me and BB didn't grab me like it would have otherwise.
>• PVP is a weak point in the series but Dark Souls 2 SotFS has the best online experience of any game when it comes to Co-Op and PVP
Which is why having the "best" PvP (Co-op was shit because the rest of the game was mediocre in DS2) for a patch or two early in its lifespan before incompetent attempts at balance patches ruined anything fun about the game is not grounds for it to be ranked higher than any of the other games all of which didn't take 20 steps back from their predecessors.
>• More people have pretended to play Demon's Souls than maybe any other game on this board
More people pretend to like DS2 than any other game on this board.
Old Hunters = Artorias of the Abyss > The Ringed City > Ivory King >>>>>>> Sunken King > Ashes of Ariandel > Old Iron King
What is so bad about Ds3 anyway?
All I've heard is pandering, but how does that just turn a game into complete shit?
BB > DaS 1 > DeS > DaS3 >>> DaS 2
DaS 2 was the game where they tried a lot of cool new concepts, a lot of which should have been incorporated into DS3 (hence its lower ranking) but took a gigantic fat taco shit all over everything else that was good about Demon's/Dark Souls.
It's bad because people liked it more than DS2 and DS2 fans are contrarians who will excuse the massive flaws with the game because the DLCs after the first were almost up to the quality standards of the rest of the series.
You'd have to be a idiot to think DaS2 is a notable game. The last one also implies the other Souls games are notably great games too. DaS1/DeS are solid BB is great DaS2/3 are mediocre.
BB > DS2 > DaS > > DS3 > DeS
>level design
DaS > DS2 > > BB > DeS > DS3
DS2 = BB > > DaS > DeS > DS3
DaS > DS2 > > DeS > BB > DS3
DS2 > > > DeS > DaS > BB = DS3
DS2 > > > DeS > DaS > BB = DS3
literally the best
Wrong. The DLC may have the best bosses in the series, but it doesn't truly count when half of the base game bosses are mediocre.
DaS2 > Bb
These are the only two I've played
If by half you mean none, then I suppose so.
Ds2 had music?
Also, while the build variety was a bit better, I can't forgive that they just gave every similar weapon the exact same moveset.
Oh, I get it now. You're nothing but a s0nygger. Here's your (You), sonybro :^)
Bb has the worst characters and the most vague lore in the series. Basically nothing is explained and it can almost all attribute to headcannon.
Very nice list but I have some adjustments
I've never understood the "build variety" meme about DS2.
Every weapon in each class was basically identical, and each class had one weapon that was just straight better than the others in its class, and in the game's state as of SOTFS the only build in PvP that could win was a rapier or straight sword with ROBFLYNN, chloranthy ring, and stone ring. Heavy weapons were worthless because the stone ring nullified poise entirely on a fast weapon, and every other weapon class had DPS that wasn't remotely comparable to rapiers and straight swords. SOTFS as it was when it released was as bad as DS3 on release, except DS3 had better backstab/riposte handling.
I have to agree honestly.
>Level design of Das2 superior to BB.
How to invalidate someone's opinion right away. Also forgetting about DaS last third of the game lul.
I never understand why Bbfags always say Bloodborne has the best story. None of them really have a story
>Shields are bad
DaS == DeS > DasII > Bb > DaSIII
Its the best one.
This is so all over the place wrong I can't believe it's not intentional.
I don't want to re-type your whole fucking post, just know that it's fucking awful.
Played every game but DeS, and DS2 has easily the worst music, level design, and bosses in the series.
Shit taste, laddie.
>Majula theme slowly fades in
From's magnum opus was Otogi come at me faggots
every game in the series has shit bosses except for Bloodborne.
puzzle tier shit, barely any challenge
O&S is the only good boss outside the DLC
Sinn and Alonne are the only good bosses. Fume Knight is alright but the whole fight looks like it belongs in a Dreamcast game
weeb shit trying to emulate Bloodborne and failing
>curse rotted greatwood
>deacons of the deep
all dog shit bosses and the only hard boss in the base game is nameless king and in dlc the only hard boss is friede
DS2 >> DaS > DeS >> Poop Colors >> DS3 = BB
Bb graphics are ugly. It's one of its flaws.
From an online stand-point, yes. I would rather hang out and put real time into DaS2 than BB.
BB is worth a couple playthroughs and that's about it.
DaS2 is the kinda game where you can hang out in a zone for hours co-oping/invading people.
I don't mean just the weapons for build variety. Ds2 added more types of builds, with powerstancing, hexes, infusions, and even a way to redistribute your stats at anytime if you have the item for it.
But yeah, the weapons were ass.
I agree dark souls 2 best souls game. If you would like to know why then you just haven't gotten good yet.
>jabba the hut
>circlestrafe to win
>circlestrafe to win but there's 2 this time
>easymode regular Ornstein solo
>Giant Lord
>this boss isn't hard so we just made you fight three at once
>this boss isn't hard so we just lowered the lock-on range
>belfry gargoyles but there's more this time
>three trash mob-tier enemies that break down into literal trash mobs (one type of which was nerfed)
>run down a hallway and pull a lever for the real boss fight (with three attacks)
>giant flaming demon that really, really, really slowly punches the arena, please dont casually walk out of range of my attack
>literally a bunch of rats
>literally a bunch of trash mobs
Yeah man, DS2 is pure boss kino
Good taste.
There were about 3 or 4 powerstances that were usable and only because they were ones where you could R1->L1 combo, or ones where you could oneshot people with a single L1. Powerstancing was a really good idea with really shitty execution.
Nerfed into uselessness
See above
>even a way to redistribute your stats anytime
DS3 did this too, but yes, this was one of the best things about DS2.
I like the weapons in DS2, you can actually use the offhand.
Ringed City weapons shit on them though.
>this boss isn't hard so we just lowered the lock-on range
Which one is this?
lol i'm not the fag that was defending ds2 i think its the worst of the 3 but can you list the bosses instead of posting circlestrafe to win because almost all of the bosses are that
I just started to play DS1, I really can't understand why people love it. There's not a single good thing I can say about it, aside from shit. I'm not enjoying at all, just playing to finish it and be done with it.
I wish could keep playing DS2, it's such a great game all in all. Sure, it had few issues, but they're very much far and between. I wish I was playing DS2 during its release window.
>DasII >>> DeS >>>> DaSIII > Bb > DaS
What? No. God no.
I'm a contrarian faggot that likes DS2 a lot and even I don't think it was as good as BB.
ringed city weapons look cool as hell but when a new DLC comes out everyone screams and cries about how the new weapons are SO BROKEN because the DLC JUST CAME OUT and nobody knows how to counter anything yet
paired greatswords never got a nerf
and that's because they don't NEED one
DaS1 is so overrated. Its a really really bad game
The Lost Sinner
If you get the key from the belfry gargoyles you can even get rid of that gimmick so it's just a boring boss.
I mean circlestrafing is usually an overpowered tactic but most bosses will eventually punish it. The Dragonrider literally cannot hit you if you just walk in circles around him while locked on, I think that's the only boss in the series that applies to.
Anyway every single Souls game has a ton of shit bosses. Every boss in the Valley of Defilement that wasn't Astrea, the literal trash mob bosses in the burg in DS1, the reskins of the tutorial boss in DS1, Ceaseless Discharge, etc.
DS1 is pretty overrated but it had the best world design of all the games, everything was connected in a sensical way (for how the world was presented) and it was the least linear.
DS2 was a trash game though, don't know how you can think it was better than DS1 at all other than the few poorly-implemented attempts at improving it, or the netcode making the online playable.
Dark souls 2 has the misfortune of being part of the series. It handles some aspects very well, better than the other games in my opinion (the way it treats the undead curse for example). It's level design is mediocre and so many people call it bad. I assume it's because they've never actually played a bad game.
Anyone who hates Dark Souls 2 is a contrarian.At least 2 could keep me hooked, but in 1 i played 10 hours and got bored. Then again, Sup Forums always had shit tier opinions.
No, but Lords of the Fallen is.
>"Muhh floaty, unrealistic movement!"
Fuck off, casual shitter.
You know, the only thing I hate about DaS was the fact that 4 Kings was basically just a DPS check
Everything else about the game was fucking mint
>Anyone who hates Dark Souls 2 is a contrarian.
It's the other way around though? DS2 is worse than all the other games in the series, it's a fact. Slower combat, shitty level design, laughable world design, shitty story outside of the DLCs, the most absolutely shitty bosses, patches that made the unsatisfying, boring weapons even more unsatisfying with constant nerfs because of PvP whiners, etc.
>83 replies
>38 posters
Way to out yourselves as samefag shitposters, DaSIIcucks
>talking about Lords of the Forgotten
They're both shit games so one is not better than the other because they're both shit.
We dont talk about that game.
DaS has terrible bosses my dude. How is that above DaS3 for any reason besides nostalgia?
I love how 'slow combat' shifts from compliment to insult depending on whether or not people are referring to 1 or 2.
No, it's an issue with 1 as well, but 1 is still faster than 2.
DaS2 would be average/good if not one thing..
ACTION ("""RPG""")
No, I'm not talking about people ignoring how slow the combat in 1 is. I've heard a ton of love for how slow and clunky the combat system is in 1 but I guess everyone who thought so died before 2 was released.
Well all of the Souls games are slow, DS2 was just unbearably slow due to forced midrolls + slow stamina regen and high stamina use.
Rolling is overpowered. 3's pvp is a shitfest, partly due to the rolling being so much better than 2's.
No, the rolling has nothing to do with it. The forced midrolls in 2 create the opposite problem where nobody attacks because anyone using a real weapon gets a free hit in on you if you roll.
2's pvp is a shitfest too though
Badly timing your roll is punishable? Wow, how horrid. I think there should be some weight behind your actions.