anybody work or has worked here? any storys you can share please
I clock in. I do retail work like checking stock and handling customers. I clock out. I go home.
Fucking GameStop.
>Get job at Gamestop in 2007.
>Do my orientation, learn about the store, etc.
>Turns out, assistant manager hired me, not the store manager.
>Store manager wasn't told to hire anyone nor were they looking for anyone.
>Was let go after 2 days of employment.
>Given a $25 gift card for the misunderstanding.
Man back then we had so many Fucking GameStop threads.
Remember Sup Forums? I...I miss them.
no way! really? thats fucked up man
I work at gamestop and am not a fan of the job, very much.
>$25 gift card
>for fucking gamestop
did you even use it? what did you buy?
Yup. I needed the job at the time, too, but I ended up working at a restaurant instead.
One of the Def Jam games. Lol.
What kind of fucking incompetent manager has someone be "unauthorized" get hired and work for two whole days before noticing?
they could have at least gave you a used console or something
A GameStop manager.
>First day at gamestop
>Just me and the manager
>TV plays a commercial for Sleeping Dogs every other commercial
>After 5 hours of the same commercial my manager flips out
>Takes Kinectimals discs and throws them around the store like shurikens
>Kept calling up the managers for the other stores in the city and screamed the commercial at them word for word.
>I'm dying laughing the entire time
>Manager finishes his tantrum after about an hour.
>Ask him when Sleeping Dogs releases
>He sends me home for the day.
He didn't even get in trouble for this.
>you got paid for the 2 days we had you work
Fucking entitled children.
I used to call other stores and ask them to ship me all of their copies of Battletoads for the Dreamcast. This was like two years ago. Also, I was an ASM for the company if anyone has any questions.
Fortunately I don't have to deal with abnormally stupid people, just niggers who come in high and have to have things repeated to them two or three times and old people who don't understand what a return policy is.
It sucks, but I have no other jobs to take so I suck it up. Besides, if I can excel at a job I despise then when I finally find something I like I'll be good.
t. SGA (third key)
he never said if he did or didnt get paid retard. even if he didnt 2 days of work for 25$ is nothing
He obviously got paid retard. It's a major corporation and this country has these things called labor laws.
>Worked Holiday 2014
>First week was Black Friday weekend
>Never called in again
Yall got sat Madden.
How did he even get the manager position?
oh yeah this is gamestop we're talking about...
Yep, not so fond memories that consisted of:
>Incompetent scumbag store manager bringing in his dirty laundry to work every shift involving divorce with wife.
>Said store manager having stalker he had affair with calling store every day to see if he's there
>Hired two girls that were barely 16 solely because he thought they cute (he was 36)
>Supposedly fooled around with one of the girls
>Got fired for constantly faking inventory and ringing items we didn't have to boost sales
You would be surprised.