Do you think he'll spend the rest of his life being depressed how he wasn't in MGSV and Kojima dumped him for a...

Do you think he'll spend the rest of his life being depressed how he wasn't in MGSV and Kojima dumped him for a Hollywood big shot?

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should be thankful he dodged a bullet

Did he? He probably would have made buku bucks had Kojima not dumped him for "le TV star lol"

I've legit seen him on bus stop signs here in LA

literally who

Somehow I'm not sure this is bait

Hopefully. Kiefer is way better.

This meme needs to die. Kiefer was just as bad as Hayter's latest performances, he was just a different kind of bad. At least Hayter's shitty voice acting was iconic.

>This meme needs to die. Kiefer was just as bad as Hayter's latest performances, he was just a different kind of bad. At least Hayter's shitty voice acting was iconic.

iconic bad. his voice was so shit. MGS2,3 and 4 was so shit he growled all the time


Except keifers voice is more iconic

*gasp* METEL GEER!?!?!?!

He became HORRIBLE after MGS3 though. He just sounds like a guy trying to sound like Snake.

Compared to something like Phone Booth Kiefer's performance definitely felt phoned in, not that V offered much for him to even work with. I would have liked to have kept Hayter because I think the continuity would help hit home the whole "You are Big Boss now" message a little better for longtime fans. But V was so disappointing I'm mostly ambivalent to whole argument. Neither of them were going to redeem or ruin the game.

among normies MAYBE

among gamers not a chance

I wish David did the voice but Keifer was just fine

There's that word again.

Keifer and Hayter will both be in Death Stranding.
They even have a tag-team finishing move.

"David who? Sounds like a fag."

Since when is Kiefer being better than Hayter a meme?

Definitely. Hayter's career is over, especially after all of his twitter rants.

Will he cameo in Death Stranding?

No, but Kiefer hopefully will.

Keifer is way fucking better.
Kojimbo should have gave him more lines.

Kojima dumped him because he phoned in his performances in the following games:

>Portable Ops

3 strikes and you're out. I don't care if you're the best voice actor ever, if you fuck up 3 roles in a row any competent director is going to cut you.

Kojimo pls.
Being Snake's voice is all he's got going in his life.
Don't take that way

MGSV was fucking garbage, Sutherland's performance was mediocre, Konami is cancer, Kojima's a hack and Hayter's a bitch
Nothing more needs to be said

>mfw I found out he was a gun grabber

Hayter will not be missed.


This. I can literally still hear his voice when I think of those games. Kojima made the series worse by dropping him.

Fucking chief kief had as much right taking the job as a 2 year old vietnamese boy.

At least Kiefer barely talked.

Hayter sat and laid out hundreds of hours of garbage dialogue,

Is Keifer actually a nice guy? I mean he went to an awards show for a fucking video game in Kojimas stead

No, he's a filthy pirate

Probably fun to drink with

seems like a fun nice guy, unlike Hayter who is still having a bitchfit over MGSV and still bitching about VA strike

>still having a bitchfit
>2 year old tweet

still bitching on twitter 2 years later

>Do you think he'll spend the rest of his life being depressed how he wasn't in MGSV

You joking?

MGSV was a dumpster fire. He's probably glad he doesnt have his name in that shitheap now.


maybe a dumpster fire, but it will be a $8M paycheck for him.

Sutherland's performance was really good. The problem is they intentionally left out 99% of his dialogue. This was to push the bullshit "you are big boss" lie. This concept was thrown together to hide the fact 90% of the game was unfinished. Most obviously the plot and I'm not just talking about Chapter 3. There is no substance to any of the "plot" because the game has no narrative or characters to drive the plot. This is due to stilted dialogue which comes from a lack of character interactions. You don't know what to feel because everything is exposition with zero character building. Big Boss being virtually a mute is part of this.

Sutherland is better overall. I would be fine with him just playing BB but he would make a good SS too. Hayter isn't bad. In retrospect having Hayter or not doesn't matter due to the intentional cutting of dialogue.

>critically acclaimed and financially successful
>dumpster fire
Fuck off Hayter, you havn't been good since MGS2

Hayter has stated he was merely following what the voice director was instructing him to do. You can look up his actual comments.

>>critically acclaimed and financially successful

What, MGSV? Lol it flopped, what are you talking about.

That's just what they told him to sound like.
He's gone to conventions and can still do MGS1 Snake.

>ditch voice actor who provides an iconic and unique voice
>hire some celebrity for bullshit reasons
>because hollywood talent, probably cost a shit ton of more money
>Snake has only a few lines of dialogue in the entire game

WOW what the fuck was the point in the end?

Lad you're acting really stupid right now.

Hayter getting $4M in MGS4, while Sutherland only got paid with $500000 in GZ and TPP

He sounded fine in MGS4.. he was supposed to sound old, because Old Snake. He did it perfectly.

I do agree he was shit in PO and PW though. But to be fair, those were PSP games originally. Who really pays attention to voice acting through some shitty portable speakers? But it came back to bite him in the ass once the HD version of PW came out on the PS3.

He shouldn't be mad at all. Kojima kept him far away from MGSV and hired his Venom Snake, Kiefer, to take the heat off of Hayter. If Konami ever does another MGS thing, which is unlikely (what happened to SurVive?), they'll probably go after Hayter in an attempt to save face. MGSV is an unfinished game and Hayter should be happy he wasn't wasted on that game. He's in the real MGS5 anyway--Peace Walker.

he sounded like Dark Knight Batman since MGS2. fuck it was the worst with MGS4

>what are you talking about.
The real world, and not memes that get shitposted constantly on Sup Forums.

Not a meme. David overacts every line he does. He sounds like your typical anime dub voice actor. Ditching him was the correct choice.

>(what happened to SurVive?)

Shit, I literally forgot this game was a thing.

What DID happen to it? Was it cancelled? I wouldn't be surprised.

its beaucoup, friend

The opposite, he has no range.

So what, he was in MGS2, MGS4 and Peace Walker and those are pieces of shit.
No, Kojimadrones, your epic as fuck le post modern le masterpiece is not ''kino''.