I love Tharja!

I love Tharja!

I love Reisen!

I love Daisy!

I love Fuuka!


I love Yukari

I hate Seija!

Fuuka is garbage.

I-I love you user!!

Fuuka is an angel!
Pure and Selfless!

I'm going to marry Ashley!

i wish someone loved me

I love Amy.

Tharja is my wife

Who the fuck keeps making these threads

Maybe your wife is cheating you.

Me obviously.

Why are you even asking that question?

>implying Tharja isn't MY waifu

Fuck off, fags.

You're consistent at least, I'll give you that

Nice trips

Only her daughters are lovable.

Kill yourself


I'd rather not. Someone has to keep that crazy bitch away from my Noire.

Tfw want to like Carmilla

but I just can't

help bros

Cherche is the best!

I'm going to grope Fatchouli!