Can Sup Forums explain to me why it's worth spending $40 for fucking Tetris in the year 2017?
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Because it's a good game.
But I'm not spending $40
PPT is the best puzzle game I've ever played and I'm happy people outside of Japan and importers can play it now too.
Which you can play for free online...
why the fuck do you give a shit m8? its not your money.
>$20 for Tetris
>$20 for Puyo Puyo
there you go
I want the keychains
>if you don't like it don't buy it xddd
Literal Reddit. Not even memeing on this.
Can Sup Forums explain to me why it's worth spending $20 for fucking Tetris in the year 2017?
Why's the PS4 version $10 cheaper
Because KEYCHAINS!!!
I spent 40 bucks then, I'mma spend 40 bucks now
You can think of it as paying $40 for Puyo Puyo, get Tetris for free.
They only care about the Tetris portion.
And don't overestimate how curious people actually are.
Puyo Puyo alone is worth the $40 tbqh.
Because I am spending $40 for Puyo.
It's a Puyo Puyo game that Tetris happens to be guest starring in.
It's a totally fair price besides you get waifus. No other tetris version has had waifus.
It says its 30 in the eshop.
Can Sup Forums explain to me why it's worth spending $40 for fucking Puyo Puyo in the year 2017?
They know people want shit to play on their new Switch and aren't competing with as many games, so they can get away with it.
Unless Nintendo has some weird pricing requirement we don't know about.
PS4 has no keychains
It's a new playmode that's not available elsewhere, besides you gain active online for a couple weeks.
Are you seriously talking shit 'bout Puyo Puyo?
Keychains. It's the same price digitally as the PS4 so you can buy that
You idiots need to learn. The OP wants to discuss PPT but needs to use a bait OP to avoid claims of being a general.
Magical Drop is better
Isn't this game banned from streaming for some stupid reason?
30$ is a totally fair price for an arcade game.
Only in nipponland
Because there are barely any games on Switch and the drones need something to drum up hype for.
Because Tetris is literally the best and most pure game ever made
Puyo Puyo is a bonus and the game has great style and charm
FYI it's $30 if you buy it digitally on the switch
Yeah, japanese devs are strict about it, I don't really understand, but there aren't any limits on europoor or amerifat copies.
Why would they do that? Who cares about story in a Puzzle game anyway?
>you will never convince your friends to play Puyo Puyo with you
>you will never have friends
What modes does this game have? Is it just the standard stuff?
It's a shame because this is the type of game the joycons would be great for.
>besides you gain active online for a couple weeks.
Why only a couple weeks?
>tfw you showed your friends the PPT demo and they got real into it
>tfw you're the only one with a switch
Story, Vs, Online, 6 Endless modes, Missions, Puzzles, Swap, Fusion, Tetris Vs Puyo.
It's got a story mode, but other than that, yeah. It's interesting because you can do versus on different modes, meaning one person playing tetris against the other playing puyopuyo. no idea if it's balanced or how well.
because shitters won't keep playing this game they'll move onto mk8dicks or whatever else
The kiddies and housewives will grow bored with it in a month or so. Only hardcore Japanese neets will be left after that.
It's the one and only puzzle game you will need for the rest of your life
I got the keychains today since my store got it early.
They have some heft to it and the puyo one is much nicer than the T
I played a lot of Mean Bean Machine when I was younger, and I heard that was actually Puyo Puyo minus best girl. Would I enjoy this?
mbm didn't even have offset how could you enjoy it
Yeah sure.
Do they come in the box or does the counter give you it?
Dunno what that means bruh
I still have no idea what the fuck Puyo Puyo is, it looks like tetris but it isn't.
how can anyone ask this question when people are paying $60 to have 12 hour SJW muh female protagonist self playing tripe. shills working overtime against a puzzle game that will always be good
Offset is a casual rule.
what's even more amazing is the quality of this thread compared to the one we had last night through this morning
what the fuck Sup Forums
>I got the keychains today
>no pics
Come on
The box is made of flimsy cardboard.
Inside is the gamecase, the two keychains in a shitty plastic pouch that mines cut right through, and a buncha napkin paper to pad the box.
And no, im not kidding about a stack of paper used to pad/support the inside of the box
I would gladly spend $40 for a Tetris Grand Master switch version.
Instead with get this monstrosity of Tetris. SRS is just a terrible rotation system. I really wish ARS2 would become the standard in the official tetris game. Tired of using rotation system made for retarded players.
You were probably born in the 90's or even after.
Hopefully the people coming for Tetris can learn to appreciate and get into Puyo as well. It's a genius concept.
*breathes in*
Fucking TETRIS. this, BOTW, 1, 2 switch is seriously all these thing has to offer
well thats enough game modes for me.will get day 1
What does Sup Forums think of Kindergartener Arle?
Blame the Tetris company, they enforce the guidelines on Sega.
Besides I heard Vs mode was kinda shit in TGM, you don't need Vs.
Most people know the series as Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, but it's a reskin of Puyo. You put 4 blobs of the same color together with an emphasis pulling off combos. The amount of combos you make, the more garbage you send to the other player.
Posted in an earlier thread. High level players:
>Got cucked for his money so now he's venting, or defending retarded consumer habits
Next you'll try to deflect and pretend to not be retarded, or claim bait
I'll probably get it but I doubt I'll be this good. Looks like a blast if you're really good at it.
These are very average candies. I bought them and the Kirby ones from a TnT.
Wow, crappy. At least the keychains are good.
Its the same exact shit as the OP why would i take a pic?
When you get it look at the back of the keychains itll say "Product of Sega// Made in china" on a clear sticker in the pack.
Kicks ass as she fought her way out of a demon infested tower at that age.
>they will never stop using this absolutely horrid artstyle
is Skeleton T at least in it?
>constantly prepare Tetrises after Tetrises, do jack shit for damage
>spam a bunch of back-to-back singles, wreck opponent's shit
Why is this allowed?
>paid full price for Magical Drop V on Steam
>before refunds
I'm still mad.
>tfw have a burning love for Puyo Puyo and the now defunct Madou Monogatari
>tfw no switch
I can't believe I'm seriously considering buying a console for Puyo Puyo. I've always wanted a physical copy of one of the games.
You'd better get one before they sell out because supposedly it's a limited physical run
Fucking come on
>tfw have a burning love for Puyo Puyo and already bought this on PS3
>tfw already preordered it, but lack a Nintendo Switch
end my life, fampai
>can't beat tetris Ringo using tetris Ringo in the demo
>Still using Tetrises
Get with the times gramps
On a relative note, harass is pretty vital and can be devastating if you can build it up quick enough before the opponent can counter it and since garbage keeps building up as long as you can keep it going you send a shit ton once you stop it.
If you're going for tetrises you gotta be fast in building it, since T spins, combos and perfect clear set ups are a lot more efficient and faster.
>stuck in tetris hell against Ai
Gonna practice
>pirated japanese version of Puyo Puyo Tetris
>got some practice in Puyo Puyo and higher level Tetris
Ready to bully the shitters online next week. :^)
Here's the character select screen on the Demo, one of the shadows resembles Skeleton T
forgot pic
because it's tetris AND puyo puyo
Why does the game value T-spins more than Tetris? I can understand perfect clears since doing those are harder, but it doesn't make sense that T-spins are more valuable, since you literally clear more lines with Tetrises.
Hes not in it.
Just get the demo.
>playing Tetris / Puyo Puyo for the story
holy shit the english voice acting is terrible
Why doesn't anyone care about Arle?
Rule of cool.
On a more serious note though T spins are more tricky to set up and pull off because it's not uniform in a sense. Even if you can pull off a T spin double, if your block placement is complete shit you might not be able to recover fast enough because you may have blocks intruding or interrupting your general layup, letting the opponent recover and catch up.
T spins by themselves don't do a whole lot. It's really the back to back ones or leading into combos that do a lot of damage but setting up consecutive ones requires a bit more planning.
>not paying $26.12 for the PS4 version
Is it that much different than the Japanese voices?
It's not that bad. check some of the alt voices if you don't like a characters voice.
I think it's serviceable at worst.
Tell me what the first two words in the title are and then try again retard
>PS4 won't have digital release
>tfw your copy will become rare and sell for billions in 5 years
seriously considering this too user
>the 3ds version will never be translated
Arle is cute and fun and adorable but not in that fucking artstyle Sega forced on the series.
Maybe they'll just use the translation from the localized versions.
>Cant beat tetris Zed
Its so fucking hard
>physical PS4 game
>any monetary value
Might as well burn your money user. There literally is no "rare" PS4 games out there that anyone gives a shit about.