Yo bro check it out I got tactical welding goggles

>Yo bro check it out I got tactical welding goggles

Now you can safely weld while in the heat of combat. Just what every soldier would want!

Thermite wears oxy acetylene goggles so they won't auto darken on muzzle flashes

Atleast I think I don't really want to try shooting a gun with welding gear

how else is he going to make sure that hole fucking big enough

t. am a welder

Judging how you can set welding mask to dark on fucking florescent light bulbs id say yes a muzzle flash would auto darken it.

Why do flash grenades work on thermite?

That sounds like a legit operator idea though

Why does Sledge get zyklon ben'd by Smoke?

Sledge is the easiest to explain why smokes gas works on him unlike Mute/Thatcher he doesnt have anything covering his skin.

Also it was the SAS perk in the alpha and it was OP as fuck

>German spec ops
>give him a SS helmet

What was the SAS perk?
Not being affected by smoke?

>its a "faggot team kills you" match

>Thermite is a substance that burns hotter and brighter than an acetylene torch
>"Why does he wear welding goggles?"

Maybe because he doesn't want to blind himself?

I figured it was something to do with filters. you could say smoke has the only filters that work on his gas.

It would make sense seeing as they all wear gas masks.

SAS had a perk where they didnt take damage from smokes gas and didnt cough in smoke grenades.

What about the other special forces?

FBI did more explosives damage

GIGN revived faster

GSG9 and Spetsnaz werent added

Glad they got rid of that

Hah that's an interesting idea. Good that they decided not to go forward with it though

how do I git better at operating

Learning spawns and likely points of entry. Also sound whoring and crouch walking.

learn the maps



>SS helmet
The stahlhelm was first introduced midway through WWI, friend.

Try to get a angle that makes you hard to spot but where the enemy is in plain view.

When attacking Try to stay with team until you got a rough idea of where the enemy is is roaming/camping then focus on a flank.

Always peak and lean

Any exceptions for the Hong Kong operators?

One uses Calatraps aka little ground spikes

>barbed wires getting nerfed


what are some good operators to learn? It always seems there's a jager, glaz, and rook in every match

siege has horrible marketing

they should be teasing us with the news ops already

>It's a blitz player

>It's a good blitz player

I actually meant this one.

Ash the hedgehog
Blitz has a learnng curve and some BS but you can have a lot of fun with him
Buck is pretty fun
Sledge is amazing in the right hands. once you get map knowledge you can be the kool-aid man of death

Jackal, Ash, and Habana have incredibly deadly guns, useful abilities, and speed

Everyone uses Glaz now because he can see through his smoke but I don't use him because I like to rush

I would unironically watch a siege movie

R6:S thread? Only good people posting here.

>A weapon to surpass metal gear

>fucking HAWX got a book
>no Siege Book

I'd at least like some lore on the terrorists other then "UNCLEAR MOTIVES AND UNKNOWN IDENTITIES"

nah siege comic

will i cum if i play this game alone

If you're a good Blitz then I have respect for you because you have to literally be 3 inches away from him for his flash to do anything

the white masks are anonymous rising agasint the normies

why do you think they targeted a college?

I have a daily ritual of playing alone for 1-3 matches afterwork before going to sleep While listening to R6 Championship matches

Is terrorism /ourguy/?


look at Smoke's model, hes has a closed filtration system on him. All other SAS just have filters on their masks while Smoke has his mask go to some system on his back.




You can stop worrying about grenades now

>Sup Forums liked Ubishit now

what happened?

they made a good game

but they are holding it back


>playing twitch, obviously last man standing, 1v4
>kill two lads and go down because bandit ran around the building and shot me in the ass
>LITERAL (judging by the voice) 10 year old starts trash talk me
>ignore him
>next round, mute the room, but bots still find it somehow
>noticed that the faggot 10 year old and his friend shoot at my jammers
>headshot both of them
>next defence round, they try to kill me, headshot them again
>kicked for TK

I dunno, it was pretty worth it. Maybe I'm just a faggot, but I will not tolerate this shit.

>147 hours and i haven't come across any mic screeching whatsoever

There's some really dumb people that play this game. The other day I was playing, we start the game as defenders. Someone on my team immediately throws C4, killing everyone including the hostage and he gets auto-kicked. So now we're down a round and a person, but maybe we can still do it. We start the 2nd round as attackers, another teammate immediately headshots everyone else on our team and he gets auto-kicked too. Our third team member rage quits. So now we've lost 2 rounds and we're 2v5. When we inevitably lose, the enemy team starts talking about how easy that was and how good they are, despite the fact that we almost never even got a chance to play.

am i just supposed to fucking guess what video game this thread is talking about?

>tfw chilean
>get matched with HUE BR's every single fucking
>cant communicate for shit

Not him but lately i'm getting a lot of squeaky voices on the mic, I don't know whats causing it.

>Ally is on their drone
>Blitz them as soon as they get off
It pisses me off that my only friend who has Siege stopped playing to play Overwatch, and all my other friends are like "Nah it's too expensive" and won't get it.

>tfw Chilean
>Get matched with Brazilians every single fucking game
>can't comunicate for shit

>too expensive
It's been on sale for like $20 on Steam and Origin before. G2A actually has it listed for $20 right now

>Still get matched with Brazilians

How do I get good at this game? I can't seem to grasp on how to properly do things without fucking up and dying.

>Love the game
>Can't git gud for shit
>Be south american
>Try my best to remember my middle school spanish classes
>Not only spanish speakers don't understand me
>Other BRHUEs actually mock me for trying

I'm honestly kinda getting bummed out with this shit

Yeah, nah.

But in all honesty, I know. And they all threw down $40 for Overwatch, some $60. But they're all still too hesitant to get it. And it fucking frustrates the shit out of me.

Stop roaming, and talk with your team a lot.

It's basically just a game of hide and seek, and little else.

You sure it isn't because it's too expensive but OW is more easier for them to play

Does roaming even work? I see it be used kinda liberally in maps where defenders are often stuck in areas that are very tight.

Probably a little bit of both. They all play CS:GO in varying amounts, though. So shit if I know. But that's always the excuse I hear.

>Does roaming even work?
Sometimes. You have to know what you're doing in order to roam effectively.

Honestly, 9 times out of 10, it's more effective to just set up murder holes and camp the objective.

This but some murderholes are shit because most attackers will spray at it for a lucky headshot