Unironically try making game in Roblox

>unironically try making game in Roblox
>ends up having arguably the most useful script to ever be made in Roblox
>can't be bothered finishing it because I'd need to learn Roblox's netcode
Anyone want to steal any of the stuff that was made?

The digging tool and the rocket launcher are the notable things about it.
Both have a script that allows them to make craters in any brick with a "strength" (and optionally "fractureStrength" for shattering) value.
You can make a stone pillar, and smash it to pieces with a rocket launcher until it falls over, and it's 100x more satisfying than any block damage system in Roblox.

The problem with the rocket launcher is that it doesn't have good netcode, so it only works well offline (online it tends to fire through blocks or detonate early), and that's why I didn't bother continuing. Same problem with the flying Trump head.

Other urls found in this thread:



You're on your Roblox server and this guy slaps your internet GF's ass, what do you do?

This is a picture that was taken when testing an earlier version of the rocket launcher, by the way, but making the blast radius this big was laggy as fuck due to all the tiny blocks it created.

There's a solution for that, but I never got around to coding it.

Chii is cute

Thanks for reminding me of ChiĀ“s sweet home exists time to rewatch it

>rewatching anime


Thanks OP. Forwarded it to my otouto, hope he can learn a thing or two from it as it does look good.

I'm guessing a younger brother who plays Roblox?
Playing Roblox doesn't necessarily mean being able to code for it.

He has made games (at least one of which was fairly popular) and is making one right now. He's not the most curious or motivated kid, but he does put an effort from time to time.


With that, you could create the most realistic mining game in Roblox history. All I ever see are static 9x9 cube generator mining games, where mining a block simply generates additional blocks around it.

I don't understand why there's a flying Trump shooting lasers at me, though.


>Thanks for watching my porno

n-no problem

Have you tried opening it up in Studio then blowing up the wall?
It only works well in Studio since I'm bad at netcode, but blowing up the wall is fun as fuck

Also, an easter egg is that there's a huge cavern system if you dig in the right place with the diggy thing.

You might want to move Trump over from the Workspace to some kind of data storage though, or at least lower his level so he's not very dangerous.

Also another problem is the massive amount of lag you're creating when the drill performs it's "drilling" function. You'd have to find some way to compress and unify all those parts that the drill creates afterwards.

If you treat a quad amputee with anything less than respect, you deserve to suffer.

Do I want to know what this is?

It's quad amputee sempai porn. It's actually not bad, story-wise

Only if you want to have your kokoro go doki doki.


Yeah, that's annoying, how much lag making blocks creates.
It's very simple to unify adjacent cubes of equal size, but it takes a huge amount of code to do it.

One of Shindol's few vanilla doujins I believe

It's great. Yes you do.

How did this become about quad amputees?