Did you know that there are actually 3 songs in Jolly Roger Bay in Mario 64?
Interesting Videogame Trivia
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>same song with layers removed
In the Japanese version of Armored Core for Answer, Oldking will sing "Thinker" from AC4 during the attack on Cradle 03. This was lost in translation.
Banjo Kazooie is amazing for area-specific music variations.
Woah, never noticed that.
That's a lot of build up speed.
Reused assets/designs?
In the Famicom versions of Super Mario Bros 2/The Lost Levels, there exists a Blue Bowser in Worlds 8 & 9 which does not turn into an enemy after being defeated. Game guides at the time claimed this to be Bowser's younger brother, while Encyclopedia Super Mario Bros claims his identity is a mystery.
Final Fantasy III has some unused dialogue that references a few character quirks that are only mentioned in passing or not at all in the game (Luneth's love of finding treasure and his constant sea/air sickness, Arc's insecurity about his height, etc) as well as some aspects of the backstory of parts of the world (the Flood of Light is described in a bit more detail by Desch who mentions that the sun was stuck in the sky, Alus tells the party a more detailed account of the hero of Saronia which doubles as a hint as to the boss of that part of the game).
The dialogue for Castle Hein & Saronia implies that the plot attached to those areas got changed at some point. More dialogue also hints that the Bard & Evoker classes would have been moved (with the latter available to use against Hein).
Did you guys knew Randy created Call of Duty?
The expansion pack for DK64 exists because there is a game breaking glitch with tiny they couldnt find the source for so they just overrided it with the expansion
Monstrous Turnabout in Ace Attorney Dual Destinies has a culture immigration of an entire area that is more or less a reference to the shit they had to do when localization the original games because the locations and jokes only made sense to japan
The K Rool and Kremling "references" in tropical freeze were literally coincedental
Madworld's color scheme was a complete accident when the developer in charge of lighting and color forgot to save his work
when the big wigs saw how much better it was in the black white and red they approved to keep it this way
did people not realize this?
My little user can't be this deaf.
playing a kazoo should warrant the death penalty
It is not diddy's conquest it is Diddy's Kong Quest
The true final boss
i never even fucking realized there was a sky
i thought the entire thing was some sort of massive cave
I play specifically to annoy people like you
Not a xylophone. Also Hazy Maze Cave does this as well by adding a theremin kinda instrument when you go to the maze.
Diddy Kong's Quest
Pikmin 1 and 2 does so many different things with dynamic music tracks.
First off, there's different versions it fades between for morning, midday, and sundown.
Things like enemies, working pikmin, and some other stuff add instruments to the music when you're near them.
And the entire time signature changes when you switch between captains.
>plays a banjo
>plays a vuvuzela
Didn't he lie about where the name gearbox came from before and get called out by Valve? I wouldn't trust his word on anything desu
>Didn't he lie about where the name gearbox came from before