Video Games RIGHT NOW

>They are no longer fun
>They play themselves
>They are no longer about skill and/or challenge.
>They hold your fucking hand the entire way
>They aren't even games anymore, they're fucking movies.
>They cater to unattractive women
>They release with day 1 patches
>They release with day 1 dlc
>They release incomplete

Prove me wrong. How did we end up here and where the fuck is the RESISTANCE!?!?!?

>le cynical redditor who feigns enthusiasm for vidya
nah i was just playing warframe all day, a free game, its fun

you're just a cunt bitch projecting your sad fucking life

you're a jaded redditor

You're looking at western AAA titles.

Check out the Indie and Japanese scene.

BOTW counters all of those

They play like western games now.

Dark Souls
Final Fantasy 15
Final Fantasy 14 (literally WoW made in Japan)
Nier Automata

the list goes on..

Play any competitive esport then, and come back when you win the workstation championship

>where the fuck is the RESISTANCE!?!?!?
For each person that puts away their wallet and says no, there's like 10 more that keep buying.

Dark Souls and Bloodborne combat are definitely not Western. So are their level design and enemy/boss design

Nier Automata is a clear Japanese action games with some RPG elements. The story is Yoko Taro's unique style and he's Japanese

We should just turn Sup Forums into a vidya porn board

Fuck off pirtatefag.

I been barking up that tree for years bud.

I mainly play fighting games, sims, and old games for this reason. It's not that I hate or can't have fun with new games, it's that they're designed to make you spend a ton of time or money in them to see all of the content even when most of it is filler. I hate the open world meme too.

Automata has good mechanics but its barely a game.

Souls is legit though

why? Sup Forums has constant rule 34 threads and I can just go google porn if I want to see Roll take it from Data

>where the fuck is the RESISTANCE!?!?!?

Don't worry, user. Resistance is coming.

Video games are fine, calm your autism or find a new hobby

There are still many games that enjoy and many more I discover everyday.

It's clear that your a faggot op if these notions of your ruins your enjoyment of a game.

his a faggot op? I thought Sup Forums was an 18+ site.

i had the monstrosity on PS2 i wished i had averted my poor eyes.

why does this thread read like it's on Sup Forums or something from most of the replies? is everyone a normalfag now?

Fucking normies ruined it.

Basically it grew popular to the point everyone plays them, and the average person is a fucking drooling neanderthal, so publishers have to cater to the largest demographic (said proto-cavemen and cavewomen).

Fun is subjective.
The rest is a series of "I'm only gonna reference garbage AAA titles" and nothing else.
Bye bye, have fun with some other hobby.

dark souls play it faggot

>He names one game vs the millions that fit everything in the OP post.

Can't even compete. Name 5 challenging games that release in the last 5 years.

You'll just keep moving the goal posts because you can't possibly fathom/handle being incorrect.

You'll name five and he'll probably just say "they're shit", because that's what Sup Forums likes to do.

The only thing that really worries me is fps games in the future. People are developing bot like reflexes and they becoming more available for younger and younger players. At some point shooting mechanics are gonna get tweaked or that genre will be hell on earth.

Well Factorio isn't like tha-
>They release incomplete

Too much hitscan and not enough projectiles for ages now. That's why Tribes Ascend was so refreshing to so many people. You actually have to think and use your brain for skill instead of motor skills.

Then play this and fuck off, I doubt you even touched a retro game, let alone notice what utter bullshit they are.

I'm sure there's a bajillion old games that are none of these things that you've never played.

Use them to show publishers where public interest is

Games that are none of these things are still around, except you don't play them because you're a casual who only plays western AAA trash and indie games that are spoonfed to you by Sup Forums and journos.

Fact: The last western game I purchase was Madden 08 on the Xbox 360. That's literally 10 years ago.

The last three years have been great for vidya, kys OP

What video games are you even playing that that's your opinion

I don't even see all the games you're talking about, I just subconsciously filter them out because they're standard console game trash that has always been pretty fucking bad

I never finished this, but remembered my big brother came running and dragged me into the living room to show off he did it before me.

As the stars was blinking, i fucking stept on the sega.

Im an shit kid

jap AAA trash then

Releasing incomplete games is a good thing? I can't see any reasoning why this would be true.


Like what? I don't like JRPGs or own any current consoles.

Depends tbqh. If the game significantly improves after release (R6S), uses the episodic model in a decent way (HITMAN TM) or actually does Early Access in a way that isn't trash (Factorio) I don't mind it.

What DO you like then

It's just you, you'll get over it.

why are you here?

I don't have specific tastes but I enjoy FPS, RTS, action type games, most things that aren't turn based.

Games exist on PC and I can emulate more consoles than I own. Haven't had a console since Wii/360.

Nier Automata
The Souls series
Rainbow Six Siege
Doom 4
Titanfall 2

Not interested
Got my fill of DS1 over 3 years ago.
Played a free weekend, not great and I don't like seasonal hero DLC
Will probably pick it up some day but no hurry to play
Not interested