>fan-favorite character returns in the sequel
What games do this?
Pic unrelated btw
>fan-favorite character returns in the sequel
What games do this?
Pic unrelated btw
Definitely not Street Fighter 5.
Fuck off.
Goddamn Ashi got hot
I just grabbed a random pic from one of my folders
>Pic unrelated btw
You're right, because this motherfucker returned.
Die you degenerate Barneyfag
nigga yo better chill
>This is uncensored
>This is censored
Genny is trying to tell us something.
Jesus Christ, you jack bronies just love leaving your containment boards
Demongo came back?
He literally came back for the sake of callbacks.
>walks into scene
>'I'm back'
>episode continues as usual
But how?!
I lost it at Robo Popeye
One is a child with no features, one is a sexually developed adult(?)
Where the fuck the link at. Sup Forums are being niggers about it.
Halo 2 brought Sgt. Johnson back despite CE seemingly killing him off.
>yfw they showed a fully naked little girl on television
Johnson dies like 7 times in CE
Samurai Jack is overrated shit, but I guess mediocre is the BEST the west can produce, sad.
Dude, compared with the hentai i have saw, that was fucking nothing.
Here's the link from madrista
Pokemon Crystal
>Limit reached
How the fuck i fix this?
Get MegaDownloader
Nips don't give a shit though, because they're not retards who cry over fiction.
>said user as he hugged his dragon-maid daki while thinking of finally ending it for the 7th time today
>Installing stuff
Fuck this, gnna wait for youtube.
What a fucking shit slide this season has gone down on
Sagat for 30th anniversary or fucking riot
He said Girl!
Cheers lad.
Hey, it has been 13 YEARS! Under these circumstances, an episode like thay is good. Fuck you.
>tfw the best episode gets referenced
>Recap Episode
>For the past ten fucking years
It works for this one. A rare case.
They didn't reference the Spartans episode.
Nice projecting, but the Japanese in general have mastered the craft of animation while all the west could do is try to emulate and make unoriginal shit, It's tragic.
You seem jaded bro, im gonna reccomend something for that problem of yours
its been done before
Yeah, all it took for them to master it was two nukes.
Actually they did. See the spartan?
Tyrone's going to have fun with you, faggot.
10+ years, 10+ YEARS!!!!
>The level where you pick up the marines from the escape pods it's possible to have two Johnsons at the same time