What is the most fashionable gear in Dark Souls 3 and why is it the Mirrah Chain set?
What is the most fashionable gear in Dark Souls 3 and why is it the Mirrah Chain set?
Mirrah chain set is alright. Pic related is my personal favorite chest piece. It overlaps with the fallen knight set super nicely.
Best set coming through
Good tastes
The helm of the Mirrah Chain set goes really nicely with the Black Hand armor.
Does armour really not mean shit in ds3? Surley super heavy armour would work better than light armour? Isn't the poise thing related to armour so you don't get stun locked in chained hits?
Yeah even with max poise you still get stunlocked by enemies in the first area. Its completely useless.
Iron flesh is about the only thing close to poise.
Hyper armor usually comes from heavy weapons.
Armor ratings are fucking worthless in DS3.
the "i just started my 3rd playthrough" starter kit
everyone in the woods is wearing this or fallen knight
The difference between a lighter set and a heavy armor set is often only 5-10% damage reduction.
So you can put 20 points into using heavier gear, or you can go with lighter gear, use 10 of those points in HP and the other 10 in an offensive stat and still be harder to kill.
I love the chest piece and trousers what can i say
you get hyperarmor from weapons, but if you have no poise you can still get broken out of hyperarmor pretty easily
It works. Make sure to at least put an armor on every slot, because damage in DaS3 is calculated across all four armor slots. So wearing nothing is very much worse than wearing the tattered gloves.
Heavy armor can change the point where you stagger from being hit once to being hit twice or more. Lothric Knight armor is enough to change the stunlock time from one to two hits.
Armor is just for fashion in 3. Wear what you want, it doesn't matter
Poise is now just hyper armor on heavy weapons
My current armor is:
>Creighton's Steel Mask
>Black Hand Armor
>Leonhard's Gauntlets
>Leonhard's Trousers
>black hand armor
My nigga
Always wanted to do a mortal kombat raiden cosplay with that torso armor, but I have no idea what weapon would make a good staff
>tfw I just really liked lucatiel
Do folk use shields in pve? I see loads of people one handing ugs and so on with a shield, is this for ove or pvp?
I just want my gundys halberd :(
yeah, people use shields all the time
the black knight shield is so good it can be used as a main weapon
>not wanting to be a Paladin/Cleric Knight
Heretic scum
(this from Oroboro's das3 cosplay of Garl Vinland from Demon's Souls)
>make a cosplay
>name the character after yourself anyway
why tho
also this is not even that great of a "Paladin" build (fashion souls-wise). My laptop can't handle das3 so I can't put together some awesome strength faith build but there are so many good armor sets to choose from to make a good Paladin/Cleric Knight build. You could even just use the full Cathedral Knight set and role/cosplay as paladin/crusader.
because Oroboro has to advertise himself.
bump because im not going to have my post be the last post.
Let me help you out with that
goddamn dark souls 3 is so lacking in good armor
they took the best sets from 1 & 2 and made them look like utter shit, why?
Sometimes I wish I could drop my UGS addiction so that I could have decent dps.
no parry though :( I feel like parry players are masters of DS3 and it's the key to getting berry gud....I can't parry because am faggit
>they took the best sets from 1 & 2 and made them look like utter shit, why?
Well at least havel's armor doesn't look like plastic anymore, and ornstein's set finally got a plume
Fuck I bet Paladins/Templar types irl looked cool and scary af
Thats not the fallen knight set
Western armor is fucking rad
Every one wears it and it's too bulky
FTH/STR Paladin any good?
Yeah it's pretty decent. Faith's seen some revitalization because of TRC thanks to Lightning Arrow being not shit, Crucifix of the Mad King being an amazing weapon, and the Sunlight Straight Sword getting a serious buff. Though, DMB and LTNB have always been top tier buffs for faith builds of any kind.
Cruxified Mad King is one of the strongest weapon in the game, it's STR FTH but I wouldn't call it a "Paladin" weapon
There any semen demon sets like that one cleavage desert thing from D2?
That cleavage desert thing from DS2 is back in the Ringed City
Post your dark souls
Half of those setups look terrible
>using that royal meme helmet
I did what I could
>tfw best outfit in DS2 didn't make it into DS3
Dragon body looked great in DS1, and it looked really amazing in DS2, so why does it look like an anorexic reindeer in DS3?
>Claran set isn't in ds3
>also tfw the set you want is super late game, so you have to wear something kinda similar until you get there
>A helmet
>Desaturated brownish torn-looking armor
>Nice shoes
>Unnoticeable gloves
Rate my fashion set
smaugh helm + nameless king armor. cornyx wraps , warden skirt. Gives u an extra 2 feet so you're not a manlet. best fashion. do it u fag
Skinny goat > Human chicken >>>>>> Generic fantasy dragon armor
Seriously, it wasn't even a transformation.
post a screenshot you fuck
fashion souls is all about how the pieces look together
Why is there no blue Lothric Knight armor, Miyazaki
>it's funny because it looks stupid
And the DS2 armor isn't even generic.
It was a couple steps away from looking like something out of Skyrim.
>why should we make an entirely new armor set for a barely noticeable cosmetic change?
Literally what they thought.
Is there any mod that removes equip burden all together so I can fashion souls with heavy shit without being worthless?
spoop af
Rate me.
I wish the helmet matched the colour of the armour, but nothing else fits either.
Not bad. The color different isn't all that noticeable.
May as well dump some more fashion to keep this thread alive
The Black Gauntlets fit with anything
Prove me wrong
>people say that DS2 looks bad
fuck off back to dsg
>so shitty he has to overlevel in ds2
I just got the first DLC - are Crow Quills, Friede's Scythe, or Follower Saber any good for PvE?
I know everything is "viable" in PvE but still. Assuming Crow Quill is ass for PvE.
Now we're just projecting.
>27 VIG
hello yes is this the fashion souls thread
tfw can't think of anything to fill the last slot
This game's Knight Boots are a must for all my fashion sets. I almost always use Havel's arms and Knight boots, and switch around armor whenever I get more or less equip load. Sometimes use Abysswatcher's gauntlets if I have to. Mostly because they cover the whole arm - the arm sets that are just gloves and bare arms are ugly as fuck.
>knowing anything about fashion
>havels arms
They look cool.
go away, show-off
Cant defeat this beast
*quicksteps around you*
>DUGS and shield
You'd be way cooler if you replaced them with the Fume UGS or the Dragon Tooth
It might be that area in specific that looks good
>implying it doesn't
Bottom left is atrocious, but everything else there is pretty good.
It doesn't.
i just can't do heavy armor. i don't think it looks nice. i really like herald armor, though, but not the helmet
It is a pretty cool set but not what you're doing with it...
>instead of just using an armor set that looks good and fits perfectly together, people mismatch one or two parts of it that will obviously stick out due to different coloration, style and diffuse but it's okay because you absolutely need to be super special snowflakes :)
dumb animeposter
>being boring
>Wear full set
>Its made of metal
>Invaders and summons just use pine resin when seen
>Receive double damage
I mix so that its not so obvious. If I make a female character one day, Friede's veil can definitely help out.