Best Persona 5 Antagonist

Literally was the only one who wasn't a bitch and actually didn't do anything wrong

How do you have someone this GOAT first and make the rest pale in comparison?

>actually didn't do anything wrong
Despite what the rest of Sup Forums will tell you, molesting children is a crime user.

Stealing people's hearts is a crime too.

find me a documented law that states you're not allowed to steal the evil within someone's heart.

Looks ashkenazi jewish.... My gut instinct wants to exterminate. My Germanic soul despises this race

What law does it break?

There was no molesting

He gave some tough love to the sports bro's who had no problems as he was making them top tier individuals and the girls thought they could slack off so he gave them a beating

Totally legal in nipland and the parents don't care.

There was no rape

>actually didn't do anything wrong
The fact that there are people that unironically believe this concerns me.

He was blackmailing a high schooler to sleep with him, oh yeah that's totally fine.

cant believe this faggot made another thread and truly thinks this ass didn't do nothing wrong....

If not for the whole "watching a stroke" thing happen, he was by far the most redeemable. It's clear from Yusuke's confidant story, he tried not to be a total shitmonger when he wasn't being manipulated.

Trolling side, i actually do think he really was one of best villains in this game because he is more realistic/better written.

I mean shidou was supposed to be a char/senator Armstrong guy but i heard nothing from him that makes me wanna follow him. All i heard was hurt sure fug u guys. I'm strong, you weak so follow me or I smash u.

Age of consent is 13 bro

But i guess it's fine when it's the other way round with Kawakami huh?

Nothing came out of it so pointless meaningless talk

Kawakami doesn't blackmail the MC you fucking retard.

>Age of consent is 13
this meme again

He was also the coolest designed boss and one of the most challenging. Literally all of the rest were humanoid.

Doesn't matter nigga, morals are morals

Ann had no reason to even fall for shitty "blackmail" anyways. Her friend wasn't gonna get killed by him. She was just a pushover that couldn't say no like Ryuji

When did Kawakami beat the shit out of P5 kun

>no molesting
>tries to blackmail anne into sex
>says shiho "took her place"
>shiho jumps off a fucking roof

Hmm yep no molestation there

She takes 5k out of a student for maid shit

Would literally get fired if someone told

It's not that simple.

>no molesting
>tries to blackmail anne into sex
>says shiho "took her place"
>shiho jumps off a fucking roof

All retarded assumptions

He was only ever sexually interested in Ann and was trying to bait her in his house which never happened so its pointless discussing.

He just gave Shiho a beating for being a bitch and probably told her she's off the team and like the weak willed shit she is, she decided to off herself. There is zero tangible evidence he did anything sexual with Shiho