Help me become a better DRK, Sup Forums. No matter how I set it up the DA shit feels unnatural to use.
The CTRL+7~= are mapped to hotkeys on a column on the leftmost side of my keyboard, so I'm not actually attempting the combo. The top bar 1-9 are numpad, Reprisal is on `, and Unleash and Unmend are on the two extra buttons on my mouse. It's similar to my set-up for PLD and WAR but it just doesn't feel right for DRK.
> hurr durr go to /vg/ I'm not some ERP faggot who hates actually talking about the game.
you have to free yourself from modifier keys >how do i move forward click both mouse buttons
also we have XIV generals here all the time specifically to avoid /vg/
Zachary Johnson
I use both mouse buttons to move forward as well. What do you mean by modifier keys? If it's the CTRL+x stuff, I already have it mapped to a single key press but it doesn't show up like that on the hotbar.
I hear DRK is supposed to be in Grit as little as possible. But my gear is shit so I find myself starting the fight in the stance and dropping it after establishing aggro. If I git gud and get better gear can I avoid using it completely?
Zachary Rivera
depends on group composition, best case scenario you have a good ninja to shadewalker their aggro onto you and the rest of the party uses their own aggro management skills, which would enable you to not use grit very little if at all
however since that's not the case 99% of the time unless you're in a static, it's good to give the boss a few grit+dark arts power slashes then you can deactivate grit, but it's still good to reactivate it if the boss is about to use a tank buster or the heals are just shit in general
Luke Clark
isn't DA power slash awful though? i'd imagine that the same could be achieved with the unboosted power slash, while saving MP for more potent attacks
then again i don't know how quickly you're regaining the mana you spend for it
Eli Mitchell
I never see NIN use their aggro skills. Sometimes I forget they can do that stuff. It's like expecting an AST to use Spire on low TP melee DPS instead of Royal Roading it.
For the power slashes, should I do the full combo or just use the skill with DA a few times before doing a normal rotation? A friend of mine does one full rotation with a DA Power Slash before dropping Grit but he's not great at the job, so I'm hesitant to copy him.
I think if you drop Grit you can immediately use Blood Weapon to get the MP back, or Carve and Spit. But if I was good at the job I wouldn't be asking the kind user who's replying so hell if I know.
Dylan Kelly
once you exit grit and enable blood weapon you can reach max mp again pretty quick, you can practically spam dark arts skills while main tanking since you will also benefit from blood price
Evan Ramirez
>elezens are called giraffes >tfw hyur
Asher Long
I've noticed that male cats have thick as fuck necks despite their small frames. Their head and hairstyles are fucked up too, with super huge foreheads and crowns that nearly reach ayylien proportions. Almost as bad as their tails being pic related. YoshiP pls.
I think all the races have long necks so you can properly see your neck accessories though.
William Wood
>YUI how is your finger not clustered when you have to perform skill while dodging around?
Jason Myers
>CTRL use Shift
Nicholas Phillips
2.5 gcd
Andrew Ross
They're mapped to special snowflake keys on the left side of my keyboard. I have a Logitech G105. It just doesn't show up properly on the hotbar. I was hoping someone had a more sensible grouping of skills than I did since what I have doesn't feel natural to use.
Blake Lee
>Help me become a better DRK
Level WAR then :^)
Logan Sullivan
How can I stop popping a boner at my catgirl
Ryan Green
You don't. You make a cute cat and dress her up in cute clothes, this is the whole point of the game.
Henry Carter
You can't. You can no longer be saved from your degenaracy.
James Sanders
>Using F1~10 Must be nice to not play healer
Adrian Murphy
>you have to free yourself from modifier keys He says, as he posts a picture with bound function keys in a game with 2.5 sec gcd. Are you a console pleb who just bought his first PC? What the actual fuck.
Caleb Diaz
>not using mouse-over macros on healer
Andrew Lee
not that user but i use the function keys on all classes including healer, i always notice people not using function keys at all even though their such a convenient set of buttons
Grayson Barnes
>tfw still no npc marriage system
Brandon James
It's faster to target a specific party member with them so I just use them for that.
Hunter Hughes
The waifuwar will destroy the servers.
Nicholas King
>not using ctrl and shift wew lad
Jose Gonzalez
They laid the foundations of it with the Custom Delivery system. NPC relationships are the endgame for that.
Evan Bell
>NPC relationships NPC marriage will never be a thing in game
Ayden Carter
My third mouse button acts as Ctrl, and I use shift normally.
Skills are set up as 3x4 blocks matching the shape of the mouse side buttons if they were right side up.I don't use the keyboard for anything but movement and Shift.
Matthew Wright
Sure it will on mog station
Samuel Carter
They should put npc waifus on the mog station. :^) .
if you use modifiers you lock yourself to less than 1/2 of the keyboard and give yourself hand cramps, been playing mmos since UO
Daniel Gutierrez
Not the guy you're replying to, but my big mental block with using my full number bar is that it requires me to lift my hand away from the movement keys (i use WASD).
Is it even an issue?
Henry Parker
dog bless you I think you're saying things that are blatantly untrue and harm others but I see you're a someone who cannot be convinced otherwise because he's been doing things ass-backwards since the dawn of time
Jayden Foster
>tfw k95 keyboard and g600 mouse >keybinds alternating through ctrl, shift, and alt and numpad on 5 hotbars
Brody Long
Modifiers are fine though.
David Rogers
it's never an issue unless you're someone that needs to be constantly strafing back and forth for no reason(e.g. catboi drg), with that being said if you're playing a job that has sensitive positionals, all of your main weaponskills can be placed well within reach of movement keys anyways
Dominic Sanchez
Mein nigger
Charles Morales
I generally agree on modifiers, but some people can be efficient about it. It's not like FFXIV requires fast, twitchy play anyway with the GCDs and lulls in boss fights. Only NIN players would really suffer for it and most of them are too shit to notice a difference anyway.
Jordan Edwards
By killing yourself.
James Baker
Don't do it.
Dylan Flores
Have you tried using a controller? No, seriously.
Brody Flores
Is that REALLY in the game? Seriously?
Jason Jackson
I've considered it for MNK, and I have a PS3 controller I can use with my PC. Does DRK lend itself well to controllers? It'd be annoying to switch to controller just for one job though.
Cooper Garcia
Buy an MMO mouse. Normal mapping for bar 1. Ctrls for bar 2. Shifts for bar 3. Alts for bar 4 if you need extra abilities.
Chase Smith
Everyone else can argue I just want to have some tea with miounne
Angel Butler
I have small hands, pinky to thumb reaches like the J key with my pinky on the ctrl one on my keyboard and these keybinds work for me, if you're interested.
Alt Q/E/R for the top keyboard buttons Alt1-6, usually click 7 F1-4, since I can't reach F5, I use Shift+5 in lieu of it 1-7 with the longer cds on the further ones in general
Of my 3 mouse keys, one of them goes to f11 so i just put spammable buttons there, and M4/5 for keys I press relatively often.
Henry Green
Yet, again another FFXIV thread that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Instead talking about the races. No wonder in PAX there was nothing but shit glamour questions and retarded autistic account questions.
Angel Taylor
Dominic Howard
What do you expect? Its a cancer community. No wonder why 90% of the community can't skip soar.
Yes the game has a lot of hidden lewdness and funny NPC dialogue. I screencapped alot but should've organized them. The Miqote in Satasha say something along the lines of "please sir/madam, I'm still sore" if you approach them.
Connor Campbell
>again another FFXIV thread that has nothing to do with the topic at hand There's several people telling him what to do, but what you want literally everyone to talk about keybinds? Most people focus on glamor and races of course that's what the threads are going to be about.
Jeremiah Howard
>hidden lewdness Most of it's not even hidden, games full of stuff like that
Wyatt Cruz
>queues are dead >takes at least 30 minutes between games to get my salty runback
This is the worst.
Logan Powell
fuck off and talk about c@ts
Levi Garcia
I avoid using Shift or CTRL combos as much as possible. My hands are also tiny (about the same size as yours) plus they're somewhat arthritic. I could probably use the QWERTY row though since I move with my mouse and don't use those keys for anything else. I'll try it out.
As long as it's not the shitfest that is /vg/ I don't see a problem. I don't even want to post something with my character showing because of those pathetic shitters.
Dominic Evans
Alexander Edwards
Watch some anime in the mean time or something
Andrew Kelly
Unless you're playing tank or you are a raiding healer, there is literally no reason to play with M/KB. The game has fantastic controller support. Use it.
It just FEELS right.
Liam Foster
Adrian Long
>Raiding healer
Jeremiah Brooks
>It just FEELS right. Controller feels like ass, game was made for keyboards. Use one.
Anthony Moore
I've tried. Movement is fucked. Your character waddles around awkwardly directing them with a M/KB. You were obviously intended to move them with an analog stick.
Charles Martinez
>No wonder in PAX there was nothing but shit glamour questions and retarded autistic account questions
It also doesn't help that the last few times they did Q&As before that they basically brushed off all Stormblood questions with "We're not ready to talk about that yet."
When you do nothing but stonewall players who want real information is it such a surprise when those players quit asking and leave just the softball questions?
Brayden Powell
As someone who plays with M+KB it's glaringly obvious when someone in your group is a controller player and we all hate you for it. Using a controller is for questing, gathering, fishing, or dicking around in town. A controller can never match an even half way decent M+KB player.
Austin Gray
>Your character waddles around awkwardly directing them with a M/KB Stop being shit then
Josiah Carter
How hard is summoner on a raid environment? Especially the ones with multiple phase skips? I have really good parses on pugs as a BLM but I really suck on my static.
I heard the opener is has lots of button presses, but more than drg?
How can someone go on the internet and lie like this? Like, that's just such a blatant lie.It really goes above and beyond the usual lies you see on here.
Eli Young
Not very in general. Aetherflow and Aethertrails are extremely lenient and flexible in when you choose to use them. SMN can front load cds instantly and can alternatively backlog them extremely well too. Something like energydraining right before limit cut and you'll still be able to DWT right soon after numbers ends. In the end, you really have to do something wrong like Bane when theres no adds or Fester when there's zero dots to lose DWT. It's very hard to really fail as SMN compared to BLM, although it doesn't stop SMNs from doing
Jack Morgan
Mind also elaborating for preplanning and movement? What irks me when I play BLM is I have a hard time predicting and saving TC and FS for movement when 11S is a wonky fight and skips are very frequent (skip 2nd optical to limit cut, skip optical into photon, skip lapiz and still have 10s before Enochain is on cd)
Hudson Garcia
I really hope they won't nerf SCH too badly...
Justin Roberts
movement is really for the pets. The only movement you have to worry about is when you are in DWT. You would want to maximize your Ruin3s. But even then you are pretty flexible.
Camden Reed
I just want an aoe that isn't bane or shadowflare. Why WHM and AST get to have cool graphics and sound effects
Camden Cooper
Why not using Bane, shadowflare and then spam Blizzard II? It's better than nothing and still up your DPS like crazy.
Dominic Carter
B-but my oomph!
Xavier Thompson
sad catgirl banned from /vg/ LF new home containing yuri love and affection w/ headpets... can bring snacks pst...
Cooper Lewis
Our oomph is literally a fart ;_;
Luke Baker
why does se hate monk
Aaron Reyes
Use more modifiers this is most of my main abilities with a few I need to reach for 6 for on DRG. My 2nd row is shift, 3rd is alt, and 4th is control (have this bound to a side mouse button since I hate reaching for control). Give me 24 slots I can easily reach which a few rarely used abilities I click on.
Asher Mitchell
Yeah but the horrible english localization of course had to add the thing with "dey gave me de crotch rot lmao succor" because otherwise it isn't clear enough for the dumb american audience. He actually just says to stay away from them because they're probably gonna rob you.
Dumb, fat americans will of course defend the localization to the death, spouting things like "the japanese original is so bland!" without knowing anything about it and because they believe everything has to have adult content or be "funny".
Brody Powell
Yes, along with some truth bombs here and there.
Pic related.
Thomas Kelly
So, I've finished the story thus far and I have one class at 60. What's next?
I have a fully upgraded potd weapon and it's better than every other thing I've seen. Is there something I should be doing to get a better weapon?
What about armor? Should I just be farming lore for now?
Connor Murphy
Owen Rogers
Who the fuck actually defends Koji Fox's work?
But also, can you prove the Japanese version isn't bland?
Ayden Garcia
Story Alex is unlocked so run that 4 times for a micro tomestone. Save up 1000 script and buy yourself a 260 weapon. Run the 3 HW 24 mans to buy the dip for upgrading your script weapon to 270. Make sure you're getting the weekly ultima quest to buy 270 accessories.
Once you have your scripture weapon buy scripture armor starting with chest/pants then helm/arms/gloves and belt/accessories.
Levi Gray
>grit on 1 and it only gets more confusing from there, what the heck user
Robert Lewis
Can YOU prove the japanese version IS bland?
Cooper Martinez
>horrible english localization
Koji does awesome work, anons.
Chase Brooks
Playing tank is even easier with a controller.
Elijah Gray
I only left out tank because sometimes you need to click targets. Otherwise it doesn't matter.
Justin Sanchez
>bad localization I want this meme to fucking die. FFXIV's localization has some of the best writing work in the fucking industry. The MMO genre doesn't deserve it.
Samuel Foster
Wow, I've literally done none of that thus far. I'll definitely look into it. Thanks.
Ian Fisher
dps whore healer dont deserve flashy skill. It's completely fair and balanced.
Nicholas Moore
how come Widargelt went from the quailman to a trans in HW? whats next for him
Liam Thompson
>FFXIV's localization has some of the best writing work in the fucking industry.