What game has the most realistic humans?

What game has the most realistic humans?

Uncharted 4 nigger.

I wanna eat Joost's pussy.

the sims, I can't currently think of any other game that covers bathroom use other than ARK and maybe a mud or two.

sauce? those feet look too tasty

MGSV had some nice feet for a video game

Call of Cthulhu


MGSV was pretty good.


mgs joost



Don't do that again

footfags are fucking cancerous shitstains akin to early 2010s ponyfaggots

There are two fetishes I absolutely cannot understand.

Soft vore
and foot

Everything else I can see the appeal of. But footfags and soft vore fags are the worst.

Uno farto

>that perfectly straight line from her pink toe to her heel

holy shit

This is the single best thread in the history of Sup Forums.

Red Dead Redemption. The body proportions were good and the Euphoria engine really made them react realistically to shots and collisions.

should have seen the one with greentext about how Hideo forced Joosten to scan her feet for textures


>I can understand the appeal of eating shit and huffing farts like I've been inhabited by the insatiable ghost of James Joyce
>But those footfags m i rite lmao

so you get the appeal of fucking grass, eating shit, making people fat, having sex with balloons, and getting castrated? i mean, fuck, feet are so extreme compared to other completely reasonable fetishes amirite?

Eating eating and farting huffing at least requires someone who is willing to do those things and possibly also enjoys it.

Everyone has feet.

My ex once started giving me a foot job and when I got hard made fun of me for enjoying it and told me a I liked feet.

So I got up and watched TV. She was awful but it's my only practical experience with feet. And I didn't eve care she was using her feet. I just liked the attention.

She was awful.


it's just Sup Forums's contrarianism. foot fetishism is one of the most popular fetishes, therefore everyone here hates on it.

if it's niche shit like guro or vore, then it's fine.

Of all the fetishes 3 are extremely strange to me

Wow, you went really specific there with those two.
And coincidentally those are my fetishes.

Let me explain feet

As kids you saw women show off their feet more making your brain think feet = feminine and combine the fact if people live in cold climates it makes seeing feet some special occasion

>here are the things I personally find strange

nice blog m8, will you tell us your least favorite ice cream flavors next?

>Let me explain feet

they're used for walking. there, I explained it for you.

Is about the firsts times you got a hard on, and when you are a kid, you get hardons on anything.

EVE online

>specifies soft vore


The capture for joosten's face sucks ass in MGSV, she's so much more attractive in real life

Epic xdd post my friend. Will you tell us how much of something something else is next time friend?

No you're brain is just retarded and it fetishes feet

Her face looks like a beaten pug


post your feet, that would be better XD

See you in 3 days!

The capture is actually pretty close to being spot on. The problem is in the context of a video game where we are used to almost every female character being an 11/10 she looks like a fucking dog. It's kind of like how bust sizes that would be absolutely enormous in real life, and probably a little grotesque, look normal sized and attractive in the context of a video game.

>be beta faggot
>spend all day looking at the floor
>only part of a woman you dare look at is the feet

Footfags everyone

I think her cheeks are too fat and the mouth puffs out weirdly and makes her look downsy, it probably looked fine to the japs

not really, she looks worse in game. I don't know how to qualify it, but she's definitely more attractive irl.

Ever looked at your feet in the mirror for a bit? Especially the soles? Appreciated their curviness? How sensual the arch is? You have to admit there's a pretty erotic quality to them. Unless you have nasty feet, I guess. But mine are pretty fucking nice looking, won't hesitate to admit I can see them being sexy.

Is anti-feet the biggest sexual meme on Sup Forums or is it shadman?

Real Lives.

airbrushing and makeup

>mfw I'm not a footfag
I feel bad for you fags every day seeing the travesty that the art is for your fetish


The difference is in the facial expressions. One is a cutsy retard, the other is a soldier.

Proxy pls go

With the blessings of dA, there's bad art for every fetish.

they failed to capture her adorable facial expressions, so ingame she looks like she had too much botox.


Somebody tweet that to Joost

Lisa the painful

The baseball is a bit much.

For some reason the giant feet from the SF girls have always been sexy for me

When you scan someone you don't do it with makeup.

Dont forget the freakish man hands.

Of all the fetishes 3 are extremely strange to me
>lists 4
Well thanks for letting us know you are retarded, we might have actually cared about your opinion otherwise.

it's really a fail 3D model
maybe in metal gear 6 they will do it right






Feet are very sensitive despite having so much weight on them all the time. Might have something to do with that, but I dunno I'm not a footfag

freeze, put your fat cock where i can see it





Is there any post more frequently posted and retarded? It's almost like the person doesn't understand the concept of a fetish. My favorite is when they say "footfags are the worst", but then proceed to jerk off to scat, guro, furry, inflation, ect.

ah yes. i see it is time to masturbate

>user learns what makeup is

The Resident Evil girls have good models in Remake +

I see deviant art still has their usual quality content

Remember back when Sup Forums had daily feet threads and they were actually allowed?



Age of Empires 2

shut up footfag FREAK

This is how they scanned her.


9/10 would worship
too bad there are no games with feet this detailed

devs just don't want to spend precious polygons and time detailing something only disgusting fetishists care about.

>implying this isn't you
Show that plushy belly, fatty

There is a long explanation for feet fetish from a biological perspective but in short it has to do with a womens fertility.During a womens pregnancy their bodies produce this hormone which relaxes joints, this is the most noticable in feet because the way their feet look changes and it may even up the size of their feet.So being attracted to smaller feet can be like being attracted to wider hips and shit.



Something about the arms look off

fat pig


How can anyone NOT find this attractive?
