Who else replaying Starcraft 1? It's free now

Who else replaying Starcraft 1? It's free now.

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Not me

I'm playing the campaign I've been stuck on 'The Hammer Falls" for hours. These ghosts are infuriating.

Not me either

You're missing out on an actually good story.

The franchise is all gone to hell, Jim.

i played through that story line 15 fucking years ago

I might give it a chance

maek tank mareen

Free you say?
Link pls

How do I not get fucked in zerg campaign? Tanks liquidate my ground units and bases are covered in Marines and turrets.


my fucking hands hurt

im too old for this shit

It's a Zergling, Lester. Smaller type 'o Zerg.

Why bother getting invested at this point?
Starcraft 2 is literary vomit from start to finish. At its best it's mediocre and boring, and at its worst it looks and sounds like actual fanfiction. And now they're going to retroactively rewrite SC1 and BW to facilitate the absolute fucking catastrophe SC2 was because Blizzard fired all their writers and developers and replaced them with lawyers and interns.

Personally I had to use zerglings, mutas, and overlord speed and drop and have to drop into their base with mutas trying to strike tanks.

Overlord drop right on top of the tanks.
Muta swarm with ling backup once the tanks are dead.

>power overwhelming
>black sheep wall
>operation cwal
>show me the money
>food for thought

Mutalisk spam for anything where there isn't turrets (and even then you can just rush them down and keep another dozen building at any time).

Otherwise you can take the long way around and do unit drops with overlords, but it's meh. The campaign doesn't get hard until Brood Wars where you basically have to be a fucking wizard and pray to god almighty.

>play terran
>its tvz
>make a rax
>get rushed by 10 zerglings before i can even make one marine

>its tvp
>make a rax and a few missle turrets
>have some skirmishes with his dragoons
>get raped by a mass swarm of carriers at 10 minutes

>its tvt
>make a factory and make a single vulture
>he already is using his rax to scout for his tanks and base raping me

i dont understand how within 2 minutes everybody has quadruple my economy, units and map control fuck this game

>not being korean

They have to "modernize" the script to compensate for the rise in autism.

You weren't even BORN when Starcraft came out

Fuck off

Just focus on the red base on the upper left and you'll have a relatively easy way towards the ion cannon.

>still not hd update
my eyes were hurting 5 minutes in.

1995, bitch.

I played UMS all afternoon in primary school


It's time to bury Blizzard and let go of Starcraft. The dream is over, let it die. If you haven't played through the campaign do that and just allow it to enter the pantheon of good games.

Fuck you Activision.

Terrans don't like terrans. You side with a resistance group with Jim Raynor in it and lure some aliens called zerg to kill all the opposing terrans but you think what has been done is revolting especially since the woman Jim loved has seemingly been killed.

But she's still alive and made into a powerful zerg queen who you protect as a zerg commander for a while. The zerg supreme overlord decides to go to the protoss alien homeworld and take it over.

Then you take over from the perspective of a protoss commander and find out about dissension within the ranks and that only the dark energies the splinter protoss group has can kill the supreme zerg overlord. You combine your forces with Jim Raynor and blow the everliving fuck out of the zerg forces with 30 carriers until a protoss guy called Tassadar blows the supreme zerg dude up. The end.

So really it's only interesting because of the internal conflicts. Otherwise it's a garbo tier story

Is diablo 2 free?

imagine the bot spam if it went free

>play online regularly since 1999
>bunch of free faggots come in and make the game better

you guys are lucky the community was always shit and that i consider having people to play with better than nothing

this is why RTS games are all MOBA type clones nowadays

BW will let you know you are completely shit unless you have been practising and playing for the last 5 years

>tfw you'll never see your clanmates and have server battles in lotrish type maps

>>make a rax
>>get rushed by 10 zerglings before i can even make one marine

Wall in nigger. Hide behind your buildings.


THanks OP Btw I lost 1h30 doing ffa against bots.
Lost temple is still the best

I don't trust that link

this is why this genre is dead, people forget games are meant to be fun and nobody enjoys losing every match to autist that played these games for the last 10 years and not understanding why you lost.

stop being a shitter, go into single player and click "view replays" and watch your last replay. You can see how bad you are.


remastered is coming out with matchmaking

The bronze players in broodwar are going to be hilarious bad. All the 10 APM players..

At least Bronze players have significantly more fun playing the game than Diamond+ players who play the game 10+ hours a day every day trying to be the next foreigner pro

For a non-meme answer, chances are you're building shit way later than you should be without realizing it. In the early game especially you should be blowing all of your resources pretty much as soon as you get them, even though it might seem more obvious to save up so you have money to do shit with. For a basic example, drop a supply depot on the entrance to your base as soon as you get 9 workers, then after you pop out a couple more workers drop a barracks to completely wall off your entrance as soon as possible.