Bonesaw: Banned

>Bonesaw: Banned
>Werster: Banned
>Stiv: Banned
>Costumes: Banned
>Plushies: Banned
>Audience interaction: Banned
>Fun: Banned

Why did AGDQ turn to shit?

People got way too serious about speedrunning

It stopped being about some guys getting together and having fun speedrunning for charity and became all about the money and popularity.

That forsaken sentence, "We want to appeal to a wider audience."

Because this is a business now.

A real shame, I don't care about the records but watching someone do cool stupid shit in a game I played when I was younger was fun. Being able to try out some of the easier tricks if I ever replay it is neat.

Stiv isn't banned.

kids started watching and their parents would chastise the marathon if a runner said a swear
the funniest part are there are other marathons on twitch for charities aimed directly at kids and they aren't as strict as gdq

Political correctness.

>Hats: Banned

>Stiv: Banned

Retard. He's running Banjo at SGDQ this year.

(((they))) couldn't find their car keys

Chair Sniffing: Permitted

>Bonesaw: Banned
What the fuck is wrong with SGDQ?


>Audience interaction: Banned

Isn't their footage of speedrunners interacting with the audience from last AGDQ?

It's kind of fucked up they told Bonesaw he was fine after his run only to turn around and ban him months later

Owen Wilson

If there's ONE thing (((they))) could have done right it was bring Bonesaw back with Naruto and Pikachi

Not when the audience is stationed two blocks away in an isolated room. Honestly the on site audience is just too large and filled with non runners who only show up to watch the "big" events

When did werster get banned?

all the banned runners should come together and hold their own speedrun event
with blackjack and hookers
and call it kciuqenodsemag

isn't that just NASA :^)

Jews, SJWs and faggots.

Stiv isn't banned, he has a prime time slot in SGQD despite him date raping a married woman.

people take it to serious like some guy donated then said if you do one thing he'll donate more and people got really mad saying the speedrunner is not a clown

Werster isn't banned. He's just too busy raising his wife's son to attend GDQ.

>MilesSMB became a tranny

I still can't belive it.

Why the fuck was Bonesaw banned?


Something about him joking that people should whine on an airline's Twitter because they caused him to be late and exhausted. Some people actually did it, and GDQ got pissy about it.

At least, that's what I heard.

Got recorded saying that a black person sitting behind him smelt of shit

>airline got free publicity
>GDQ got pissy about it

Everyone fucking stinks there

no fun allowed

same reason everyone else is banned

So how much of the money that's donated actually goes to the charity?

this happens to anything that gets too popular. Now it's all about offering the most sanitized experience to appeal to the most people and make twitch money.

If they're like most others charities then it's the minimum they have to donate to legally be allowed to call themselves a charity.
So less than 10%.