Who is the best Persona and why is it Ara Mitama?
Who is the best Persona and why is it Ara Mitama?
I thought he was good in 3 and then I found him in 5 and he has lucky punch and things only got better
Crying Wojak is the superior Persona
>Tfw killing shit with your physical manifestation of pure unadulterated rage
>In hundreds of years, shit like pepe will be the landmark figures of our culture
>You can summon Pepe in SMT 26
Exactly what I thought of
For real though why isn't Kek an SMT demon yet?
>Pepe the Frog is said to usher in a 100 years of peace when summoned. His arch-enemy is Moloch
I denied it all along! My TRUE self!
Abaddon kind of looks like a frog.
Actually, Kek (AKA Heqet) appears in Devil Survivor 2.
SMT II as well.
Tell me Sup Forums, how did you find the one?
>Playing P3P for the first time
>Do the quest to get Akihiko's winter outfit and get this nigga
>Think "What the fuck is this gay looking fairy dude"
>Keep him around because he is a high level persona for me at that moment
>Go into tartarsauce with him equipped
>Proceed to rape shadows left and right
He is the reason I found out Emperor is the best Arcana.
His summon line will be
">implying I don't want to be your mask"
Who was the blue girl with two swords? I really liked her.
No, she's purple. The one I'm talking about was blue and floating. She was in the high 60s.
Yes, that one. Thank you.
>Morgana leads humanity on a new path
>Constant Arthurian legend drops
>Endgame arrives
>kek jrpg killgod plot "twist". here's your edgy demon lord!
>standard procedure, gents!
>stealing the holy grail from god
It was already demonic from the get-go. I'm not sure how it was implied at all you were some knight in shining armor
Thats a weird way to spell Mot
That's fuckin Tom Kenny's face isn't it
So how many times do you have to kill god in this series? Does he just revive immediately and pretends like nothing happened the next game, or is it a Final Fantasy situation where nothing is connected?
You kill Yaldabaoth in P5, not God.
God is assraged that he let let himself Lucifer, so despite killing YHWH in SMT2 that faggot is still anally rampaged and hiding from Lucifer+Demifiend+Dante's ass. You usually don't kill God though, just some other fags like how gas station attendant was actually glorious nippon jesus.
Its not a monotheistic game.. you people are fucking retarded
Based glorious nippon bastard begs to differ
Gotta roll with the whole crew.
My boy two consecutive games
Came here to post this
I always wanted to have a set of Personas from a set, like the Mitamas or the Jacks or the Riders, but it would be far too much work to grind those fuckers to high level and be viable in the endgame
You never kill the true God
true God is YHVH and he could fucking care less what happens.
You kill other gods
How come some Japanese P5 screenshots show the elements as icons while others show them as Kanji?
Seth is mah nigga
>fuse Seth for the Velvet twins' request
>One-Hit Kill does absurd damage and crits fairly often
>sacrifice one of the 4 horsemen so he learns the +25% gun damage passive
>the sacrifice was a tower persona so he levels up and learns the +50% gun damage passive, which stacks
>use a Charge skill card on him because why not
>dekunda + tarukaja + charge + one-hit kill + crit; takes off a third of Shadow Sae's HP in one hit
Lost my shit.