Why do nostalgic people on Reddit and Buzzfeed wank about the N64, always the N64, and only the N64...

Why do nostalgic people on Reddit and Buzzfeed wank about the N64, always the N64, and only the N64? Why do I not see anybody nostalgia-wanking over the CLEARLY SUPERIOR PS1? Why do normies prefer a console that has five good games and whose controller makes your hands hurt?

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Anything that is weird or stands out in some way will be praised for its ''genius'' in the next generation.

Also the nintendo nostalgia meme.


name a ps1 platformer better than mario 64
name a ps1 fps better than perfect dark
name a ps1 fighitng game better than smash
name a ps1 adventure game better than majoras mask

you cant because they don't exist

I had both as a kid, but didnt get the N64 till around the time Ocarina of Time came out. I played both equally, but generally when I went to a friends house it was N64, because we were always looking for a good co-op game. I think I just associate more nostalgic memories with the 64.


Smash64 is trash.

The PS1 not being memorable at all in spite of its incredible success is hilarious

There's really only one "legendary" game for the whole platform while the N64 has a dozen and the Saturn has... ?

>fighting game

Jumping Flash

the sad part is i cant even tell if this is serious
ps1 fags are delusional

Ape Escape
Medal of Honor
Tomb Raider


literally never heard of three of those so they must be terrible

>hasn't heard of either MGS or Tekken

Is that a nice rock you live under?

I`d trade that trainwreck N64 for this anyday

name a N64 mech game better than Armored Core
name a N64 SRPG game better than FFT
name a N64 RPG game better than Suikoden II
name a N64 car combat game better than Twisted Metal 2
name a N64 well acted game better than Soul Reaver
name a N64 shump game better than RayStorm

Could keep going. N64 is great memories of sleep over party games and seeing Zelda 3D for the first time.

But I recently set up a dedicated emulation PC and picking out titles for each console really showed some things. NES and PS1 had a mountain of games. SNES a good bit too. N64 I hardly picked any worth going back to. Bit sad there wasn't a lot of Genesis games I really wanted on there either, but way more than N64.

n64 sucked.
reasons why it sucked

>too few games, mostly aimed for children
>non ergonomic, takes up unnecessary space
>fisher price feel and look
>controller setup is awful
>terrible quality of sampled audio
>engines designed had terrible textures.
fuck zelda
my n64 collected dust after i rented ff8. and i was 11 years old.

I wish the Saturn got love every once in a while


It got fewer games which helped when it came to name the most outstanding titles
While the PS1 had tons which only a few like MGS and FF managed to break out on the mainstream audience

>engines designed had terrible textures.
Most game engines don't procedurally generate textures.

>too few games, mostly aimed for children
>non ergonomic, takes up unnecessary space
Who cares?
>fisher price feel and look
Who cares?
>controller setup is awful
I enjoyed it.
>terrible quality of sampled audio
Most games didn't even do this
>engines designed had terrible textures.
What does this even mean?

Thise games are fucking boring except armored core.

>5 games

the only shitty part about the n64 is the controller

You must be 12

The N64 may have had a modest quantity of titles, but what it did have hit fucking hard.

Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time aren't argued to be the greatest and most important titles in the video game canon for no reason.

You are either too asspained to admit you got told or your taste must be abysmal

>Why do normies prefer a console that has five good games and whose controller makes your hands hurt?

Because the N64 was for kids who actually had friends to play with while the PS1 was for bitter JRPGfags who people thought were gonna shoot up the school.

Well I guess more people had a n64. I also believe it had more defining games

You're that jumping flash faggot aren't you?
I can tell, because no one ever brings up that game other than you.

conker's bad fur day
conker's bad fur day
conker's bad fur day

Name other n64 games

Take your time :^)

It's the weakest smash game.

>because no one ever brings up that game other than you.

As someone who had the PS1 and thinks CtR>>>>MK, i always wanted a N64 and i think it was the superior console. PS brand always sucked if you didn't liked jrpg's

G-g-g-golden eye

How can one criticise a console when they only played one rented game on it for a while? And why would your parents buy you a n64 just to rent you one game?

The PS1 was a good console, but it ruined the gaming industry.
>Brought Sony into the gaming industry, therefore causing the PS2 which did even more damage
>Start of cinematic games
>Start of cheap and lazy devs
>Made industry more casual
>Start of some shitty series like Spyro, and Tenchu, Xenosaga, etc.
It was better than the N64 and Saturn, but the damage it did to the industry is unforgivable.

Ogre Battle 64 :)

Blast Corps

t. reddit

This is the most hilariously petty OP I've seen tonight. Be careful you don't spill the cap on that salt


>fisher price

You could have just started there and saved me the time reading that disaster of an argument


>brawl the strongest in the series

Either you're retarded and have terrible taste or you're retarded and don't know how > and < symbols work.

Oh wait, turn the sideway triangles to the other direction

meleefags go away, dont you have some vods of a tournament full of autists to watch
it was good at released but it aged like milk
play the games at a party and you would understand, brawl was a fucking blast

Brawl is terrible. Melee autists are fucking cancerous.

Am I not allowed to think both of those at the same time?

the PS1 was for poor people

the ps1 wasn't that good desu
especially the long load times killed it for me

baka senpai

tekken series was better at that time than smash bros wich isnt even a real fighting game to me

I prefer ocarina of time and goldeneye
but you are pretty much right

>N64 autists will defend this

tekken is correct the rest sucks

Name ONE (1) game in which you would have to do this

>I guess more people had a n64
Globally the PS1 outnumbers the N64 very hard. It may be an american thing though.

Like pottery

quality over quantity

conker, banjo kazooie, mario party, etc

More iconic games.

>It may be an american thing though.
It is, the N64 was literally only popular on America, in Japan and Europa no one give it the time of the day

Name ONE (1) reason to lay a controller out like that

Because the pisstation wasnt superior, not in hardware nor in games.

No one remembers ps1 games, but everyone remembers banjo kazooie, goldeneye, mario 64, ocarina, bomberman, tonic trouble, escape from silicon valley, jet force gemini, mario kart, mario party, star fox

I do too, but this isn't the thread.

>Guy claims more people had the n64
>point out it sold less
>lol but the games are better why would I even read the whole post it has like 1 sentence xD

Not defending the controller just saying the devs made good use of the shit they were given.

>Start of cinematic games
You mean the start of games with cinematic cutscenes which the n64 is incapable of
>Start of cheap and lazy devs
Are you saying n64 is full of AA good games?
>Made industry more casual
R u a hardcore gaymer?
>Not liking Spyro, and Tenchu
Shit taste

those are all pretty niche

clearly PS1 owners bought several of them for no particular reason while N64 owners had one each.

>why even think about a point when you can just insult people.

Analog sticks were a new-ish thing at the time. How do you lay out a controller to fit in this new technology? It probably could have been done better but I wasn't the person who came up with the idea of putting an analog stick on a controller so I can't tell you why they did it the way they did.

it even stated in the manual of each game how to grip the controller best for this game.
could have done better but it worked fine for me.
some kids where just retarded.

>No one remembers MGS, FF7-9, Twisted Metal, Tekken, etc
>but everyone remembers bomberman, tonic trouble, escape from silicon valley

>needing a manual to tell you how to hold a controller

Fucking Nintendo

No one remembers tekken, not even the creators

God I miss Armored Core. Miss sleep overs too playing Rampage and crowding around Parasite Eve

PSX is too mainstream.

Because a lot of PS1 games still hold up well.

I am old enough to have been given an N64 as a gift. It was shit. I had about 3 games for it, and played one.

> How do you lay out a controller to fit in this new technology?
I know Nintendo is trying to go for the joystick with a grip route but changing your grip just to use the joystick isn't ergonomical in the slightest.

Pretty sure tekken is the only one everyone knows from that . he did say 3 of the 4

>No one remembers tekken
>when 7 is one of the most anticipated games of the year
>when 3 still holds up to this day

Because the foolen thing doesmt work
You a brand new cd and it work fine diring the first day
Then you turn off and when you wana play it again it doesnt work cause you looked at it funny
You didnt even took the game out of the console

Dont even make me start about memory cards FUCK MEMORY CARDS

they know ppl like you are retarded.
thats because they also do warnings on microwaves to not dry your hamster in there you know.
its not a hard concept in most games like ocarina of time or waverace you always hold it with one hand on the middle analoge and one hand on the right where the action buttons are.

>name a ps1 platformer better than mario 64

Wild 9?

>name a ps1 fps better than perfect dark


>name a ps1 fighitng game better than smash

Guilty Gear?

>name a ps1 adventure game better than majoras mask


>retard can't name one game, posts memes instead
you sure showed him

Why the fuck do people keep complaining about the controller? Have you ever held one of them? It's arguably an odd design, but it works well in every game that I've used it with. The only bad thing about it is that the analog stick wore out easily (fuck you, Mario Party).

trash that nobody knows

>trash that nobody knows
>if buzzfeed doesn't talk about it, it's not good

nobody watches buzzfeed

Same people who think Pokémon 1st gen was the best gen.

>trash that nobody knows

everyone knows these fuckin games


>name a ps1 platformer better than mario 64
N/A, Mario 64 still is one of the all-time greats.
>name a ps1 fps better than perfect dark
That one that ran at 10 frames per second? Thanks but no thanks. It's not even the best FPS on the N64.
>name a ps1 fighitng game better than smash
LOL, are you joking Even 2nd tier PS1 fighting games like Advanced V.G. are much better than any N64 fighting game.
>name a ps1 adventure game better than majoras mask
MGS (3D) and Alundra (2D), better by far.

>nobody watches buzzfeed
as expected, the retard doesnt know what he's talking about

hexen is on n64 too
wild 9 guilty gear and alunda is shit tier games nobody played

Saturn was better
I wish sega wasnt retarded

>console war thread

I'd say kill yourself, OP, but you're already clearly dead inside.


PS1 was a pile of trash only fit for movies and you know it.

>hexen is on n64 too

ran much better on ps1

>nobody played
>guilty gear
>nobody played


>people STILL fucking arguing over whether N64 or PS1 is better
>not having both
>not appreciating both
To be fair a good number of my favorite games are on PS1 but they were both good