With the COD series "going back to its roots" what does Sup Forums think about this COD?

With the COD series "going back to its roots" what does Sup Forums think about this COD?

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not as good as bo2

not as revolutionary as cod4

still good

pretty good when it came out. now there's to many kids with mods

Wasn't that bad. Plot was pretty retarded but still fun.

Solid Cold War thriller with all the requisite Vietnam War setpieces and all the homages to stuff like the Manchurian Candidate.

It's really where Treyarch went from "those guys that make the interim CODs for IW" to the real heavyweight among the COD devs.


Best campaign.

Got em both on backwards compatibility the second one is definitely better I would say it the best cod out there. Blops 1 is good but not mw4 or blops 2 good





Best zombies.

I dont understand shitters who say MW2 and Black Ops made cod go bad.

Even at MW3 I say it was a stretch I fucking hate how the normies made them go back to WW2 when COD in Vietnam was cool as shit

>Shitty NVA
>Not OP 40


well we haven't had a ww2 game this gen yet and people miss them.

BLOPS 1 is fucking god like

>Customization that wasnt behind pay walls
>Perks dictated your player model
>Dolphin Diving
>Good zombies,campaign, and mutiplayer

Mw2 had a the base for a really good multiplayer game.

The problem was that COD stuck to the yearly release schedule. They never bothered to preform some finer balance that mw2 needed to be perfect and maintain support. So you can't even play mw2 on a console any more.

I liked it better than MW2, the customization was fun
Although it may have just lined up with me accepting that the series is now a playable action movie instead of a run and gun war shooter

>omg its going back to its rooots!!!!!

Honestly does anyone find it funny COD actually changes itself for once and everyone suddenly turns on it?

The movement system they added might be shit in some regards but its still a movement system

The lack of complex movement is never really what I ever saw anyone complain about CoD for

It's being developed by Sledgehammer. Best to not get your hopes up.

BO1 was the last decent game in the series, so we should all be used to disappointment by now

even if its the bad COD devs its still gonna sell like hotcakes since muh WW2

BO2 was better.