>Multiplayer game takes skill
>it inevitably dies within a year, if that
Meanwhile press Q to win Overwatch and MOBAs (RTS for braindeads) are thriving. Why is this allowed?
I'm also looking forward to Quake Champions but it will of course die.
>Multiplayer game takes skill
>it inevitably dies within a year, if that
Meanwhile press Q to win Overwatch and MOBAs (RTS for braindeads) are thriving. Why is this allowed?
I'm also looking forward to Quake Champions but it will of course die.
Other urls found in this thread:
>aesthetics and design dont mean anything
>id enjoy a skillful spreadsheet simulator over something that looks/sounds good and is an enjoyable world to be involved in
Splash Damage is shit only good at art design
You guys see that dude on the left? His name is Turtle and he was teased 2 years ago
He is currently not in the game
didn't help that there were public hacks for it that they didn't patch for months
It's simple. The lower you aim your standards the larger your audience will be.
As long as it isn't some more pay to win garbage
They've also done a lot of optimising, company restructuring, left their publisher, and been outsourced for development on others companies games. I'd love to see turtle in the game too but it's one thing.
Dirty Bomb was just an unpolished Calladuty mixed with watered-down elements from Day of Defeat, TF2, and every other MP Source game.
Instead of Turtle I rather have javelin.
However turtle might just make the last point on underground defuseable
Dirty Bomb was alright but they take too fucking long to put out content. After a year without a new character and only constant cock-teasing of the new map, of course people are going to get bored and leave. It doesn't even matter that they're releasing the map now, the damage has been done, because they've proven that they're more than willing to go months on end without putting out any content.
>Want to use a certain card
>Never get it
>Stop playing
Maybe if your game wasn't """"free """" to play it would've done better.
>it's the "MOBAS ARE RTS FOR BRAINDEADS" meme again even though dota 2 has more in common with brood war than most RTS games that get released today and sc2 was fucking terrible
>take a dirty dump on the old crafting system when it was fine
>oh well at least I don't have to use credits to cra-
>you still have to use credits (dunno if this ever got changed)
>Last major update was the Aimee one
They were better off with Nexon, at least they got shit done at that time
Every Card above Bronze tier is just resking of Bronze Card. In terms of Gameplay only Bronze Cards are important, and those are really easy obtainable.
I wish they had made non-cosmetic tier 3 cards. Like I want my 3 augments but I don't wanna run around with tacky camo, I just want the default skin with my augments and weapons.
Dirty Bomb has way better looking guns than OW and that's the main thing you look at. I like the designs of DB way more than OW'S disanime that looks like ripoffs of other games and comics including DB itself.
Thunder & Phoenix>anything from OW
DB'S sound is also way better than OW. Guns don't sound pee shooters and there are way more character lines voice acting that doesn't sound like a joke. Compare Widow to Aimee.
No censorship in DB either except for the Britbong characters for added comedy.
Because for several years the game has almost no content updates, a terrible f2p system WITHOUT an option to buy the whole game, shit matchmaking, and on top of all that the game is unoptimized and dated.
I had a little over 110 hours in the game before I called it quits. It's a fantastic game at its core brought down by shitty decisions.
just play the non-meta characters in overwatch
It's grind 2 hours to get a loadout for your Skyhammer and Aura, two of the best characters in the game. You only need to buy Fletcher with your free credits after you get to level 5-10 and you have a top tier team without rotation
F2p system is the worst if you like to play everyone or ate an idiot who decided to buy snipers.
They really do need a $20-30 character pack and just rely on rare edition cards and trinkets to make money.
Aura is good, but I personally Prefer Phoenix, better weapons and just that extra bit more capable in a fight.
>tfw Phoenix is on free rotation and people don't know how to charge his heal
>Dirty Bomb has way better looking guns than OW and that's the main thing you look at. I like the designs of DB way more than OW'S disanime that looks like ripoffs of other games and comics including DB itself.
>DB'S sound is also way better than OW. Guns don't sound pee shooters and there are way more character lines voice acting that doesn't sound like a joke. Compare Widow to Aimee.
Obviously not if DB is dead as fuck and OW isn't. You're a minority.
why can't i fucking aim in games like dirty bomb or quake champions? i can aim fine in tf2. if it my shitty mouse?
OW had advertising
Didn't play QC, but DB has smaller hitboxes and you may have different horizontal and vertical sensitivities depending on your settings?
Firing guns in TF2 is very different to Quake and DB, TF2 has a lot of shotgun pellet/area of effect weapons, meanwhile pretty much everything in Dirty Bomb fires like a laser gun, which means if you can track your target there's no problem, but you can't rely on spray to net you and lucky hits.
Might I suggest you use a hitsound?
What FPS do you get? Even if you only have a 60hz monitor FPS beyond 60 makes things more smoother and more responsive, reduces input lag etc.
i do like the voices much better. I always found it fucking weird that the overwatch characters actually spoke in whatever language they were born in at times yet 90% of the time spoke in English. Its almost kind of like they wanted you to remember there were non-english speaking characters. It gets annoying really fast to me. Either have them speak in there natural born language 100% of time or don't at all.
>better weapons
Crotzni is pretty nice, but I'll always prefer the Hochfir on him because the Obsidian skin is too good; I wish I could change the weapon on the card.
I use the Hochfir because KE81 is the best healing package, IMO. I really don't hate any guns in DB, but I do think the Stark is the hands down best.
Yeah I got the Obsidian too, shits baller-tier
>liking how every merc had ONE (1) supremely good card while the eight other were horseshit like melee damag, no fall damage and quicker ironsighting.
Old system was better, but only slightly. The gen 2 cards are a godsend but then it makes you wonder why the made so many gen 1 cards so shitty
i quit when this guy got added and was dominating every game.
kek fuck off kid
>~15 hours to get enough currency to unlock one (1) character
>unspecified amount of time to luck out and get good cards for said character
>you're at a SEVERE disatvantage when playing against someone with good cards
>multiplayer game that takes skill
Honestly would have preferred Gen 2 cards with the original crafting system
10% boosts isn't severe unless you thought pineapple juggler was godlike. You can also spend credits to get any specific card from gen 1 and 2 in bronze form.
>Gen 1 Sparks cards
>Interesting variety of playstyles, can make her agile as fuck, a powerful melee character, or focus on medicing
>Gen 2 Sparks cards
>Every single card is 2 medic augments and 1 mediocre general augment, no variety allowed
I actually enjoyed DB for the few months I played. I just got tired of how abysmally slow the grind was when you didn't have any missions, and then some missions were fucking awful. Specifically, I remember the support on taking like 10 matches to complete and being forced to play a merc I wasn't really fond of. Parkour mechanics were good.
Protip for anyone interested in playing this game, the only way to make credits is from daily bonuses and clearing your missions. You will make 0 credits from actually playing matches so don't bother trying to grind those, just sign on every 3 hours, clear your missions and turn the game off.
last i remembered i did really good every game and would get like ~200 credits from each game (maybe more I last played a year ago), pretty easy to rack up credits if you don't suck
I've played it like a year ago and thought it was neat. How dead is it?
You can get 200 credits per match if you're topping the team and the match lasts long enough but it makes it incredibly frustrating to grind. It's better to just do your missions and get like 1500-3000 from 1-2 matches of doing missions.
It's still 1k-3k people a day, but server browser makes finding matches instant. Unironicall faster to find a game than OW
playing the same maps for 6 years was enough
aura's heal station is far too defensive and too easy destroy with explosive class
Fucking this
Quick play in OW takes way too much time
>this game is not available in your region
Gee OP I wonder why it ducking died.
>>it inevitably dies within a year, if that
It didnt die until Phantom
>Pre phantom
Entire game was team based, lots were using a mic. You couldnt win without people working together
>post phantom
100% silence as everyone ran around doing their own thing
>dirty bomb
Runs like ass on my laptop.
That's why i am playing Warface instead.
>tried to give it a shot when it first came out
>immediately got virus warnings
>uninstalled and never tried again
It just didn't look that interesting to me in the first place. Visuals matter. Overwatch looks better.
>dirty bomb
>every weapon is pinpoint accuracy
>started playing it when it was in open beta
>it was fun and wanted to get into it competitively
>friend invites me to play
>he starts blatantly aimbotting
>tells me to not play competitive b/c cheating is to easy and he hasnt been caught for weeks
>all my interest in it dies cuz i got bored of casual
Fucking pc gaming man. f2p fps are filled with hackers and the payed ones die cuz its not free
Don't forget that Gallery is their worst map. I hope Dockyard is good or at least current Dome tier.
you forgot
>is owned by a chinese chicken company now
Considering what i know of Tencent and the horror stories of chinese companies in general, i firmly believe SD is FUCKED
are you fucking kidding me Dockyard still isn't out. i made a video run around on it about 2 years ago
>its skillful if your guns are not accurate
Devs were aggressively retarded. They implemented a ninja character, except his katana thrust attack would tick damage if it passed through a player at any point in the animation. So folks would run a macro that would just throw the camera around a million times in a split second when it fired generating a deadly spin attack.
Devs couldn't figure out how to stop people from unfairly beyblading everyone to death, so they literally just dropped player sensitivity into the ground every time they meleed. This made all melee feel horrendously sluggish and literally killed the melee play for all other characters (rip in peace sparks bat. That was the exact moment I dropped the game.
I actually wanted to play it, but fuck this region lock shit.
they did revert that, but holy shit i have never gone back to melee-ing after that. How can one company be so lazy and retarded, and still exist?
>So folks would run a macro that would just throw the camera around a million times in a split second when it fired generating a deadly spin attack.
Sounds like the classic katana >slash 20 times in a second splitting the enemy in 40 parts-move
>takes skill
pic surely not related
Meanwhile press Q to win Overwatch and MOBAs (RTS for braindeads) are thriving. Why is this allowed?
Because most people that get hit by Mcree's ult instead of finding cover when they hear it's high noon learn from their mistakes and git gud instead of making whiny crybaby threads on Sup Forums. Usually.
I'm not surprised that they did, but it was such an astonishing glimpse into how little they actually understood their own software that I actively decided to stop caring. I've seen developers make lazy decisions and thought, "just do the work properly you dumb fucks," but Dirty Bomb was the first time in my life that I've seen a decision and honestly thought that the developers were stupid human beings.
It was fun, funny as hell and, honestly, not terribly effective once people had seen it a couple times, so of course the developers had to immediately destroy it by any means necessary.
dirty bomb was shit easy to play and it died because of the shitty card system.
people dont want to play f2p shooters with a terrible loadout system. I was willing to give splash damage another chance after brink but they really fucked up even worse with dirty bomb.
I almost downloaded this but I hesitated because I thought it was "another one of those free to play games" that come and go all the time
Is it good? Should I get it?
it's pretty shit, dont bother. it also installs a botnet anti cheat on your system too.
It's fun if you're good at FPS games.
>it also installs a botnet anti cheat
I don't remember it using EasyAntiCheat
SD is the stupidest developer I've ever seen. Continually made the absolutely worst descisions.
heh, but it does use some garbage ac that easily bypassed. ive forgotten the name of it but i think they used it for maple story
>a game with no advertising made by a literally who aimed towards a small "skilled" audience dies within a year
>a game made by one of the biggest games companies on Earth which probably has an advertising budget bigger than Dirty Bomb's entire budget and is aimed towards the entire gaming community survives
Really makes me think.
Also isn't Dirty Bomb freemium as fuck? Don't you have to unlock heroes, but in-game currency can be conveniently paid for with real money?
Overwatch might have those jew lootboxes but at least they're cosmetic only.
You know people bitch about RTS and Quake being dead a lot but I think people greatly overestimate the amount of people actually playing those games competitively.
RTS isn't good anyways.
>press Q to win Overwatch
You are absolutely the worst kind of shitposter. Overwatch is definitely flawed, especially in comparison to something like Dirty Bomb, but your stupid ass has no idea why. Regurgitating facile observations isn't going to help you fit in.
Great FPSs (and probably great games in general) are defined by their core mechanics. Dirty Bomb excelled in the core mechanics of character movement. The rules are solid and intuitable, but required practice and timing to chain together into complex actions. By contrast, Overwatch's movement mechanics are rigid and proscribed. Dirty Bomb's different characters move differently based on different variables in a robust system. Overwatch's characters move differently because they are individually marked as the jetpack character or the wallride character.
i think its gameguard? its the shit nexon uses and forces on all their games. don't trust koreans.
It actually does use EasyAntiCheat now.
DB needs a bit more of advertisement and loads more of content
He was quoting OP, retard.
Splash Damage is good at making games but they can't sustain them. They should just sell them to some other developer after it's done.
>Takes forever to grind for classes
>Devs take forever to actually update
>Bland aesthetic
I'll pass
>b-but muh rocket jumps
Nobody cares you sweaty autist
>>Multiplayer game takes skill
>>it inevitably dies within a year, if that
Why is Siege more alive than it's even been?
I think what turned a lot of people off was Nexon
Nexon being involve means that the game will without a doubt be a cash shop infested piece of shit
siege takes skill ?
Siege's matchmaking is so bad at times it might as well be dead. So many fucking people playing, but not a single match found. REEEEEE and then matches are fucking instant once you add or lose a person to your party, but solo is never fast. It's always a sweetspot of 2-4 party members.
>let's make a game that hinges on four players co-operating in an concerted effort to find, trap and beat another
>while giving the monster enough burst that if someone fucks up their fuel gauge management once, it can be instant gg
There was fun to be had, but its retention power was just way too niche for how amibitious it was.
>one class is broken as fuck and any game you try to join are a bunch of level one million folk playing as it, farming XP on newer players who don't understand the meta
Which class is broken?
Their f2p model was complete shit so I stopped playing after like 70 hours
It has endemic smurf, pub-stomping problems where an actual skilled player with a grudge can and will ruin games endlessly.
Small player base with too many modes completely splitting the player base between ranked, stopwatch, quick play.
Stupid fucking updates like spending time creating a fucking assault course instead of making new maps and adding heroes. Heroes that were data-mined literally years ago are still not in the game.
The very first initial beta footage was much better than what we ended up getting.
Phantom patch was when I stopped playing. Fuckinf invisible ninja in a team shooter fuck off
I loved Dirty Bomb, except for its giving too much focus on explosives and snipers - ie, toys for children.
Shockingly I have 210 hours in it, meanwhile I probably dropped OW after 30-40 or so, despite buying it for full price and haven't touched it for overh alf a year now.
I do think its style is very 'meh', its really like a mix of cod/bf/cs and doesn't pretend to be something new, but the gameplay variety and skill ceiling is great, the movement is very good and the pace of the game is probably the best for me, average to fast but never "too fast" (for me) like q3a
Zipping around as aura, dropping my healing station everywhere, keeping up my team and making chokepoints we can push, all the while I'm going around like a blur shotgunning people in their faces is probably the best healing role I ever played. Playing Mercy after that feels like a role meant for the elderly and retired.
The thing I remember most fondly about dirty bomb is the voice chat menu.
not even data mined we played turtle in alpa for a few weeks and we made some maps in udk3 to help give them ideas. there was one good dev there that imported them into the game so we could all play on them but he left and so did the dream of new maps
why not just play a game that isn't published by fucking nexon like titanfall 2
>Meanwhile press Q to win Overwatch and MOBAs (RTS for braindeads) are thriving. Why is this allowed?
Because ultimates are more fun and the character designs are more interesting then the tacticool bullshit in DB.
Fuck I never even knew it was that bad, holy shit.