"Revival" project is already dead

>"Revival" project is already dead
l m a o

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I wanted to check it out at first, but I heard it still used Punkbuster.


Fucking shit I am gonna have to suffer though another generation of shit tier Wolrd War shotters

fuck sakes

fun while it lasted


I still regret purchasing this game back in the day. Shoulda bought BF2

>didnt have both

sidi power plant was probably the best loading music followed by cerbere landing

>2143 will never be a thing

Why is BF4's titan mode (or whatever tf it's called) so much worse than 2142's? It's basically the same thing so why doesn't it come close to satisfying?

Remember when this game launched with literal adware?

since they barely modeled in the inside of the ship and it uses shit rush mode mechanics

just wasnt even close

it was just conquest with a bit of rush at the end

>implying EA would give up the chance to be the sole futuristic shooter with CoD tricked into going back to the stone age

>EA will "remake" BF2 in your lifetime
>Probably like Battlefront 2

>be BF4s final DLC
>Decide to put in a FUCKTON of 2142 references
>Gauss Rifles
>Prototype hover tanks
>flying minigun drones
>PAC logos plastered everywhere
>prototype drop pods
>a literal titan was a capture point

Here is some WW1 action guiz :^)


cock teast desu

If I recall it was a battlefield game that had the Russians winning

BF1 is so fucking boring I actually went back to BF4


>tfw try to use the pods
>tfw get motion sickness

>under barrel rocket launcher

BF3 is a remake of BF2, and so is BF4. There's no literal reason to remake BF2.

>fag gets behind wall
>aim at wall
>move crosshair above him
>scroll up 1 notch to change explosion timing
>blow his ass up

i think i played the BF2 maps more than any BF3 map

i wish there was a full on remake of BF2 though of all the maps

proper karkand
kubra dam
operation harvest
that dark as fuck map with the submarine bay

Did something happen? Or are you just referring to the lack of players?
I actually tried to download the BF2 version recently but I couldn't get to work so I quit and uninstalled everything. Disappointing.

I had a friend that couldn't stop raving about this game. I picked it up and it felt like a downgrade to BF2 in every way. The maps were mediocre at best. Pod drop steering broke the game. Sniper rifles had an arbitary range while AT gun rockets ran forever. Titans were locked on most servers. The devs were notorious for their shitting patch work.

Also, the Voss somehow turned into the Schrodinger's cat of game balance: if it got nerfed, the community bitched that it was too weak, buffed and everybody bitched it was a noobtube.

still remember when i wen to EB games to get it and the fag at the counter said this game has spyware bro

it was just dynamic ads for intel and something else

i swear the patches killed the game

and you had to install the fuckers in a certain order to get the game to work and then there was the 1.51 patch but the game was pretty much dead at that point

>knife only server
>get in APC
>run down the entire enemy team

It's not dead you autistic fuck.

>clark-15 shotgun fags on camp gibraltar

>that one time you picked up a bestbuy kit
>that giant ass assault rifle taking up half the screen

I've bought 2142 at release and i had a damn good time with it.
There is no need to play it again. You should learn to move on.

BF2142 was great before they nerfed the infantry pods and froze the titans in place.

Good times, it really was a gem of a game.

you're talking some mad shit cause it's not at all dead

>patches killed the game
The devs had to do something. It was unplayable nonsense in its release state.
People who knew how to pod drop shift could fling themselves halfway across the map.
Core glitching means dipshits would just find the right spot on the Titan and glitch right into the core.
The game had a lot wrong with it just from a technical standpoint.

DICE should have done the CoD thing and make non-playable areas like roofs and locked spaces insta-kill zones.

battlefield 1's problems stem from EA/DICE not giving user-hosted servers, or making the game moddable.

The game was hurt further in this regard by not making it enough like Verdun or Red Orchestra (1 or 2)..

>froze the titans

wasnt that only on certain maps where you could ram the titan into the ground and crash the server?

i was one of the fuckers who glitched into walls and stuff

fall of berlin i think was my favorite glitch becuause i could still cap the flag and people thought i was killing them from the top of the buillding

also the sidi powerplant wall glitch was easy as fuck just pod through the wall

>people figure out that on certain maps if you drove the Titan into certain spots the server would crash
>rather than actually fix the problem DICE just started locking all the Titans, turning off half the game mode
I hate those swedish pieces of shit so much.

>froze the titans in place.
That was a server level option, but everyone turned it on since patched servers ran like complete ass with all the extra geometry they added to Titans to try to prevent glitching.

The best buy exclusive one? Somebody post the pic.

I think it got to the point during any titan mode match, if anyone moved the titans, the server would shit its pants.

I remember when this bug first showed up, and people would yell at the commanders if they tried moving the titans.

Too bad too, since the titans had underside mounted cannons that acted as artillery support, hover that bastard over a target and rain down hell.

They need to remake another battlefield like this. Imagine the Bad Company 2 engine with actual non glitchy titans (and diagonal running)

yea bofors defence rifle

statistically identaical to the scar-11

So is this thing really already dead?

I meant to give it a go, should I still try?

weekends should still be populated enough to get a game going

>commander moves titan
>loses shields as titan is over a silo
>cant move ti


no frostbite-dice makes games for consoles and locks them down tightly

2142 wasn't executed very well and DICE made it worse with every patch just like BF2 but at least they tried to innovate. It was the last game DICE tried something new. Titan Mode was a lot of fun with a few problems that became worse in the newer patches until basically no one played it anymore or the Titans were not allowed to move, taking a lot of the fun out of it.

Too bad, I really liked it for all that it tried.

i wish BF4 had more 2142 prototypes in it

a BAUR-H assault rifle pickup would have been awesome

2142 has too many problems...
If they had fix that glichy way of running I would have keep playing the game... for real, unless you got your choppa/tank you just get perma rekt by some random dude not spotted by your commander in the middle of nowhere.

Its fun like 15% of the time

A lot of people didn't like the mixed role classes of 2142. It felt like a downgrade from the clear roles of BF2 and a cheap way to juice the unlock system that was a hilarious grind in 2. DICE is still clinging doggedly to this.

>people discovering you can disable the shields to the top 2 consoles by shooting the battery things
>years after game is already out
>admins think its a glitch
>it was actually intended

i miss BF games when killcams and minimap doritos weren't standard

those 2 things alone change everything

Red Orchestra 3 is coming soon user, just hold on

night maps in 2142 were the best
>tfw could actually sneak around the map somewhat
>that liberation of leipzig map
>crawling along the monorail
>infiltrating the enemy main
>blowing up the commander assets

I disagree, BF1 has some more problems. The Rush maps are probably the worst in the series, namely the desert one, it took forever for new maps to show up compared to BF4, you'll mainly see SMGs and LMGs instead of anything else for the time, and I since I made the mistake of getting it on PS4 it controlled poorly.

Then again this is going off what I played in December, maybe the game improved since then and its more lively on PC, that or people play BF3/4 instead

I tried to play it but the servers were all 200+ ping. I don't know what anyone expected.

>tank driftan

You meant Rising Storm 2?

>team is losing the match badly
>no commander
>take command and attempt to turn things around
>team votes to remote me as commander
Some of the shit that went on in these matches just defy reason.


>first time being EMP'd

>pod glitching on top of the tallest buildings
>dropping spawn beacon

>bomb jumping into areas that were almost impossible to get to otherwise

from what I've heard the PC version is pretty dead.

there was a bit of activity with more recent expansions, but I think the biggest issues come down to EA/DICE locking everything down and preventing PC modders from experimenting