>be NEET
>plenty of time to play games
>can't afford them
>be wagecuck
>can afford to play games
>no time to play them
>be NEET
>plenty of time to play games
>can't afford them
>be wagecuck
>can afford to play games
>no time to play them
damned if you do damned if you don't
Life's shit, who knew
I found that miserable middle ground
>part-time job
>can afford SOME games (sometimes), and have SOME time to play them (sometimes)
When you're a wagecuck you'll learn to get by with like 4 or 5 hours of time to play on days you work. The weekend is the time to temporarily pretend you're a NEET again and play all day.
It's okay.
>Be retired
>All the time in the world to play vidya
>All the money in the world to buy vidya
>Can't see vidya
>Can't into reflexes
>Can't get it up for JRPG waifus
Some ol bullshit i tell ya hwat
>be NEET
>plenty of money to afford games
>play 18+ hours a "day"
>still have a backlog and will never catch up
it's not fair
How in the fuck?
Stop playing MMOs. Or get better taste, like damn if I even had 6 hours a day to play vidya I'd exhaust everything I'd want to play in like a year and a half
Where do you get your neetbux
Just wait until you're 65 and retired. Then you can play DOTA3 and League of Legends 2 with all your retired friends in the nursing home for the rest of your life.
you are a waste of a human life
Would of been if you hadn't posted it yourself retard
4/10 made me reply
>Just wait until you're 65 and retired
umm no sweetie that's not how it works. our generation won't be able to retire till 70+ at best, IF you do everything right.
Oh and there won't be anything in the social security fund for you to cash in on.
>have no job
>get games as gifts sometimes and do odd jobs for some bucks
>still don't have any time to play games because of mother being a psychopathic bitch who is so weird, she wants me to do shit like completely dust my room everyday and steam clean almost every room in our house, EVERYDAY
>have job
>can buy any game I want
>Still have no time because mother believes work is just time away from cleaning, and not my own actual fucking work. Saying shit like "you've been gone at work all day, you have to help ME now."
I want to move out. I got Persona 5 on release day, and I still am only at the part where you enter the castle the second time. Please kill me.
that sucks user. try to find a roomate so you can afford to move out by splitting the cost.
I'm actually only 18 and and graduating high school soon. I'm leaving for college in August. I'm so excited just to be away from my mother. She's got really bad mental problems and even if you disagree with her about something as small as what chips you want to buy at the store, she screams about wanting to cut me off. Pretty sure she was abused by her father.
Video games are hard.
Video james suck
Good thing no games are worth playing anymore.
>be former wagecuck unemployed and living neet life since moving countries
>have 500+ games backlog on steam
>not play any because of guilt about not looking for a job 27/7
Kill me.
Tumblr wants you back.
How can you not be able to afford games? They're fucking free if you pirate.
The only thing worse than a neet is an pirate
Worse how?
>no time to play them
It's your god damned fault.
If you want time for something, you make time.
What the fuck are you doing after work?
>Save up 4000$ burger bucks working full time
>arrange to move out of apartment and move back in with parents to avoid rent
>they are all for it but don't know I plan on becoming full NEET
>Literally spend an entire year living off of beer, cigs and cheeseburgers while clearing out my backlog
>never even got through all the money I saved up for this
If I didn't clear up my backlog already I wouldn't be starting a new job in a couple days, but being a neet without games is torture. Gotta do the NEET thing smart OP
I had the NEET life and I fucked it all up. Living in my grandma's basement. Probably could have inherited the house when she died. All I did was cry about how I had no girl friend. So I went on a campaign of self improvement. Cleaned up, lost weight, went to school, the whole nine yards. I got a job that turned into a career I got married, bought a house, had kids. Now I'm 40 and I've never been more miserable in my life. I should have never moved out of that basement. The normie life is a constant waking nightmare. I'm stuck now though. The only way out would be to an hero or go innawoods.
how can you not have time to play games after an 8 hour shift?
>shift is 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM
>3:00 PM to 12:00 AM is free for vidya, etc
>12:00 AM to 5:45 AM for sleep
5 hours of sleep isn't the best but it's nothing a glass of orange juice can't fix
you tell them that yet you are from reddit
>8 hours work
>3 hours commute + 'maintenance'
>7 hours sleep
>6 hours for gaming / shitposting on Sup Forums
are you from some 3rd world shithole with 15 hours work per day?
How about you stop being a pushover beta and call her out on her shit
less than 6 hours sleep consistently will fucking break your brain
ive been sleeping for 4-5 hours a day for the past 2 years and my brain is fine
I guess that explains a lot
>not pirating everything
Your fault.
>have plenty of time
>don't want to play anything
Sure it is.
You're posting on Sup Forums.
That's pretty big warning sign already.
12 hours of work per day, 4 hours of commute by train and subway.
I wake up at 5:30 AM, eat quickly, leave at 6, get to work from suburbs. Work starts at 8 AM (one minute late = say bb to half of your salary per day, arrived late 3 or 5 times = fired), lasts till 8 PM. Then I go back home, arrive there by 10-10:30 PM and try to fall asleep as quickly as possible so I won't look like a corpse the next day.
I get time off on weekends, but I don't have any drive to play vidya. I just want to lie down and sleep some more.
>Work 30 hours a week
>Full-time student
>No car
>One room apartment
>Have enough money to pay for course-work, bills, food, and two games a month (or $100 of burner money)
>Have a high-end PC I never use for anything but netflix or anime
>Have no furnature outside of bed, computer chair, and computer set-up / desk
>Rarely home so I only play my Vita anyway
I love my life though. I feel pretty secure in how I'm living despite the rare nights of CRIPPLING LONELINESS AND SUICIDAL THOUGHTS
are you japan
>that month my sleep schedule was so fucked up I was waking up at 8-9 pm and going to sleep around 1-3pm
being neet is hell. normalfags don't understand the mental anguish at all
Your face when the video game hobby is specifically designed for children and teenagers who go to school.
Find a new job
Why are you working like that?
>tfw this was my sleep schedule when I was a baker
Coincidentally that was my last job before my short stint as a NEET. Being a NEET is only hell if you don't have a set goal in mind. It's a battle keeping yourself busy during your perpetually open schedule, but finding shit to do is work in and of itself. Enjoy every minute of your neetdom before you have to find employment
Get a job for a couple months and save
>Work 8 hours
>Too tired to really get into vidya
>End up sleeping 12 hours a night because I work too hard
>Life ends up being a merry-go-round of only working or sleeping
>commit suicide
>Nobody cares because you didn't have time to develop personal relationships
>Meanwhile you never beat the water temple on Zelda : Ocarina of Time
>Your entire life was wasted
How is this hell? Being asleep while normalfags are awake is the best thing ever. I wish I could be neet again.
I'll be your friend..
lol jk go away
Being a wagecuck is suffering, most of the days when i get home i'm too tired to play shit, or i don't feeling like playing (being a pcbro and working with a pc does that to you)
>tfw mindless normalfag drones think you give a shit about their opinions
literally fuck off
>working 65 hours a week, starting 2 weeks ago
>no time to play video games except the weekends
This is truly suffering. How do people live being wagecucks?
Piracy is a necessity.
Nah, weekends is where I spend 12 hours procrastinating saying I'll do something in 10 minutes and then never actually doing anything
>having more than one day off per week
bad goys OUT!
try again sweaty ;)
It's a stupid pol meme user I don't blame you at all for not knowing.
Some people have a conscience user and can't jump through those mental gymnastics to avoid the guilt of theft.
>Get a minimum wage job working 20 hours a week
>Move into low income housing
>Have all the time and money to shitpost and play vidya
>be wagecuck
>no time to play games
>too depressed to play games
Why are you miserable tho?
You are shortening your life user. Not even kidding. You've been warned.
>sour grapes user thinks anyone gives a shit about his opinion
Literally fuck off.
Why not be NEET and pirate your games? Win-win.
>implying that's a downside
>you are a waste of a human life
But working in some shitty office or retail store would make him worthwhile? Face it, most of the work today is worthless fucking bullshit, this ain't the Middle Ages where if everybody doesn't work then the crops fails and we all starve. Robots do all the real work and we're all stuck doing pointless garbage to fuel the soulless consumerism and hedonism and debt-slavery that our post-modern dystopia is built upon.
>be on Sup Forums
>have a conscience strong enough to prevent you from pirating
hiya reddit
>65 hours a week
Jesus fucking nipples, where the hell are you?
That is WAY more than necessary.
>be wagecuck
>can afford to play games
>no time to play them
I don't get this. I sometimes work 40+ hours a week and I still have plenty of time to play games (4-8 hrs a day). Can people just not manage time?
Do seasonal work then
A couple of months working and then being a neet the rest of the year
>pirate all my games
>play full time job hours in videogames, 113 hours every 2 weeks
>spend good boy points on onaholes and pillows
Holy shit you have literally 4 hours of commute to do NOTHING but play handheld vidya.
NOT an excuse.
>you never beat the water temple
are you fucking serious
even fucking arino completed that temple
whoa whoa whoa
>can't afford games
Why in the ever loving fuck are you working such an awful job? I know sometimes you're forced into situations that are stressful but you're hardly above slavery.
>I still have plenty of time to play games (4-8 hrs a day)
The idea of a new game coming out, and not having a solid 14 hours to devote to it is absolutely terrifying to me. I can't imagine living like you.
This desu.
I'd rather work at a minimum wage job where I can work however much I want and take off as much time as I want - even walk off the job if I ever feel like it without any repercussions
- versus waste 8 hours a day stuck behind a desk pushing papers for Mr. Goldstein.
I used to be neet. But I couldn't stay one cause no money. I want to go back dude.
>be NEET
>plenty of money for videogames
>plenty of money for liquor
>plenty of money left over for food, electricity, wifi, rent
Yeah Australian welfare is a bit ridiculous but the job markets fucked so w/e.
Anyway I'd say a part time gig is the best of both worlds
>tfw waitress
I can buy some vidya from all the money I make from tips, but I'm usually too tired to play vidya after work
>too dumb to take advantage of welfare programs
>decides to waste half his waking life at work instead of a half an hour filling out forms
Smart decision, man.
Those "people" don't belong here. There's no such thing as a neet with a conscience. You're a fucking burden on society, if you had a conscience, you would work.
>would of
>implying I'm working
Please stop projecting. I'm in education while leeching off parents. Who would not let me leech otherwise.
Its really not, though.
>You're a fucking burden on society
Maybe if society wasn't a joke, people would care more.
What the fuck are the incentives for participating? I get more money I don't need, to buy things I don't want, and then get married so my wife can take half of everything I own and steal my kids on a whim?
A society like that can burn, for all I care. Until it crumbles under its own weight, I'll take advantage of its positives while avoiding the negatives, there's nothing stopping the government changing the law if they can't deal with my "burden".
Preaching to the choire there, mate.
actually in murika they literally cant force you to work, that impedes on freedom and is LITERALLY slavery. the only difference between a worker and slave are whether they want to do it at all
Well you can learn some skills and contribute that way if you think jobs with very little qualifications are not productive.
>they literally cant force you to work
The systems are generally set up to make it as unpleasant as possible to not work, though. Plenty of countries have "unemployment" benefits that are based on how long you've actually worked for, and when you run out, you have to go to mandatory courses or slave labor retail jobs until you give up and get a job, or stop going and lose all your money.
The majority of work is little more than modern day slavery, most people simply couldn't afford to walk away from their jobs tomorrow.
>society is a joke
Why don't you just start your own then?
>start society
>still have to pay taxes to another society
Just revoke your citizenship and leave
If you're in the western world nobody will stop you.
Neither is that
>They can't force
Well they can't, until you've notified HR and signed legal documents. Unless you'r working in minimum wage, in which case yeah you could literally just randomly walk out whenever and no one can do jack shit to stop you.
I don't have a private army.
Capitalism will sort itself out soon anyway. Automation is practically a world ending apocalypse event if taken to any of its logical conclusions.
I can't think of a logical reason for not partially socializing the economy to allow for more personal freedom at this point.
Why are we still forcing the lower classes to work themselves to death for pennies?
>get better taste