Least satisfying Ganon boss fight of all time

>Least satisfying Ganon boss fight of all time

TP thread?

Minish Cap Vaati fights were better, lmao

I love how they throw you onto the field with Boar Ganon to shoot arrows at him as he blindly fires malice at nothingly

it was also TP's fault for this shit to be in BotW

Boar Ganon was a mistake

>the final boss is literally just recycled assets.

Bravo Nintendo

I don't know user. I just replayed the original LoZ, and that Ganon fight is just swing your sword around randomly until you happen to hit him, and after he turns red and is permanently paralyzed, shoot one silver arrow at him and he disintegrates.
I took more damage when I walked into the fire in the next room like a dumbass then from Ganon

Calamity Ganon was fine, the beast part should've been cool but the mechanics just weren't any good.

I was still satisfied though.

Forgot to mention-hes invisible too. So most of the 30-second fight is just Link flailing around in an empty room. Felt super cheap

Still a cool design

Fuck you, Porc Ganon is the best.

ain't talking about that kind of Ganon, m8

talking about the shitty Boar's Head one

No it's not.

looks like if they tried to make a mock souls boss for a Zelda game

not saying that's a good thing

So is Ganon just going full spergout because he keeps getting beaten and sealed over and over? Seems like it.

>Lttp Ganon had the full triforce
>Link managed to actually kill him

How did he do it?

>Calamity Ganon
>The calamity happens off screen

And they just had to use the same screeching sounds as Bloodborne.

I still think Ganon looked cool.

You'd think that's what the fanbase would be doing after being subject to the same no-character plot 14 times, give or take. Guess not.

So what's up with the force ghosts? Were they ever explained?

silver fucking arrows

don't be a contrarian. he looks fucking sick

hylian magic

Probably because he was Ganon and not Dorf, he was just a dumb animal and didn't think to use it.

Don't you dare soil the name of boars head.
Fuckin amazing deli meat doesn't need to get dragged through the mud for your autistic vidya arguments.

Were there any Majora's Mask references in BoTW?

He's a fucking mess- not even an intimidating sort of way

All other beast bosses looked like Ganon but with their shit together

You can unlock the fierce diety armor with amiibo.

That's basically what happens when you're a half baked amalgamation. He was supposed to be a mess because he was. You essentially killed Ganon in its fetus-form as it was trying to rejoin the mortal plane.

When one becomes proficient with force usage in the afterlife, they gain the ability to manifest as a spirit.

Doesn't help

I would just shoot arrows at him when he was on the wall, even though it did no damage, because I was so fucking bored the whole time

This Also, Hino says the following:

"Tonight is a full moon... Looks like it could come falling down any minute. I can't take my eyes off of it."

Could just be a coincidence or some stupid reference that the localization team put it. Might be a reference, though. Go talk to him on a full moon.

I'm just mad that doing the divine beasts literally serves to make the final boss LESS epic/intimidating. If you do the only 4 main objectives in the game it puts the final boss at half health, that's fucking stupid AND removes the 4 bosses before it.

Not having to fight the other bosses in the castle I understand, but why lower his health on top of that? If you do the divine beasts its safe to assume you probably also found the master sword so it would already be pretty easy, the difficulty is so stacked in your favor if you do the main quest it's insane. You're much better off fighting him without doing the Divine Beasts.

I wish there was maybe a different form he took if you did all the divine beasts, maybe he gets so weak he takes the form of a human or pig ganon and you have a fast paced 1v1 with him. Instead we get a weak ass 1/2 health "manifestation of evil" that could probably be fucking killed by a silver bokoblin. Then we top it off with the WORST 3D Zelda final boss with the second phase.

IT could have been so good if they just made some slight changes, but instead they punished people for beating the main quest.

That theory would fly- if Boar Ganon didn't blow that right out of the water

Plus- a century of incubation, in which he break out of when you arrive, not because you forced him to get an early abortion


>Blood Moon isn't always up, only diminishing as you clear the BLIGHTS
>The Blights don't return to Ganon upon defeat, giving him even more strength
>Guardians are easily dodged and/or parried, and their roaming region is incredibly small
>Atmosphere of a supposedly desolate world is lush green grass, fauna sounds and piano clinks
>Calamity Ganon literally does nothing, at all, ever

What the fuck is my motivation in this game? The combat ain't fun, the puzzles are dogshit, and the story is garbage. Throw me a bone, Aonuma, you lying hack.

Well, I suppose so...But to stretch my argument a bit more, maybe even that form was unfinished. He was recognizably a boar but fire was bursting out of him everywhere and he could barely move. Nintendo has made too many exciting Ganon fights for this to be a gameplay failing, there has to be a narrative reason why he essentially couldn't do anything about you.

>Nintendo has made too many exciting Ganon fights for this to be a gameplay failing, there has to be a narrative reason why he essentially couldn't do anything about you.
I wish user- I just feel let down. I didn't even have to heal during the 'battle'.

Alas some kid is coming to get the switch and game for 400$ tomorrow so at least my hands will be clean of the whole thing

I'm sorry that you lost faith. I'm going to stay my hand until the story dlc comes out. If that DLC is disappointing...I may join you.

Don't sugar coat it. He was a mess because Nintendo rushed it.

I'm sad every boss was a Guardian robot, and when we finally get flesh and blood Ganon again it's just a Neon Wild Boar with added Cyclops eye for no reason.

>tfw multiple PureZCfags thought it was a tough fight and use him to barricade half the map since you need silver arrows to kill him

Yeah, pretty much. Just beat it this morning.

Loved the game, amazing from start to finish, I'll almost certainly come back to it. But the boss fights were underwhelming in general, they didn't feel like Zelda bosses and, in this case, I think they should have.

Still fun, but not a great final boss by any stretch.

Well she does say, "He's given up on reincarnation..."

So yeah, seems like it.

The ones already mentions and also a massive crater that totally wasn't crated by a Moon Impact.

BotW is a lot more interesting in the early and mid-game, it really falls off later in. After beating Ganon I haven't had any real incentive to go back playing the game again.

It's the poison of Western Aesthetics slowly infecting Japan. To a business man, a boss fight is literally wasted time and assets. It's a single encounter you'll have once in a game. All these resources funneled into one scene, game play elements that have to created, AI that has to be programmed that's only used once. Unique animations you only use once. What's worse is that if you make a mediocre fight or botch the fight itself, it can negatively hurt the game. All those resources effectively wasted. The Boss Rush was originally a means to justify reusing assets because of how much work was put into them.

The western market for years has been trying to phase boss fights out because they're not cost effective. Now the Eastern market is doing so to, and the majority of A3 games will have fewer and fewer bosses. Boss Fights will become a marketing tool.

Really? There's plenty of games in Japan that are largely centered around boss battles.

Several locations in the map reference places and characters from previous zeldas.

The thing is that's pretty much how the market is slowly separating. You get "Boss Fight" games where you fight a set of Bosses over and over again, and then other games are drifting further and further away from making unique boss encounters, instead making a Standard Boss Type enemy or using Mobs.

Suppose that's a reasonable way of putting it.

What if super secret final boss only accessible after getting all the memories, beating all Divine Beasts, and getting the Master Sword

Form 1: Dark Beast Ganon, but rampaging around Hyrule Castle and creating huge gusts of air, requiring use of the paraglider to follow him around and get access to his weak points with the Bow of Light, all the while dodging all the Guardians that you didn't kill

Ganon falls into the Sanctum, Divine Beasts fire, breaking Ganon's control over his malice and supercharging the Master Sword before both of you fall into the arena below

Form 2: Calamity Ganon, full health, mostly unchanged. I thought it was a pretty good fight, honestly.

Ganon falls, malice forms into a more human shape wielding the Triforce of Power, uses it to attack Link and copy his Slate powers while absorbing the Blight Ganons back into himself

Form 3: Ganon Reborn, humanoid Ganon wielding two swords ala Hyrule Warriors, but with Stasis, Magnesis, and Bomb powers along with corrupted versions of the Champion abilities, like an unbreakable regenerating shield that requires the Light Bow to break, or rocketing into the air for powerful slam attacks and reviving upon death with more HP and needing you to take his HP down again before that power regenerates

Goddess are assholes.
>wish to own the world
>triforce gives you a separate shitty dark world

Meanwhile when Link makes a wish
>wish to undo ganon's fuckery
>nullifies a previous triforce wish
>additionally brings several people back to life

Then you have OoT
>ganondorf finds intact triforce
>fuck your wish
>triforce splits up

And WW
>wish to protect hyrule
>cataclysmic flood

I think they definitely should have done an MGR '200% health' for Ganon, would make it a lot more threatening and also make it feel less like the divine beasts did less of the work, and you accomplished it.
It's obviously too late for it, but it would improved it a whole lot imo

That looks remarkably similar to Zeromus' extra form in FF4 Advance.

I disagree. The whole point of the divine beasts is to make killing Ganon easier, they cemented this fact plenty of times. It's not punishing the player if they went to free the divine beasts at their own will, you can go at any point of the game to kill Ganon. desu I would agree with you if the whole Calamity fight was omitted completely because you freed the beasts.

The second phase fucking sucked though and it only makes up for being a shit fight for me by having fantastic atmosphere and killer music. If they are going to stick with the shit Dark Beast ganon for the hard mode, they should at least give him a third phase that made up for it like this user suggested

Not to mention they really don't want you having a fully upgraded classic tunic going in. All the shrines plus all the dragon pieces and star fragments the Wild set need is absurd.

10/10 literally means perfect, but games/movies/books are all art, not everyone will love everything. It's subjective

the 10/10 rating is pretty much means almost everyone will like the game, I think they were right (look at the sales)

majora is my fav zelda, but i know ocarina is almost everyone else's favorite.

His first phase was fun and challenging if you didn't go in with maxed out armor, food, and status effects.

2nd phase was a visual experience and that's about it.

Shame that mane thing makes him look like a balding douchbag with a beard rather than if it had just been Terminator Ganondorf.

I wanted to add, ya the ganon fights were disappointing, the only true flaw I feel in this game, its not like fucked up, makes the game bad. Its just not as inspired as everything else.

I really didnt like how once you run into a ganon thing in the 1st dungeon you do, you then know that's all your fighting, no more surprises.

gameplay wise they are just fine, bomb snacks included.

He is fine, dark beast ganon was absolute trash tho.

Will Ganon ever be a bipedal, talking, trident wielding, badass pig man ever again?

What is the order of the blights you fight when you go straight to Hyrule Castle?

There was no flesh and blood Ganon, he was made of "malice."
Based on what the compendium said, we never got a true physical form in this game.

Wind water thunder fire? Or you switch fire and thunder, I don't remember

Wind, Rain, Shadow, Wood, Sword, Thunder, Power, Sleep,
Cardcaptors of the Clow,
Expect the unexpected now.

I just noticed that 3/4 of that was even in the same order

just a giant spider
Ganon should have been in his bipedal Pig form, the beast form stupid.

Ganon the demon king still has an intelligence though. He even talks in LttP.

Was it really worse than OoT's?