Why does Japan have to sexualize everything in games?

Why does Japan have to sexualize everything in games?

Why not?

They don't, you just chose a retarded example.

Trying to inspire the people to improve the low birthrate

because why not

Sexy girls do a much better job at making otakus buy games than "challenging beauty standards" and political correctness. Burgerland could learn something from nips.

>its ok when video games pander to ME!!!

Go to bed moviebob

do cute girls annoy you?

Is that sexualized? You don't think women should all wear burqas and hide their heads or something?


Rule of thumb is simple. Did the woman pick her clothes herself?
Yes: not sexist
No: sexist

better question
Why are americans so afraid of boobs?

But video game characters don't pick anything. They're pixels, not people.

no but if neckbeards can have mountains of their own games, why cant legbeards have theirs?

Well yea, because at least it panders to people that buy games.

>literally one of the most covered up girls in the series

Can you rephrase that in english?

Neckbeards buy games, legbeards don't

Then they have even less agency, which makes it even more sexist.


Spotted the SJW



The former group actually buys games in notable quantities.

It literally is ok.

Vidya women. Look, stop trying to make sense of it. I'm just describing SJWs thought process.

Japan is full of pedophiles, they even have comics with sex between children under 18 which is illegal.

Nothing good comes out of Japan which is due to them not taking any immigrants no doubt as experts say.

Because FUCK YOU, that's why.

It's super ok.

Stupid chinks thinking they can draw whatever they want.

You can't just go around moving colors in certain ways on paper. Fucking degenerates.

Immigrants can make anything better, except for their own countries.

Their own countries get better when they all leave.

Because they know sex sells and aren't ashamed of it unlike you brainwashed westcucks.

pandering is not just 'sexual', its fetishism
pandering to footfags for example

>they even have comics with sex between children under 18 which is illegal.
Someone call the cyber police

Think of the drawn children!

wtf i just closed 18 tabs now

so? its not your problem, youre not the devs or publishers. if they dont sell theyll stop making them eventually.
the main reason they started pandering to a different group was because they were trying to get back ground they lost with recent games because they had been mediocre and were losing sales. theyre just going to try something else after this fails. also
>selling copies

>>selling copies
sells a hell of a lot more than shit like Revolution 60

fuck off cuck

Americans think that a naked body is something to keep from the public eye
everyone else thinks Blood and gore is something to keep from the public eye

Jap - sexy games
USA - unsexy movies
Korea - pay2sex mmo

>Korea - pay2getcockteased mmo

you know what's funny a game like mass effect andromeda has sex in it and boobs with nipples but japaneas games cant show nipples

and as a result that abomination has disappeared and rarely gets talked about. i dont see your point. and if youre talking about the more mainstream games, they were attempts to rescue series that were starting to swirl down the shitter and appeal to a different crowd that werent going sour on their games


Enjoyment isn't measurable, so yes. It is right when it appeals to you.
This isn't politics or science grounded in fact, it's a subjection of an intangibility.

So fuck off you subhuman negro

He actually thought this was clever

But Japan already makes media centered towards girls.

They just aren't mainstream titles that you hear about over here too often.

There's a reason Comiket has a fujo day man.