Can we all agree that The Joker is the best new vidya character of 2017?
>willing to sacrifice himself for not only his friends but anyone who is abused by corrupt leaders >witty and sarcastic >loves to show off his amazing gymnastic skills >10/10 aesthetics >loves older women unlike most other Japanese men who are beta pedophiles
>new Only if we agree BotW Link is the best overall character of 2017
Anthony Johnson
What are some times you were literally the Joker?
Jackson Williams
>>loves older women unlike most other Japanese men who are beta pedophiles Reminder the attendant is chosen by the guest.
Michael Jenkins
So the protag is Joker? Does that have anything to do with the Joker from P2 or did Atlus really forget that Persona started before 3?
Luis Ross
Easily one of the best blank protagonists ever done. Although funnily enough that was thanks to him not being totally blank.
In the animated adaption he better be as smug as he seems in the metaverse
Parker Carter
>P2 Wait there's a persona 2?
John Adams
He's called Joker because he's the teams trump card, it's fitting for his role.
Joshua Gray
i once tipped at mcdonalds only 10 percent
Levi Foster
>Does that have anything to do with the Joker from P2
no, it's in reference to the main character being the "Wild Card" or in other words his ability to summon multiple Personas
Might be a subtle P2 reference but there is no direct connection to the game in any way
Oliver Moore
So they completely forgot about P2...
Elijah Baker
>people unironically believe in this meme
Dylan James
>really thought it was strange just how many sarcastic remarks joker could say during dialogue >mfw I realize it's because his name is joker
Angel Robinson
there's a P2 DLC
they didn't forget. P2 fags just won't be satisfied until the latest Persona game has Tatsuya come prancing into the scene and becomes a part of the main cast
Bentley Williams
Sounds like a Gary Stu
Gabriel Wright
They don't want to tie the plots into P1/P2 because they didn't make them. It's why they brought back one of the writers from P2 for the PSP port to write the new story that tied into later games.
Ryan Ross
There's a fucking P2 costume pack. I'm sorry only 20 people like SMT-lite. Also >... kys
Asher Cook
>P2 DLC So someone googled what they looked like?
It really sucks P4-P5 have gone down this path
Charles Cruz
bigger success than ever and critical acclaim doesn't "suck" as much as you wanking over a game from 20 years ago
Hunter Jenkins
>P4 MC is into older women >P3 MC is into autistic retards
None of this makes sense tho
Eli Barnes
Man p2 is my favorite persona but shut the fuck up. You faggots are so fucking annoying. They could make Narukami suck Tatsuyas dick on camera and you would whine that they dont care about p2
They brought back guns nuclear nerve and negotiation, ffs
Joshua Ward
What, the path of doing something different than what came before? Heart tits isn't coming back user.
Dylan Howard
this. P4 MC's canon love interest is Rise, who is younger than him, so clearly Yu doesn't have a milf fetish.
Aaron Collins
>it's bad because it's old No user
Levi Reed
Not only does Persona 5 have Persona 1,2 and even SMT If (which is for all intents and purposes Persona 0) costumes, the game shows all five school symbols in the start up process, the 20th anniversary ost had both Persona 1 and 2 coverage, and we got this picture along with mechanics from 1/2 coming back in 5. Atlus has hardly "forgotten" Persona 2.
Gavin Nguyen
Canon love interest in P5 is Makoto.
Dominic Peterson
Besides Igor, what are some characters that connect all the Persona games together. Also, besides the fact Personas are manifestations of your inner power, is there really anything else that connects the game mythology-wise? I've only played Persona 3, 4 and 5 and it's really strange for all of them to exist within the same universe when each of the mythologies is completely different.
Angel King
Aaron Carter
>canon love interest >Canon love interest
If there even was such a thing you wouldn't have to try to prove it to everyone
They just share the same basic Jungian and Gnostic elements. Persona 5 does go deeper into the Gnostic side however.
Joshua Walker
You'll find more common themes in the psychology than the mythology
They don't do a great job tying this stuff together through the lore but it's not really a bad thing because each game is more standalone than chapters of a series
Owen Fisher
I wouldn't call it canon at all but P4 (especially in the manga holy shit) Rise is pushed hard as fuck. Makoto to a lesser extent
Jonathan Peterson
No they're personality's are chosen.
Elizabeth is outgoing an eccentric - P3 Mc is an emo anti-social pizza shit.
Margaret is an alluring mysterious older woman - P4 Mc is a young but dull man
Lavenza is a petite polite and courteous lolita - P5 Mc is an aloof and mischievous delinquent.
Even not-canon P3 Femc has Theodore - A quiet yet eccentric manchild to her bubbly yet outgoing energetic young woman.
The attendants are designed to intrigue and allure change from their guests.
Nolan Collins
>especially in the manga
Who cares
Angel Lee
I just wished the music for the Persona 1 costumes was the original soundtrack or at least let you be able to change it or something.