You have 5 seconds to tell me why you don't own a gaming PC
You have 5 seconds to tell me why you don't own a gaming PC
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No, it's cool man, I already have a gaming PC
sorry for the misunderstanding
I'm gonna build one soon but I dunno where to start
Because my dad isn't Terry Crews.
I want my games to work.
But I do. I've been sober from consoles for almost be a year and a half now.
>>He doesn't run dual old spices in SLI
Enjoy your high temps and stinktower
i know that feel bruh
Everything I like playing is exclusive to consoles
Might look cool outside but inside it's gonna be mom PC ridden with malware and shit.
I wish Terry Crews was my dad...
I do but I'm still a graphics card away from finishing it, I'm running an i5 4460 on integrated graphics right now
I just bought one today. Pretty basic but I think it's a good bidget starting point
>build PC using help
>only play Overwatch
fucking nigger trying to look smart and hip
I do, and all I do on it is play 2D games.
cause i'm poor
Because I'm a useful member of society.
But I do and am building a new one that'll be almost twice as expensive within the next year.
I doubt it
>build a nice PC
>only thing I've played on it since building it a year ago is Oldschool Runescape and Star Wars Galaxies private servers
I don't have $5,000 to build an all new computer
Because the 9 year old mac and 3 year old laptop work fine.
consoles seem more appealing nowadays since my 2010 pc runs all these shitty games anyways.
no, he noticed his son was getting into pc gaming and it started as a way to bond with his son, and turns out he really enjoys it. from what ive seen he never seems to shill anything. the overwatch stuff came AFTER the internet shilled HIM to blizzard.
considering he has a massive following and is pretty popular (and has become pretty fucking wealthy) in and from cinema and tv, sports related media and comedy, i really doubt he needs to appeal to autistic neckbeards like yourself to look 'hip' because PC gaming as it stands is far fucking from it.
if youre going to insult him because of his race at least think about what youre saying because its just as bad if not worse than them, you colossal retard
>taking a shitpost seriously
Jesus Christ man. Seriously, return to reddit and don't come back.
I do, it's just not up to snuff
All I have is an i7 2600 by chance, and a GTX 970 I bought myself
You should fucking see what I got on PcPartPicker
I do though.
2, infact.
Playing skyrim at 10fps I see
Dog i had the same build but now with a 1070. if can find a cheap OC board do it to that little thing and it will last two more years
Because i don't see the point on getting a better PC, or a console.
Too many games to play as it is.
I don't care enough to upgrade. gtx750 and i5 6700k is good enough for me since I dont even game on this piece of shit anymore
>lmao I was only pretending to be retarded
Do us all a favor and kill yourself when your parents leave the house next time. Don't make a scene, just quietly go because no one wants you around.
Who is Terry going to call for help when that thing starts fucking up or when his custom loop starts leaking?
good post
don't let these fools tell you otherwise, they simply don't have standards or decency for anyone including themselves
because it's more expensive and I'm too stupid/lazy to deal with building and configuring one
I get overwhelmed having too many options or settings and have borderline OCD dealing with anything of the sort, takes all the fun out of everything and turns it into an unavoidable chore
I get really distressed if I'm not using the "perfect" settings and will spend so long thinking about them that my thoughts often degrade into other gibberish and I forget what I was trying to consider in the first place, and that's only part of the issue
if there's a toggle for example I have to check and uncheck it a bunch of times until I'm "satisfied" that I've done it "right," usually involving having to press it as centered as possible or if it's something like a bar having to pull it all the way to one end multiple times just to be sure I got it exactly all the way or having to get it exactly in the middle, I can't fucking stand it not being "perfect" in my stupid fucking mind
same deal with physical stuff, I usually screw things in way too tight by having to "make sure" it's all the way by turning it multiple times when it's clearly not going to turn anymore which usually ends up stripping the screw head, or if I have to push things together I have to push it really hard/multiple times or get it as centered as possible while doing so until I'm "satisfied" with it. it would make building a PC a goddamn fucking nightmare, and again that's not even considering the software side of options
I've never been officially diagnosed with OCD but I'm pretty fucking sure I actually have it and not meme OCD because I realize how fucking stupid all of this is but I honestly can't fucking help it, trying to ignore the need to do that shit will make me really uncomfortable and will gnaw the back of my mind until I give in and do it until I'm "satisfied" with it, at least until another issue pops up or I need to change it and it starts all fucking over again
I just got a ps4 instead, fuck computers
We all do user. We all do.
you realize that never happens unless a retard built your pc?
JayzTwoCents. He's the one that built the PC.
In the video he said he would come over and replace the water cooling liquid after two years.
expensive peripherals
144hz monitor
TN garbage for low latency
gaymen mousepad
gaymen mouse
gaymen keyboard
gaymen headset
with a console you just buy it and it just werks
>Terry Crews a celebrity gets a 5,000 dollar PC
Bull fucking shit.
if you consider 20fps working sure
There's no point in spending any money for a gaming device if you already have a computer that have at least a video chip comparable to an intel HD4000.
Modern games are just crap.
>You dad believes in Jesus more than you so you'll never play vidya with him in this lifetime
At least me and my mom try to dress as twins during conventions. I just wish my dad was weeb too.
>Dad, please don't put that shitty deodorant in the computer
>You're embarrassing me.....
im actually about to build my first pc. just need three more parts. wish me luck
I'm poor and I can't get a job where I live.
Literally why?
KEK don't even got the Samsung SSD PRO.
I'm not interested in Mobas and F2P shit.
Anyone. Terry could probably call Elon musk or bill Gates. They'd probably fly out just to pal around with nfl player/actor/comedian/generally nice dude Terry.
>4k television, at least 60 inches
>couch, leather, easy to wipe my poop off
>pro controller
>turtle beaches
>60 dollar used games from gamestop
woooooooow so cheap
>oh can't play these games on this i need the Pro console
He'll just contact jay, the guy who made it.
Does an i5 with a 660 count? I play older games almost exclusively so it gets the job done for me.
We'll yeah, but that's not the point. I was just pointing out how retarded that post was.
>who will this incredibly wealthy famous and charismatic man get to fix his relatively simple and common machine?
Sorry, that flew entirely over my head.
I am too, I would rather load up my Playstation™ 4 Pro™ and play some of my riveting cinematic experiences.
Badly need to replace my dying laptop, gonna go for this which is about $1300 CDN. Debating getting a beefier CPU
r5 1600
pcpartpicker is like easymode
There's a Samsung Evo 850 for 130 dollars around that price. I just bought it. You may want to buy that right now off of newegg's ebay account to see 20 bucks.
>Bought a Digital Storm PC
Didn't have the Ryzen chips have some horrible fucking performance for gaming.
Don't bother with any locked Intel. Get Ryzen.
>because I'm too stupid/lazy and also autistic
Paraphrased summary for those interested.
Was using a 570 for ages and it held up so surprisingly well for years and years but Overwatch killed it. Hardly hitting 2gb of vram was just too much for the poor guy. He played so many games so well for so long. Even got the fucker to play Witcher 3 on medium-high quality with a steady fps on release. To think Overwatch is what did it in. Fucking Blizzard and their poorly optimized trash game.
Found an insanely good deal on a 4GB 1050. So I went and got that until I feel like splurging on a better card. Farewell 570 I'll always hold you in my heart.
I don't like emulators and shitty indie games
That's where you're wrong. Ivy Bridge level of IPC at worst while having ridiculously capable multithreading because they actually licensed IBM SMT. Ryzen isn't Bulldozer tier.
If you're coming from a 2500k or 2600k it's a nice step up. If you're still Haswell or already have Skylake and up, don't bother.
Oh please, I haven't used the mac for a video game in about 4 years.
But I do. The issue is that it's a gaming PC from 2011. It still handles all that I care about rather well.
Keep the card as a backup card. You could use it in the same PC alongside your 1050 and hook it up to a TV or another monitor, just turn SLI off.
I do, but its recently been acting up and I don't know what to because I know nothing about computers
>thinking that post was me
Even fucking worse. Just stop. Dear Lord. Stop trying to earn upvotes you fucking moron.
This is your chance for tech support before janitors throw a shit fit. Post issue in as much detail as possible.
Good idea. I might as well put the other PCI port to use.
I use my gf's rig
I bet his ass wouldn't know what to do without (you)s to indicate who replied to him
I swear (you)s spoiled people
games randomly crash, computer is taking longer to start up, got a blue screen earlier while just watching vids
I don't know what I'm doing, I'm afraid to touch any parts because I had someone else help me build it that I cant get in contact with anymore
How do you not know where to start?
Steam? I'll help you.
Sounds like a possible dying Hard drive or GPU
I just finished building mine but I haven't installed the OS yet. It's late I'll do it tommorrow Sup Forums zzzzz...
Probably hard drive. GPU wouldn't really give him a bluescreen.
Fuck, I just realized if I get a new PC I gotta deal with W10.
>inb4 some linuxtard comes running in to tell us about his favorite distro and WINE
misinformation, the post
its only been 3 years though
>not putting w7 on it and calling it a day
>games randomly crash
Do you get some kind of error message.
>computer is taking longer to start up
When do you remember this happening.
>got a blue screen earlier while just watching vids
Sounds like a GPU problem.
That's nowhere near detailed enough. You've barely mentioned anything, it could be anything from GPU drivers going haywire or malware infecting your computer.
Go download speccy, take a screenshot of the stats, and post it here.
While you're at it download and run malwarebytes and ClamAV.
I'm a poor student that likes weeb games, PS4 is all I really need
So about 4 or 5 years ago my mom got me this PC
Shes completely ignorant on tech and it dosen't help that she barely speaks english since shes a beaner
So apperantly she paid 2000 for this shit at Best Buy
Apperantly the guy who pitched it to her told her it was some of the newest and best shit at the time
Honestly dont know much PCs but this thing can barely run flash games and even has trouble viewing videos on youtube
How big did this guy screw me?
>that cas latency
how slow your pc responds user??
That's more than enough for a standard hard drive to croak or suffer a serious decrease in performance unless you bought some top of the line toy.
AMDfags would be Alex Jones tier retarded
At least I got it cheap. I grabbed the enterprise version off ebay for ten bucks. That way I don't even have to deal with windows data stealing bullshit.
3 years is more than enough time when it comes to some things.