Breath of the wild thread
What are your hopes for the DLC, both in terms of story and gameplay?
What is your favourite moment in the game?
Switch, Wii U or Cemu ?
Breath of the wild thread
What are your hopes for the DLC, both in terms of story and gameplay?
What is your favourite moment in the game?
Switch, Wii U or Cemu ?
How would you fix weapon durability Sup Forums?
God dammit i fell for the Wii U meme so I had to buy the game that way Bayo2 wasn't the blue game on the shelf.
is the latest cemu playable?
how can i expect the fps if gtx 1070?
I really hope the hard mode dlc disables flurry rushes. They were cool for about 5 hours then just became boring, repetitive, and made the game too easy.
Why fix what ain't broke?
The only issue is that there's not very much weapon variety
>What are your hopes for the DLC, both in terms of story and gameplay?
Dungeons and post game content
>What is your favourite moment in the game?
Probably Eventide island. So glad I stumbled upon that without it being spoiled prior
>Switch, Wii U or Cemu
Fell for the Wii U meme so Wii U. Not gonna buy a Switch unless it gets 3rd party support and has a viable long term lifespan
Honestly its hardly even an issue. I just wish there were more unique weapons like the elemental swords and the windcleaver.
This, give us a goddamn biggorons sword
I thought they did but it's amiibo bullshit.
the only things (I care about) I have left are the Kass sidequests except blood moon one and attract thunder one, and Hyrule castle including getting the shield and the last memory.
should I do the stealth Korog one?
I am very satisfied with the game. My worst complain is the timing of dodging seems to be unreliable in comparison to Dark Souls or Bayonetta. I am playing on Wii U.
Then don't use them.
Restraint is good at times.
Like half my compendium pics turn Out like this. Wonder what gives
Also a good way to keep the game decently fun is to only upgrade your preferred armor set to level 2. I just bought an extra barbarian set, leveled it to 2 and stopped. You can just fully understand grade the original for completion %
The damage bonus helps some with durability and the extra spin attack stamina is the coolest set bonus in the game , mainly just for two handed weapons
The window is too wide, too forgiving
Tighten it
But I want to dodge and not have to deal with the slow mo, breaks the flow of combat.
The worst thing is that you can't get your compendium picture replaced by the high quality purchasable version.
I hope the hard mode is actually hard.
>double enemy damage
>much less forgiving time frame for flurry rushes
>parrying guardian lasers reduces durability on shields unless its guardian based shield
>pause-n-cooking is ommitted and when you try to open the menu to eat food you are still in real time
>swapping weapons and bows also happens in real time
>more enemies in the overworld (still scales with you as you progress but give silver variants more moves so they become more threatening
>head-shotting lynels doesn't stun them anymore
>armor is nerfed
>all the bosses get new moves and just make them harder, especially calamity ganon. I would really like Dark beast ganon get overhauled to be more difficult and not a shoot-the-target-and-win battle
>hopeful wishing: more enemies like the like-likes and shrines get overhauled to be more challenging like in master quest
I forgot to get a picture of a boss and I noticed it's still not in my compendium after purchasing all of the available photos at the Hateno Tech lab. With no new game plus I guess I'm just fucked then?
>What are your hopes for the DLC, both in terms of story and gameplay?
First DLC should include a hard mode that gives you more than just stat changes (that can be adjusted with holding back on hearts anyways). New enemies is a bit optimistic, but perhaps extending the moves of existing enemies like giving hinoxes the ability to throw back bombs, giving the taluses an big damage ability that they can use while you're climbing them and improving the aim of archers to allow them to lead shots better similiar to what the octorocks can do already. The challenge-thing they mentioned should be more fleshed out than just a horde mode in the same room. Someone akin to the labyrinths but with more focus on combat would be awesome.
For the story DLC I'd like to see a new continent with 2-3 zones and a self-contained story. Preferably something mysterious and spooky like Majoras mask. Perhaps Link can get possessed or something as he arrives on the island (I imagine it'd be an island), inducing nightmares when you sleep etc. The rumor (as far as I know untrue) that there was an enemy that followed you from a distance could be made into reality. The world itself doesn't have to be very big, but should include a new town and a proper dungeon, not like the divine beasts but more like a classic Zelda dungeon.
Fewer but deeper sidequests, and no longer having the intriguing shrine quests ending with lame "blessing" shrines are some generally changes I'd like to see. A new power would be neat too.
>What is your favourite moment in the game?
There's a lot to choose from, but finding the SotC-like ruins near mount lanayru, watching the first genuinely intriguing memory then downing my first Lynel with great difficulty is up there for sure. Also finding Akalla and exploring the beautiful landscape for the first time.
>Switch, Wii U or Cemu ?
WiiU as evident by my shitty screenshots.
>no LOZ1 shield with the cross to complete the set
Explain lads.
I just spoke with a friend who said it might be because of Red Cross Association.
>double enemy damage
Sure, why not. This is something that you can achieve right now by not taking hearts, although that prevents you from grabbing the master sword.
I agree that parries should reduce shield durability, and that opening the inventory shouldnt pause the game, but weapon and bow switching can still pause it imo
Either make things more durable so that I don't expend two weapons per camp or let me jury rig the shit weapons that the monsters drop into something actually worthwhile.
I think they need to nerf armor more than they need to increase damage. Shit's genuinely deadly at the start of the game, nearly everything one or two shots you. But good armor turns you into an invincible god.
That and cooking negating any damage that doesn't outright kill you.
I'd hope cooking is much harder. Food should be less nourishing, hearty meals shouldn't all fully restore hearts. Eating should be disallowed in combat, or better yet, have an interruptible realtime animation variable to the amount of food consumed.
Also they should change the save system to be more punishing. As it is, it doesn't matter how hard the game is when autosaves are so generous.
I have to say though, BotW's killed me more than any other Zelda in twenty-plus years, so I know they haven't gone too casual.
If you spend two good weapons per camp then you should get some good weapons in return. If you're using good weapons on a camp where they drop shit then a few bombs and arrows plus 2-3 slashes should do the job. I rarely have the problem where I spend good weapons to get shitty ones, because monsters with shitty weapons usually go down quickly as well.
I feel like the paid hard mode could potentially turn out to be better if it wasn't there from the start because they actually have time to listen to feedback and completely remake the game to be something like the master quest.
Hopefully. Also they're expecting us to pay for it, so having a Hero Mode damage multiplier would be unforgivably lazy.
I want a Second Quest like the original LoZ. And just like the original, have it be as bullshit as possible.
Actually switch screenshots are worse due to double compression. One on the switch itself and the other from social media
Get better at video games. The only thing that destroys weapon durability is guardians. Other than that my inventory is constantly maxed with weapons.
>not using the master sword on guardians
>not using ancient arrows
What the fuck are you doing senpai?
Increase it by 2-3x depending on weapon
Make switching easier by having a weapon wheel with sub-categories
How would you even go about making a master quest for BotW?
Nope, you better just buy a Switch and play the definitive version.
You did escape the prison of the Great Plateau before getting the Para glider, right?
I feel like increasing the durability wouldn't work out too well. There's a sweet spot that's a function of weapon durability and weapon distribution. Having to constantly throw away good weapons for better ones would be annoying too, and the game already straddles that line.
Shouldn't be too hard right? All of the shrines are already built as individual challenges, just swap them out for harder ones.
I like joseph andersons solution. Have a couple regenerating weapons that are half as good as the mid game weapons. 1 slot for picked up enemy weapons. Weapons you find out in the world can be used as a skin for your regenerating shit. Seeds can be used instead o get your weapons up to as good as mid game weapons.
Then you get the proper improtu chaotic feeling the current weapon mechanics make really fun.
Even just a wheel alone is fine. What are there, 20 weapons? Twilight Princess fit that on the screen no problem.
That sounds kind of bad. What about the enemy dropping weapon system or the fight-throw cycle? This doesn't provide any incentive to fight to get better weapons, if all they are for are skins. And this will work against the open-ended nature of the game as you are much more handicapped much more severely as you can only carry one powerful weapon at a time
I really don't get how his solution will make things better, besides for people who just don't like to see stuff break. It is almost the exact same, except with less freedom and more stat caps
That sounds retarded. Like a needlessly complicated and unintuitive ornamentation that doesn't fundamentally change a system that wasn't broken to begin with.
All of Anderson's solutions are fucking awful and would actively make the game worse.
This thread is proof that gamers are retards and need to leave designing up to the professionals.
Also, if you really get attached to your weapons, just invest in Amiibos.
So how many nfc215 chips should I order if I want to make my own amiibos for this game and future uses?
I didnt explain shit well.
The primary thing is that you've only got one enemy dropped weapon at a time, and that weapon has a small limited durability. Encourages hotline miami type shit since grab enemy weapons and tossing them mid fight is ideal. Otherwise you get a giant horde of weapons and never have to worry about that shit, especially late game when weapons have much better durability.
Buy a programmable one that can swap on the fly
What if I want to raid Hyrule Castle to gear up for a few major strength trials?
The amount of people torturing themselves on the system is seriously depressing. It's tuned so well that you never have to think about it.
>open a chest
>inventory full
Every fucking time
I want hard mode to prevent eating food in combat, only elixirs can be used. And if you leave combat and eat, the enemies you fought and left alive also regain full health. Also, forbid food into Hyrule Castle.
That sounds super weird and contrived.
I'd like to see a repair system instead, kind off like the one they have, but extended beyond champion weapons. The only problem is making the cost balanced.
>finished all main quests/found all the memories
>finished all shrines and shrine quests
>finished all side quests
>completed the compendium
>acquired and fully upgraded all the equipment
>all saddles and bridles
>all 3 medals of honor
I'm missing about 770 koroks. Am I missing anything else is or it all koroks from here on out?
I think the combat is the most fun when you're tossing shit around, stealing weapons, and needing to play improtu when shit breaks.
I feel like the hording of weapons and enabling that further makes the combat so much worse.
All the combat is designed around go with the flow shennanigans.
They have to balance the cost and make it so that people don't end up autistically trying to keep a pristine inventory. I think that's one of the big pitfalls a lot of RPGs fall into when they include durability systems.
Thick Zora ass
Why does he bother with horses if he knows how to ride a motorcycle
No motorcycles in Hyrule
That happens in the current system. Especially since critical hits from weapon breaks and throws typically ragdoll enemies and make them drop their weapons.
Also your weapons are often multifunction tools in different situations. Sometimes you want a metal object, sometimes wooden, or a utility item like a Korok leaf or magic rods. I think that justifies carrying so many of them around.
Probably religious symbolism in general.
Usually I don't really like durability shit and repairing, but in BotW it works really well. I've been trying to explain it to my friend who thinks it's sounds bad, but I just can't quite put my finger on it. BotW teaches you to stop obsessing and just take what you get.
With that said, being able to repair special weapons is a good thing since they have plot significance. Being able to infuse weapons with elements (while keeping their durability unaffected) would be cool too.
the only time i ever used a horse was at the end
>Durability on guardians
>Parry laser them to death
>Never waste durability on them ever
They're the only enemies I bother with as a result.
In early game sure. But once everyone starts dropping amazing gear as the world levels up everything is way too fucking durable. You also start getting so much fucking inventory space it becomes annoying.
Youve got what three weapon types essentially and the rest is just stats.
Good point about the weapons as tools though.
I think that comes down to tuning. In BotW, as long as you don't try to save your weapons, you'll replace good weapons as you use them up and the average level of your inventory will steadily progress because of how often you find weapons. If you overthink the system and never use your good weapons, you end up just throwing them away when you find better ones.
I'll also add that making the final hit from a weapon deal increased damage is a stroke of genius. Otherwise your weapon breaking would just feel lame, but when it explodes like shattered glass and knocks your enemy to the ground with a huge chunk of it's hp missing, you still feel like you got your moneys worth.
Now if weapons should get damaged by breaking ores is a different discussion. That one feels lame.
Make the final boss phase not a joke event fight for starters. Is that laser that takes forty ages to go through the only attack it has?
You've got the ability to hold only 1 enemy weapon at a time ala Windwaker.
In the great platuea you get the master sword which you need to make stronger with korok seeds.
Bam, the game no longer psychologically fucks players when they see a shiny weapon and know it will break so they never use it.
Try explaining it as an ammo system. The first bokoblin you kill carries a PP7 with about 12 bullets. Then you run out of bullets and can't use it anymore. Then you pick up a new clip from another bokoblin and you can shoot another 12 bullets. Then you pick up an AK47 from a nearby moblin. etc. etc. etc.
We've been using ammo systems for thirty years, I don't understand why people are being so autistic about it.
>ammo system is bad, enemies should drop DOUBLE AMMO
I've never seen anyone say that but suddenly in Zelda everyone thinks it would make the game ten times better.
>1 weapon
No fuck off. Make that at least 15, and make the master sword recharge
Breaking a weapon against a guy's face is always awesome.
I respect the ore thing for maintaining logical consistency, but yeah, it sucks. I just carry around a sledgehammer specifically for ore. The unintended consequence seems to be that a lot of people use the Master Sword for that.
tired of weed being illegal
call me when nintendo can help me with that problem
Oh boy inventory management is so fun!
I'm not American, I don't know guns. You're lucky I didn't call it a gliffleglab.
Haven't got the master sword yet since I've been keeping my hearts low. I use bombs, but if the ores are near a ledge, as they often are, I lose like 20-50% of the contents.
you can not do that, you filthy casual. I want to stock up on good weapons whenever I want. Also how is 15 slots even inventory management? That's like nothing
...i don't understand you
just use the fucking weapon, you know you're gonna find another shiny one in five minutes
>Sweet, a Edge of Duality!
>Uses it
>It breaks
>Find another good weapon short time later
That is how its supposed to work but you autists get triggered over it like you'll never see another good weapon again. It's really fucking sad to see your psychological handicaps working against you to be quite honest.
Either way, the system works if you're not a sperg.
They're really useful for open plain regions: Akkala, Central Hyrule, and west of Central Hyrule.
3 regions on whatchanumber regions, but when they are useful, they are incredibly useful.
I gave myself infinite durability weapons and the game became shit because I never had a reason to explore enemy camps or shrines. Weapon breaking is an integral part of the gameplay.
HOWEVER, they should have put in maybe 3 or so unbreakable weapons, I kept a 22 damage unbreakable sword, and I think that's a good compromise
I think it'd be easier to fix your hoarding complex.
This would just spawn millions of complaints about damage sponges as all the autistic hoarders tickle silver lynels to death with a 10 damage spear.
I don't have a problem with it. The problem is that a shit ton of players do tend to reserve what looks like rare weapons when they know they will break. You never find out the game levels up and throws good shit at you constantly until after a player spends way too much time hoarding a bunch of weapons and using bad shit.
That and the combat becomes worse when everything is super durable, though that can be fixed by making weapons not get crazy durable in the later stages.
My only hope is that its small enough to fit on my wii us internal hdd because thats where I installed BOTW too and I dont wanna have to reinstall it to my external
>People are afraid of "wasting" a weapon by using it for its intended purpose
>You never find out the game levels up and throws good shit at you constantly until after a player spends way too much time hoarding a bunch of weapons and using bad shit.
Again the system works if you're not a sperg. I used every weapon as I got them and had zero issues.
>The problem is that a shit ton of players do tend to reserve what looks like rare weapons when they know they will break
Yeah because most people that play video games are autistic, go figure. Dipshits.
>I don't have a problem with it.
Mmhmm. Sure ya don't, pal.
This shit is not perfect by any means but this perspective on it is just extremely sad to see. Just use the fucking weapons, you nerds.
Dude, I've been saying for years that this board is chock full of autists and times like these is the evidence.
Use the fucking weapons. Jesus christ.
I think it'd be easier to fix their hoarding complexes too.
I get what you're saying and you're right, but at the same time, I can't fault the game for that. If you think about it, basically no game has ever rewarded endlessly hoarding all of your stuff. RPGs are a hell of a lot smoother when you feel free to use consumables. Doing otherwise is a mindset problem, not a problem with design.
You're right about end-game though. I think the curve starts dropping off when random enemies carry royal weapons that'll last you until you get five more royal weapons. It's progression but I did end up swapping weapons way too often near the end of the game.
That's what the game sorely needed was a swap with weapon on the ground button.
The only weapons I save are the two handed 50+ strength weapons.
Time lock a boss, and start the spinning attack. It makes most of the Lynel's/Dungeon bosses a piece of cake.
I can fault the game when you end up with a massive inventory which is prime real estate for hoarding shit. Perhaps a much harsher curve to expanding your inventory so it feels precious. Do you really want to hold on to that shitty sword instead of a useful leaf just so you can hoard a shiny looking guardian axe?
>when you feel free to use consumables.
This is the part I feel created the most frustration with the durability system. People are used to weapons being weapons, not consumables which they are in this game. Hence the durability backlash.
>That's what the game sorely needed was a swap with weapon on the ground button.
Needs a swap with chest button too.
>It's progression
to me it never feels like the players progression since its just the world around you getting stronger over time.
Maybe I'm just jaded from skyrim type gear systems.
If you're playing on WiiU or CEMU you can use a save editor to give whatever weapons you want infinite durability.
I gave the Master Sword infinite durability because I'm in the end game and Master Sword is fairly weak compared to most stuff I have, so I use it as a backup for when I have nothing else. It's just annoying that the Master Sword breaks after like 2 fights so I made it infinite and I don't think my gameplay has suffered from it, but I'm not abusing it either.
And it makes the game shit after the first ten minutes
For those complaining about the lack of music try listening Zelda themes when exploring. Then you will know the reason why there's no music
You mean the Korok trail? Stealth set+stealth elixer
>using cheats
end yourself dog
It's for those autists that hate to see weapons break, and it does make you realize unbreakable weapons make the game worse
Another thing I don't understand are the boss complaints either. Yeah they were easy but that least they're not item gimmick fights that are also easy
I'm playing it for the first time since a couple of days so while I can't post an informed opinion yet of the questions in the OP I can at least delve in the weapon durability stuff.
While I'm also troubled by the stockpiling habit I've found myself lucky with some instances in doing so. For example as soon as I did the Zora quest I went all the way to the Rito's place. I went a bit far and all the way to the mountains in the north with no clothing able to withstand the cold and barely any food able to do so. Luckily tucked away was the bigass sword of fire that pretty much stayed equipped all the way until I finished the quest. Had I broken it early I would've been fucked as I had yet to reach the Rito and thus unable to buy the clothes, nor have visited yet the Gerudo.
Then again I have learned that everything else is replaceable so as long as one keeps one good weapon in reserve for emergencies it's all good.
Look at this faget, look at him and laugh.
>What are your hopes for the DLC, both in terms of story and gameplay?
A hard mode that's actually interesting and not just "dude more damage and HP for enemies lmao".
A proper dungeon that's a lot more complex than the Divine Beasts.
Nintendo can't into story so they shouldn't even bother at this point.