Why the fuck do enemies get random turns whenever they feel like it? How is this fair...

Why the fuck do enemies get random turns whenever they feel like it? How is this fair? I'll start knocking enemies down to get a hold up, and then one of them will randomly get a turn for no reason, and change together criticals and just kill joker from full health. What am I missing? This is total bullshit.

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Stick to CoD next time, casual.

Press one of the directional buttons to find the turn order, it depends on agility I think.

I don't know, but why do enemies in P5 get to make a move in the middle of your turns seemingly randomly? Is it just going instead of one side goes first, other side goes next, it goes by the agility of every individual in the fight to determine order?

Press down to see turn order and learn how to ambush

Thats BS, because they still get their turn after ive finished mine. they just also get random turns in between my characters

Dumb shit

Try to sneak attack more, attacking from the front is a waste of time

Enemies can use 1-more after a critical or weakness just like your party can.
If you ambush, you're guaranteed to get the first attack in.

because you never saw it coming.

I have been ambushing, and one more is not what I'm talking about. Enemies can just take random turns to attack/heal/spawn in more shadows whenever they feel like it. there is no rhyme or reason to it.

I believe it's based on party agility

that means they're doubling you, if their agility is a certain % higher than the next party members they get two turns.

That literally never happen when I ambush and I was playing on hard. You might be underlevel and have low agility

Turn order isn't just everyone doing their actions one after another in P5, it's entirely based on your Agility. If you have someone with really low Agi in your group it's possible for Joker to get two turns before they get one as well. It's kind of bullshit they don't show the full turn order in this game, that's easily one of the worst changes to the combat system they made in P5.

I get that, but why do they get turns after my group is done, in addition to random turns during my groups turn?

Because their Agility is much higher than yours.
If you somehow let Ryuji sit at Lv10 and your Joker is 80 fighting things at the end of the game you could end up with something like Joker -> Enemy -> Ryuji -> Joker -> Enemy -> Joker -> Enemy -> Ryuji

I'm still in Kamoshidas dungeon, playing on easy. Is every enemies agility that much higher than mine at this point then?

>The enemy gets a turn to attack! This is bullshit!

Certain enemies just have shitloads of Agility, yes. Remember you can check who is up next, you should get into the habit of doing that but it's not like it fucking matters if you are actually playing on Easy.

When the enemy gets a turn to attack in between everyone of my characters turns and then their own turns, yeah thats bullshit.
How do I check what the turn order is? I can check whose turn is next, but not the overall order.

>I can check whose turn is next, but not the overall order.
that's all you get.

Are you retarded or something? I already told you you can't. If you are too stupid to figure things out for yourself and beg for help the most you could do is actually read it.

To explain it visually, WoFF used the same technique for it's turn order.
In this video, on the left you see a kind of "timeline" with character icons. They move at different speeds depending on each character's speed, Persona 5 essentially does the same thing but doesn't give you a timeline to reference.

>first dungeon
>on easy
>complaining how it isn't fair

failure of a human

alright next question: should i be attacking everything I see for XP? or trying to sneak past a lot of the enemies?

If you got an ambush, they literally take their turn after all 4 of you take yours.

As for anything else you'll have to pay attention.

Attack everything, you'll be so over leved it won't even be funny especially if your playing on easy.

Since you're on Easy you get more experience than Normal and higher difficulties so go for kills whenever possible. Manage your SP wisely until you can buy the SP regen accessories from the Death confidant.

There are no random turns. It's based off ambushes and agility. If you get the ambush, your whole party gets a turn, then the enemy, then it goes into who has the fastest speed. So potentially after the enemy turn they can go again immediately if they're faster than anyone in your party

Opposite if they ambush you

Playing The first several CoD games on Veteran is more difficult than beating P3 4 or 5 on the highers difficulties.

Prove me wrong.

If you ambush enemies, you'll always get a full round of attacks with your team before they can do anything. You should be ambushing every enemy you can.

pointing guuder as opposed to actually having to learn better tactics? Boy you sure proved us wrong.

Tactics aka use whatever the enemy is weak to and don't be weak to what they use.

Mainline SMT is better btw

that's...you kind of just proved me right. But whatever.

You mean that one more? Whenever anyone uses an attack someone is weak to they get a free second shot, you, the enemies, your party. It's one of the very first things the game teaches you.

Those are not tactics

>Enemy summons in two partners and uses dragon eye every turn
Guys what the fuck SEVEN TURNS

>Don't have enemies weakness so they get 1 turn
>Casts death and kills my Joker

>ambush enemies
>first turn you go first, they attack after regardless of agility
>next turn agility is taken into account, so if they're faster than you they attack "twice"

If you ambush then the first round is Your whole team, followed by the enemy's whole team. After that it's based on agility. so if you have some slow fucks or a low level persona equipped then the fast enemies will be going first.

>not having a persona immune to curse