How do we fix horror genre?
How do we fix horror genre?
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Stop making these fucking threads and get banned already.
>The killing of Tim McLean occurred on the evening of July 30, 2008 and is noted for being a beheading and cannibalism death in Canada. McLean, a 22-year-old Canadian man, was stabbed, beheaded and cannibalized while riding a Greyhound Canada bus about 30 km west of Portage la Prairie, Manitoba travelling the Trans Canada Highway. On March 5, 2009, McLean's killer, 40-year-old Vincent[1] Weiguang Li (simplified Chinese: 李伟光; traditional Chinese: 李偉光; pinyin: Lǐ Wěiguāng commonly just called Vince Li[2]) (born April 30, 1968), now known as Will Baker, was found not to be criminally responsible for murder and was remanded to a high-security mental health facility in Selkirk, Manitoba, where he was detained until his release on May 8, 2015.
How do we fix the Chinese?
How can anyone sleep at night in that town
Fake news
Chinks cant be fixed. They're the niggers of Asia.
If my understanding is correct, the whole "big youtubers + indie horror games" thing has completely run its course by now, so it's no longer a torrent of shit. It is instead a big stagnant pile of shit that can be left behind now. What has to happen now is for the next horror game that gets a lot of attention to not be shit. This will probably either inspire a few people to make a couple more good horror games or miraculously cause another indie shit flood.
Don't make the player character helpless. Give them the ability to fight back but with limited resources.
By making a game based off his murder.
So just Resident Evil or Silent Hill
not fake, I remember when this happened. Tim was a juggalo
Combat in horror is not unique to those games
Didnt they release the sick fuck?
Way to go canada.
>Replace all standard guards with earnest runner gurus
>Have it so instead of them pacing everywhere, they're sprinting
>Make it so the clinking noise of armor attracts guards, but if you're wearing their armor they won't be suspicious
>Make it if you're within enemy sight while disguised, you will have to sprint with them or rouse suspicion the longer you take
>Have guards mock you for your slow running speed, with one incredibly loyal guard supportive instead
>Make it so the clinking of armor from running guards attracts more guards, so guards are constantly running everywhere trying to find the noise
>Make it so you can poison the guards and cause them to become disoriented, arousing suspicion that he may be a spy, thus being executed by trampling
>Make it so you can place caltrops and other traps to slow guards down, or even cause them to attack one another because they're walking
>Have various types of guards: The 100 yard sprinter -- a Guard in light armor which moves in short, incredibly fast bursts
>The Cross-Countryman -- a Guard that will never stop jogging and will be capable of outlasting / catching up to you if caught
>The Olympian -- A barbarian Guard trained from birth to become the mighty bulwark he is today -- The champion who will tail you mercilessly (only one or two in the game)
>The Cramp -- A slow guard that constantly disables himself but is also completely silent except for minor groaning every now and then
>The Flak -- A guard that kicks stones and dirt as he patrols, causing noises to become difficult to decipher and guards to regularly trample through in search of the disturbance
>The Ninja -- A rare Guard spawn on-level with the Olympian that keeps his arms placed behind him to obtain perfect balance and immeasurable speed. While strong, they will strike first before asking questions, allowing thieves to easily trick Ninjas into attacking their fellow guards
>Make it so all combat is done through spiked boots or shin swords
>MLK game
>Adventure RPG
>Game starts off with MLK as a child -- every night he gets transported to a mystical land full of monsters, alien-esque NPCs, and fantasy flora
>Each night he has to find a way to escape the world, fighting through hordes of monsters or subjugating alien politicians through intense political debates
>No matter how long it takes, he'll always return to the night he left as if nothing happened, with only vague memories
>Gameplay revolves around being a pacifist, but equally rewards players who go full murder-hobo (and adjusts difficulty based on whichever you go and everything in between)
>Talking your way out of trouble, settling large disputes between alien clans, or fighting your way through mobs with combat similar to Fable mixed with Dark Souls
>Your actions hold influence in the fantasy world, and between each night in the real world, many years pass by in the fantasy one making MLK become a legend
>Depending on how you're viewed, people will rally around you and aid you in battle or show up in support during political rallies, granting impact to your words
>If you fail your debates, people will harbor resentment against you and attempt to undermine what you say or actively go against you in battle
>The end goal is to find the reason why you're transported to this fantasy world
>The true end is to unite the entire alien world under one flag and develop camaraderie among those who held blood feuds and and life-long grudges
>Alternative end is to take over the world by force and be known as a tyrant
>Bad end is failing to discover which alien is planning your assassination in your world
>Character creation is possible within the fantasy world, with Rice and Parks as alternative models
>Can FASHION it up with various armors and weapons.
with VR
Have actual gameplay in them. Not just walking simulators. Think Amnesia or Penumbra.
>tfw there are images of the crime scene with his face all torn apart
Fuck canada man
sooo you basically sit in a bus seat for 10 hours, fall asleep and wake up to a machete in your neck? doesn't sound very promising...
Just examples, my point was that this is nothing new
Higher immersion. Bending the medium. Self awareness. Ignoring the possible legal implications imagine a game that asks for personal information under the guise of game registration then does absolutely nothing with it. Up until the point you forget you input that information in the first place. Then start pulling it out. Whispering your name in a hallway. An serial killer corkboard with a map pinned to the wall, your current location circled. An occasional esoteric text related to your progress from a strange number (separate from the number texting you to """verify""" your game and your number so you don't get tipped off immediately)
Why ate Canadians such fucking weak pathetic cucks?
Make that mall game
>released in 2015
Age of Empires 2
Remothered may be our only hope.
vr horror scares you shitless in a way normal horror can't possibly achieve
At least it's gaming related you stupid fuck
Why? Because of one case of some fucked up people taking advantage of a dude who probably had his guard down? You don't have to like Canada's policies, but they're broz4lyfe
Make it illegal them past a certain point in the game. No one wants to buy a Horror game when they seen all of the surprises on Youtube. And usually with these types of games, there's no mechanical depth that would make a unique player experience
Regret learning about this. What a fucked up ruling.