Denuvo stopped the le uncrackable meme, it's the first mon- I mean week of sales meme that matters to them now...

Denuvo stopped the le uncrackable meme, it's the first mon- I mean week of sales meme that matters to them now, there needs to be at least 2-3 within 24 hours to ruin them right now.

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Wait, Nier Automata is cracked?

Yes. Its on skidrow site.

If they really want to stop the cracked in a week mess, they'd have to rebuild Denuvo from the ground up, not just alter the structure slightly and put a new digital lock on it. And even then, it'd be less than a year before a full restructure to ward off cracks is needed again.
While it was a valiant effort, Denuvo is far from uncrackable.

Denuvo is just getting into the old programming fight. Virus vs anti virus.

But they play for the virus side.


Fighting against piracy is like the war on drugs. Theres just no winning against it.


It's an infinite game of cat and mouse. Pretty good job security.

>denuvo never actually said it was uncrackable, just that it would protect those early sales
>it did exactly that....for a while
what tho, those niggas slippin

This. Which is why the US will never admit to creating all these terrorist cells in the middle east. If you remove all these threats, what are security forces to do?

kill blacks?

Didn't save Nier Automatas early sales.

Sales during the first year are considered "early sales". If Denuvo didn't protect the game for a full year it was a failure.


yup, hence the "those niggas slippin" part, they're dropping the ball or the crackers are wising up to what they're doing, I know jack shit about it so all I can do is guess as to who is fucking up

In the DRM settings you can switch a variable to make it more secure. Denuvo always has this variable off.

Just set isCrackable to 0.

But Nier isn't cracked.

If it gets cracked they'll just update to the next version of Denuvo in the next patch.

The PC port is so bogus that nobody will wanna play the unpatched game once they get around to fixing it.

This is old news. The most recent, and pretty big, news is that Syberia 3 is the first game that not only has been cracked but had Denuvo succesfully completely removed by the cracker (and not by CPY, someone else).

Nier Automata PC port is pretty good.

Ran at a solid 60 fps on a GTX 1060.

Time to upgrade your fucking E-machine grandpa.

then why hasn't it been uploaded yet?

>crashes like a motherfucker on AMD cards
>renders at 900p unless you install FAR
>cutscenes don't play right, again unless you install FAR
I don't mind the game not running at a locked 60 on my old ass GTX 760 since I'm not a faggot who demands devs to optimize for my old ass hardware but there are definite issues with the port beyond performance. If you have to use a 3rd party mod to enable basic functionality like making the resolution toggle work in fullscreen then the game's borked

A game that ugly doesnt need a 1060 though. The optimization for Automata is Koei levels of incompetent. Not even Arkham Knight was that demanding.

You don't seem to remember how terrible the Arkham Knight port was.

Even on GTX TITAN X the game stuttered like a motherfucker.

>crashes like a motherfucker on AMD cards
only some amd cards
>renders at 900p unless you install FAR
only in fullscreen and only for some people
>cutscenes don't play right, again unless you install FAR
aside from the shit performance(also on console version) this is the only legitimate complaint that can't be fixed by the end user.

the game has a shitty art style most of the time but it's not a game with shit graphics.

Well at least Rocksteady actually fixed it, and the game is actually now running in top shape. I cant say the same for Automata. In fact, none of Square Enix's ports were what youd consider competent.

works on my machine ;)

>only 4 some people
The "my dad can beat up ur dad" of PC gaming discussion
It happens to enough people that it's an issue. They can't make the game run perfectly on every PC setup but Nier's issues aren't just happening to people with stupidly niche setups or whatever. I have a relatively popular CPU and GPU combo and I've had all the issues except for the crashing.
The issue with just (((some))) AMD cards is still fucking retarded considering it's a port of a game that was made for the PS4, which runs AMD

Its the other way around. The game has solid graphics but due to budget cuts, the game has awful flat and muddy textures that remind me of KTs frankenstein port of Dynasty Warriors 8.

Fuck you, user.

I mean feel free to prove that bud. you can probably count all the reports of it happening and it wouldn't even be 1% of the people who got the game.

the only "omg shit port" thing you can bring up is the FMV stuttering, everything else is end user retardation or whatever.

all Platinum games look terrible for the most part because they don't have good artists(for textures).

>>syberia 3 get cracked
>>denuvo completly remouved not just bypassed .
is this the end of denuvo ?

I hope they can do this with a AAA game. I want to see if they can improve performance at all by removing it.

No, but Syberia 3 is

Anyone can write a text like this, but where's the proof?

a fake one is, not real.

>Syberia 3 is littered with negative reviews

it has denuvo? That's not even mentioned in any of those reviews.
a dayum shame. I liked Syberia 1 and 2, but 3 looks like it's not too good.

What the fuck is syberia 3 and why would they bother to crack it ???

good one

why remove threats at home when

Why the fuck are they still making Syberias and why the fuck did people like the original Syberias in the first place. They are horribly written games with a sense of wit and aesthetics not far removed from shovelware HOGs.

Utterly terrible crap.

Best selling game in Portugal right now, have you been living under a fucking rock?

Go away underage.

Because Sokal was good at art direction. They were rather pretty point & click games, although I thought Syberia 2 wasn't quite as good as the original since they were all snowy environs.

>not knowing about stupid shit game from portugal is the same thing as living under a rock

This is why I hate stupid fucking Americans.

So where can I download cracked version of Siberia mates?

come back when you live in a country that doesn't have a shit government.

Nah m8, Portugal's irrelevant as fuck.

on the internet

t. alberto barbosa

>says the fucking Burger

Buycucks eternally btfo yet again

There are many reasons to hate Americans. Hating them because one speaks the truth about your country being irrelevant as fuck is not one. Don't blame him for speaking the truth. Do something about your country to change it.

You r some cheecky cunt m8

nier when


CPY always removes Denuvo, they don't just bypass it.

The majority of this board users are Canadians and Brazilians actually.
So he is probably some favella monkey

PS3 games never get cracked you mong.

holy shit thankfully i'm not from burger land either. They aren't just as bad, but almost.

To be fair, so is America's. And every other western government, that I can think of for that matter.

It is. Like it or not. It so many different ways, on the world stage. Now you are just showing your own ignorance.

Name one thing that America has done that makes it relevant on the world stage.

This is why capitalism is bad and causes more problems than it's worth.

Get out with your politics to Sup Forums and Sup Forums
This is video games thread.

The sheer fact that without The US, the global economy falls apart and throws the world into massive depression of never-before-seen proportions? Potentially even great enough to cause the total collapse of the modern world?

Or the fact that it is the first and only line of defense for so many countries like Japan, South Korea, and Germany?

What the fuck does Japan, South Korea or Germany have to be so worried about?

Nah nigga, we /vint/ now.

spend an absolutely staggering amount of money on hellfires and tomahawks

Not him, but I always see russians being used as the boogeyman.

You do realize that most products you use/consume on a daily basis are probably products/inventions of the US, right? The internet, for starters.

Well they did start WW1 after all

Russians and the fucking Chinese? Are you fucking stupid? How ignorant are you?

Oh boy, the internet, the flawed piece of shit that is running out of IP addresses. The only American websites I even use it for is Google and YouTube. Everything else has a substitute from my country.

I'll bet it will take at least 2 more months.

They are. They have tried to invade Japan in the past. Then there is also the Chinese who have a hatred for Japan that spans as long as written history.

Look at a map you tard, does Russia and Germany border eachother?

Does South Korea or Japan border eachother?

No. There's either water or other countries in the way.

>give example
Better than anything your country has contributed. Which is nothing. Sick non-argument.

Look at Portugals top exports you ignorant Amerifat.

You realize the global economy is even allowed to exist because of the internet, right?

Well user. What he mentioned is called examples of country that America is protecting: here is a few more.
Noticing any countries that borders with Russia ? Noticing any countries that borders with China ?

Is this a new wojak?

nothing on there directly borders China though.

it was unity, wont work on other games


All natural resources or are things that contribute so little to the global scale that they are almost irrelevent. Great job. Because they are a top export of your shithole country doesn't mean they matter on the global scale. Yea it may be 10% of your total export but it's a fraction of a % on the global scene.

#1- Vehicles- $5.8 billion.
There are singular people in the US worth more than that. And not just in the US. In so many other countries. Let alone whole industries.

My bad user.

North Korea isnt really fun either.

North Korea can't do shit.

It's true, they've always done it since they started.
It was 3DM who only bypassed it.

There are people in other countries who are worth more than your nations entire GDP. Portugal is irrelevant in just about every conceivable way. Stop being pissed at people speaking the truth and start doing something to fix your country's shit if you want it to change.

Ps4 doesn't run amds garbage Dx11 driver.

You're just baiting at this point.

You know what one of the biggest things Portugal contributed to the world is? Brasil. That's not a compliment.

No. You are just dodging because you have no argument. So now you are just going to retreat into red herrings, scarecrows, and probably even ad hominem.


GDP is not a good measure because it leaves out household production and underground economy so your measure is inherently wrong.
Leave it to the amerifat to overlook the importance of basil. Shouldn't you be gorging yourself at waffle house or something?

>leaves out household production and underground economy so your measure is inherently wrong.
Both of which also exist in countries like the US. So the point is moot.
Called it.

Not an argument.

You might be the only Portuguese person I ever seen try to defend Brasil.

Andromeda 1.05 crack when.