So I just bought this game, I heard it was really hard, even harder than dark souls, so are there any good guides for a playthrough? Anyone know any?
So I just bought this game, I heard it was really hard, even harder than dark souls...
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Listen to your heart
It's not hard to finish, but it is hard to get high-score Platinum ranks
That's why Platinum games get bad review scores compared to Dark Souls. Dark Souls MAKES you learn the rules or you don't finish, but you can play Bayonetta like a button masher and get only bronze ranks and think "what was the big deal" without ever learning the combat
Don't get hit.
Get the gaze of despair and moon of kalahamamama.
It's not comparable to Souls, they're totally different genres. Don't worry about your ratings everyone gets mostly stone on their first playthrough especially if it's their first hack&slash. Buy aerial offset and other useful moves first, and if you want a parry you'll need 200k for moon of mahaa kalaa. Learn some combos and use them with dodge offset
You make a really good point. The ironic thing is that I think the Platinum Games method is actually superior design. Their games have relatively low skill floors but very high skill ceilings. The challenge comes from trying to get the most out of the game in the form of completing all the side challenges and getting high ranks on all the levels. To me this seems much better because it means anyone can enjoy the game and beat it, but it still very much rewards the more dedicated players.
Who thought that putting a fucking camera almost horizontal behind player was a good idea anyway ? Goddammit that rocket section. Its fun but got damped by stupid camera placement
the fucking vertical movement is also reversed
>kamiya camera inverted on = inverted off
damn you kamiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
luckily you can change the camera invert
>A game with checkpoints and slow mo from dodge spam is hard
Nah m8ty
You've been lied to. Bayonetta IS hard but not Dark Souls hard.
You want advice? Practice. Learn the tempo and take advantage of all the accessories to find the style that works for you. This is a game about combos and weapons, do not approach it like you would a DS game, it's a completely different style of action. Just learn what it is and play the game as it's meant to be played, it'll tell you how.
Dodge Offset. Lets you dodge in the middle of a combo and then complete the combo after the dodge. So if you had a 3 hit combo you could do 1st hit, 2nd hit, Dodge, 3rd hit. It's the most useful technique in the game.
It's not hard to just complete, but hard to 100%, if that make sense
DMC3 and NGB/S are harder to just complete
Wow finally
My only complaint is that, since the overall score takes in consideration damage taken and deaths, it should have more ways to regenarate hp. I got mostly stone to silver in regular chapters and gold/plat in bosses chapters.
stop getting hit
Whats NGB/S? I cant completly recall but Im sure I know it. Its eating my mind.
Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma.
Thanks I can sleep now
Break shit in the environment + killing enemies with torture attacks + Star of Dineta will all heal without impacting your score.
If you're an autist who cares about platinum rankings, it's hard. It isn't difficult if you're just playing for completion
>It's not hard to finish, but it is hard to get high-score Platinum ranks
Definitely this.
I don't think I had to retry any boss more than 4-5 times on normal, meanwhile I'm playing through DS2 right now, and I estimate some of the worst I probably had to retry upwards of 40 times.
Also I recommend buying the breakdance move for spinning out of danger instead of using normal gun fire.
Did you go back to the main menu if you screwed up in a chapter? Or just alt f4 or something?
I kinda think Moon of Manahmanah should have been part of your default moveset.
Like yeah, it's kind of a broken ability, but it's straight up required if you want to fight Gracious and Glorious without being a literal god.
Maybe have it as something you unlock partway through the game rather than something you have to buy for a shitload of halos.
Playing through the game on hard with a bunch of accessories just makes me realize how essential this thing is if you want to play offensively, ESPECIALLY since it can reflect projectiles.
>Did you go back to the main menu if you screwed up in a chapter?
Did you have time to do it even after you got the score screen?
Sometimes it fucks up and saves right after
Did I do good Sup Forums?
cute smile
she's tiny and makes me feel sad
you look like you got jacked on the exact same chapters everyone else does so yeah you're fine, just go fix up those stones
Pretty much do it if you get hit. Same as MGR.
Do you get something for PPing vs only plat?
I think you unlock Jeanne if you PP every chapter for all difficulties or some shit.
Jeanne is literally impossible to kill
her attacks are super fucking fast and the camera is so fucking gay i cant even see her half the tiem
MGR was a lot better about it, you could simply redo from a checkpoint from the ingame menu after receiving your score.
>route 666 with the gaze of despair
>the gaze of despair in general
Wait what, there's literally no reward for pure plat all?
Of course there isn't.
What game has he ever made where all perfect ranks unlocks something?
In VJ you just had to beat the higher difficulties to unlock characters
In Bayo the most you get is Jeanne from all Plat or better in normal or higher
In W101 you had to do literally everything in the game except get pure plat to unlock Bayonetta/Jeanne/Rodin
It should make sense, give the people with actual skill some exclusive shit that plebs will never get
You get to post combo mad videos to youtube and earn a small amount of revenue.
At least you could just spam dodge and get through most of that area.
The turret section on the other hand was fucking horrendous
Ladies an gentlemen it's what you've been waiting for... ANGEL ATTACK
Not anymore. Youtube ads are fucked and no one is making money anymore.
Yea I shoud've got an even more special reward for doing it on PS3.
Should've given me my money back.
here i have best advice for any 'hard game':
git gud
>In Bayo the most you get is Jeanne from all Plat or better in normal or higher
>In W101 you had to do literally everything in the game except get pure plat to unlock Bayonetta/Jeanne/Rodin
You can cheat