Persona >>>>>>>>>>> SMT

Persona >>>>>>>>>>> SMT

Sorry SMTfags but with the masterpiece that is P5 SMT has been made completely irrelevant. SMT is now a spin-off of Persona.

Incoming SMTfag sperging in 3....2....1

You don't need to bait user, this has been the case since Persona 4 came out.

I don't really care about this shit but all I've noticed since Persona 4 is that SMTniggers are the most butthurt autists on the face of the planet.

SMT is legit fucking trash and the only people who try to claim that its better than Persona are people more concerned with posturing to strangerd on the internet than with the actual quality of games.

Well that's not really how it works user, a spinoff can take over a franchise, but it remains a spinoff as long as the franchise it is connected to remains active. MegaTen in general, including both SMT and Persona, remains fairly active.
Not denying that Persona has more widespread current appeal, but your usage of terminology is incorrect. Please use proper terminology user.

Uhhh no sweetie, sorry. Mainline games will always be superior to weeb trash.

Fuck off SMTfag you dont belong in this thread


Oh i am laffin. Its a 7/10 game at best.

I play neither. Persona 3/4/5 is not available on the devices I own and SMT isn't something I have interest in.

I noticed your improper use of terminology and wanted to correct you.

Dating simulators belong on /jp/ not Sup Forums

DeSu > *

Man, Io was a total bro

dont fight you fucking fags, i love persona and smt,

A decade later and this is still true

>persona games are filled with time limit and timed event bullshit
>can't continue the story unless you waste time doing menial bullshit that is super repetative
>but it's better than SMT because MUH WAIFUS

Most of you here are barely old enough to have played P3 while you were in diapers so that really doesn't say much.

The undeniable truth.

>draw Johnathan
>call it a girl

Here come the butthurt SMTfags

Well, I can't complain about the shit taste of someone who likes to put inside the ass instead of dating qt demon waifus.

I feel sorry for you and your remastered PS3 game.

Not even butthurt, you seem to be projecting there billy. Inferiority complex maybe?

P5 doesn't come close to games like Nocturne, DDS and SJ. Its about on par with SMTIV which was a mid-tier SMT game.

I'd call you a fag but with 4A's writing you may be right

SJ is one of the worst Megaten games. Without good combat and fusion system there is nothing to do in SMT game.

Fuck, you're right and I can't spin it

Persona 1, 2.1 and 2.2 were the best persona games because they story was way better and it had demons not shadows as the enemies.

Persona 5 is actually more like mainline than the past few mainline games

Generally I would argue that SMT > Persona but 5 is an excellent exception

>not enjoying the best of both worlds
>not enjoying persona 1,2 and 3 and smt nocturne, 4 apocalypse, strange journey and devil survivor

The thread is literally addressing SMTfags.

>can't customize your party members
>retarded fucking social links that arbitrarily stop working towards the end of the game fucking you over if you didn't complete them in the "correct" order
>can't make like 6 different persona if you missed one link
>tons of fucking dialogue that takes forever to skip through absolutely destroys replay value
>shit pacing
I like Persona, and Persona 5 was a great game, but I could never think of Persona as better than SMT because its formula pretty bad. Persona 5 looks great, the battle mechanics are amazing, but there is a lot holding it back.

Why would I waste my time playing the inferior SMT series when I can just play Persona? P5 blows all of SMT out of the fucking water.

I would agree. P5 is phenomenal, even though I've prefered games like Nocturne and DDS over P3 and P4.

I tried P4 after years of people hyping it for me, I made it halfway through Yukako's castle before I put it down.
The combat is tedious and repetitive, and the daytime segments are boring as shit.

Is P5 any better, or should I just get Nioh?

SMT fans hate Persona in the same way Rayman fans hate Rabbids

>Waifu for mommyfaggots

If you can't handle the grind then don't go near SMT or Persona they are very grindy games but Japs like that shit.
Nioh is more fun if you want to actually fight shit and not press the same attack commands over and over.

I feel like it, as well as Persona 3 and 4, would be better if the pacing wasn't utter shit. I'm always interested in the story in the first month or two of the games, and after that there are only a few tiny interesting bits here and there until it finally gets really interesting again in the last couple months.

But Devil Survivor is Megami Ibunroku just like Persona 1, not SMT.

i wanna put a mummy cummy into kawakummy tummy uwu


I've spotted you in a few threads. Only people that talk like that are women that get yelled at by their balding husbands in public.

>having any amount of grind

Are you retarded? The only game in the series where you need to grind is SMT1

I really need to play this game for myself, I've been reading people say that it's the best and the worst SMT since I got into the series (which was only a year ago anyway).

#fe > persona > smt

But all the games in these series are shit compared to gems like dragon quest or tits

>only one person can sweetiepost

Um, no sweetie.

Redpill me on #fe

I know OP started with bait, but why can't you faggots just enjoy both? Mainline SMT is better, though.

P5 is much better


You're doing it wrong

Don't bother replying to typical Sup Forums bait. This is why Sup Forums is still superior, since we don't force retarded threads on ourselves to keep the everyone in permanent dumb ass mode to buy games that aren't good.

I thought you guys already realised what they do to you daily?

I'm really on the fence about getting p5 too.
Really enjoyed persona 2 & 3, played 4 all the way through and ended up hating it.
Maybe it's just because it got delayed so much and I lost interest.

Except Rayman is actually good

>I like Persona, and Persona 5 was a great game, but I could never think of Persona as better than SMT because its formula pretty bad.

I agree with you there. I liked Persona 5 more than 3 and 4, but I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to replay it. Maybe a second run through on safety mode just so I don't have to feel bad for missing out on Confidant abilities (I'm assuming they don't carry over) and can just enjoy the story near the end. Too damn much dialogue though, it drove me crazy that every little thing made your characters say something, even just flipping a switch, grabbing an orb, or walking through a door.

Persona 1 and 2 are good though, I've been wanting to replay them for awhile.

>3ds emulation is good enough that I can now play modern real shen megoomy tensays
Nah just fucking with you, I'm just playing Persona Q

Sometimes it's hard to tell the satire from genuine opinions.
I need to get away for a week or so.

Faggot grind also means to grind the right demons to use on certain bosses not just levels.

If you liked 3, you'll probably like 5 since it's the same kind of game and it's got a darker story again (not sure if the more lighthearted nature of 4 is a reason you hated it or not).

SMT is good if you just want to hardcore dungeon grind the whole entire time

Persona is more of a traditional story-based JRPG like Chrono Trigger or something

I was never autismal enough for dungeon crawlers but I will say I liked Digital Devil Saga better than SMT3 or 4. 4 was particularly bad.

Can someone spoonfeed me a SMT game to start with if I only played persona like a casual. Have a 3DS and can emu ps2

>Persona is more traditional because it's story-based
>When SMT, being grinding and dungeons, is more akin to JRPGs before story became paramount in the 90s.

Give me a fucking break, how are you even going to compare the two. SMT is Persona's combat with a glint of depth to it and the freedom to build your own party. Does anyone actually believe stupid shit like this

I'm not sure if I'll ever figure out why IV gets so much shit. I played SMT I-V Final last year and I like Final better and Nocturne better than the both of them, but IV was still fine.

Check the thread in /vg/. They have an image attached that describes every game and recommend where to start.

I think he was just trolling, but it's hard to tell these days.

Honestly it's hearing about how they had to alter the storyline so that P4 wasn't dark.
Apparently they were going to have Nanako's father be the main villain, which tied into using Nanako as bait to try and get the MC killed in the shadow world Which would have made for a way more cohesive and interesting plot, but they just had to alter it to suit different audiences.

I know I'm just nitpicking but what really pissed me off were the puzzles in persona 4's dungeons.

Plays like an SMT game.

Has characters from Fire Emblem.

Has a story that's disappointingly more generic than you would expect with a style that fits neither game.

>No mention of SMTI or II

Oh that sucks. Though I love me some dark stories, I also enjoyed P4's lighthearted tone, but that would have been pretty damn interesting.

>Believe Teddy is the mascot of Atlus
To be fair, it's not like the last major Atlus event when P5 was announced didn't use him as one.

But yeah Jack Frost is better.
So much better.
Unbelievably better.

SMTfags are sad

Yeah putting the original games killer out as a red herring and then having it revealed that it was who you mentioned would have been fucking mind shattering.
I guess they went for the teen appeal and made it the mystery gang solve a triple homicide.

Also the most stylish game they've made

And here they are trying to discuss things normally while you intentionally try to start shit


at least the ost is nice

What do you guys think the SMT team was thinking when the Persona team straight up lifted demon negotiations?
Do you think they'll get scared if the next Persona game uses press turn?

I enjoy both and I did enjoy p5, it really does feel closer to other megaten games. Dungeons actually feel like DDS dungeons, just without the intense boss fights.

Actually that is probably my biggest complain with p5, the combat feels super easy as long as you ambush the shadows but battles can turn wrong really fast if you get ambushed, wish there was a middle ground. I guess i need to play it in hard mode next time.

I agree

But negotiations were in Persona before

Why would they? it's the same people within the same company. There is no competition between megaten and persona. If anything P5 assets will be the base for future megatens, same as how nocturne was the base for all ps2 megaten and persona games.


>he didn't play on hard

only ye olde Personae

One more is already press turn lite. Press turn wouldn't work very well with persona as is, since press turn takes advantage of a highly customizable party, something modern persona games lack. The one more system takes advantage of the all powerful mc modern persona games have.

>Quit during the tutorial


The game doesn't even open up until after that dungeon, bud. You quit before the game became what other people actually remember.

I played on Hard and you do have to watch out at times since enemies can get two turns in a row if you don't beat them first turn on an ambush. Later on it gets a lot easier though since you get a ton of tools to just smash through stuff. I might try Merciless but it also seems annoying with the 0.4x experience gain.

Always play on normal first every game. That's the intended experience.

Also some atlus hard modes are full of bullshit, like increased prices for everything, which encourage grinding.

>same as how nocturne was the base for all ps2 megaten and persona games
You mean SMT Nine

Nocturne :^)

Go play Strange Journey. It's fucking baller.

Many ugly new designs(I liked Omoikane and Michizane though)
Really boring dungeons up until maybe 2/3s of the game when you have to go kill Lilith
Phys skills cost MP instead of HP for some reason, heavily reducing the usefulness of Phys demons
World Map
Need to do all the requests for Neutral ending, I was stuck on Beelzebub for a few hours cause of it
Nitpicking: No fight with Mastema, but I enjoyed the bait and switch when he refused to fight you

I enjoyed it and was lucky enough to get Neutral on my first run but I don't think that I'd play it again

Hard isn't so bad in P5. They put the bullshit in the DLC Merciless mode which reduces your Exp gain to 0.4x and increases crit damage to 3x.

Both are trash. Play real games.

>give the game great demon fusion customization and spell cards
>give it cool new skills with guns
>substitute press turn with baton pass
>make the battles so easy that you don't need to utilize any of this
>game throws salt on your wound by making you earn less money/exp when you play it on hard or merciless


>SMT games are good

I feel bad that the rampant shitposting between Personafags and SMTfags means that most of both of those groups will never play a true classic of the RPG genre

What's wrong with Raidou?

>discussion involving persona consists of waifu circlejerking, shipping and spamming unfunny memes
I went to /pg/ and compared it to /smtg/ and can confirm.

>not leveling up your demons so that you have all their skills before fusing them away

But does Persona have Alex?

>Sorry SMTfags but with the masterpiece that is P5 SMT has been made completely irrelevant.
>masterpiece that is P5
finished P5 yesterday
ay lmao , that is all have to say
Also pic related is the entire persona fanbase

>picture still truth after all these years , even with the new dating sim 5 , sorry P5