What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Nothing you shill, the game is great and it's just a beta so any issues can be patched before release.
>It's just a beta
its gonna fail
Its everything but great, really shit game, and its a shame because i was really hoping to play a good DoW again. MP is a disaster,
- the fact that it looks like League of Legends- the other two games and their expansions had a dystopian like landscape; this one seems to abandon that
- the fact that they REFUSE to use any other fucking Chapter besides Blood Ravens or the Smurfs. Jesus christ theres thousands of other chapters. Use one of them.
Do a game about the Black Templars- the last Chapter still on the Crusade and how the Inquisition and half the Imperium hates them because they wipe their asses wit the codex and its 1000 space marine maximum per chapter clause. You could have them going on a crusade to a planet, fighting xenos, then orks and Eldar come along come; then plot twist- its a trap set by the inqusition to get rid of all three particpants because the Inquisition/Black Templars have come to blows in the past.
Nope. Heres fucking Gabriel...again.
Orks, Blood Ravens and Eldar. Yay...
Interestingly, the MOBA thing isn't even really the issue.
Map design/game mode is my biggest gripe, the maps are claustrophobic and VP mode would be a much better system. There's no room for maneuvering except in 1v1, and even there its limited.
Units are glass cannons, especially with Elites causing ludicrous amounts of damage, often with no ability to counterplay.
Income works well early on, but later in the game it just gets ridiculous, spamming units without any real micro concern becomes the best strategy.
Units control like ass, fucking DoW2 had better feeling unit control. The cover bubbles have so much HP they effectively create a zone of absolute denial, much worse than buildings.
Despite having the towers and stuff, if you get behind you're screwed unless you get a lucky Elite unit gib of a blob.
I like it.
Actually a great game tbqh and people who say it's like league of legends are clearly too underage to remember playing other wc3 mods similar to this style. It's simply a lot closer to just straight up warcraft 3 than it is to any moba
Easily GOTY potential
You'd be lucky if anyone can look past the inane "moba" label they keep trying to stick on it.
>its gonna fail
But the beta/demo is actually great.
seeing as though warcraft 3 was a cheap knockoff of warhammer thats not a compliment
Nothing. This good because I rather wh40k not go mainstream.
Nothing went wrong?
The game is a blast. Getting great reviews and most people who actually play it are liking it.
>the fact that they REFUSE to use any other fucking Chapter besides Blood Ravens or the Smurfs. Jesus christ theres thousands of other chapters. Use one of them.
They use the BR because they created them, and thus can write any lore for them that they want.
No it's not. Keep telling yourself that, but we all know its's it's really not.
>Posting a shitty subjective opinion without anything to back it up in response to a subjective opinion.
>they use them cause they dont have to be assed looking up the lore of the other chapters
i know
it really shows like in Space Marine where Black Templars are helping the inqusition take in the Ultrasmurf. Despite them hating each other with a passion.
So much potential to move the story FORWARD, yet they cant and wont cause its cheaper/less effort to use muh gabriel angelos.
Have missed the 8th edition shitshow? Its too late.
>moving the story forward
3 pretty boring races that play nearly the same. I really don't like how the orks don't take themselves seriously.
Stop being such a whiny fucking lore autist.
Blood Ravens are fine.
And besides, if the game didn't use Blood Ravens then all the other shills and fuckwits would be complaining about it. That's the trouble - all the haters can't even agree on anything.
Nigga the races DoW3 are the most unique we've ever seen in dow? DoW3 also has the most units of any dow game on release.
>seeing as though warcraft 3 was a cheap knockoff of warhammer thats not a compliment
the story does move forward, at a snails pace but still forward in the board game and books. We have Tyranid hive fleets, we have Necron planets awakening. We have the Eldar getting ready to spirit merge to kill Slaneesh. We have the Imperial Guard getting more dissarayed and splintered into factions
yet we never leave Gabriels backyard
dow3 discussion in a nutshell
Blizzard even admits that they straight up stole/copied shit from Warhammer. The orcs being one of them.
Unless another race gets Squatted, I can't really see how much it's really moving.
So which one is the terran, zerg and protoss?
>Game Workshop invented the orcs
No key binding for the third fucking time in a row.
Not him but that only applies to Warcraft 1, where they originally wanted to make a WH game but GW pulled on the license halfway through so they just made a not-warcraft game. The series has been pretty original from WC2 onwards.
not-warhammer, I meant
>Blood Ravens are fine
yes, they are fine. They have had 2 full games and multiple expansions to flesh them out. They have done everything they can with them. Its time to give the spotlight to another group.
Put all the names on a board, or even the top 5-6 based off a poll of the fans and throw a fucking dart.
>if the game didn't use Blood Ravens then all the other shills and fuckwits would be complaining about it.
WH40K fanbase is the most autistic one ever to come together. Im sure they wouldnt mind a switch up.
mate robert gorillaman got resurrected recently and is now back to being lord commander of the imperium. it IS moving forward
If you are talking about lore then sure.
But gameplay? Let me put it like this: Blizzard might as well have invented micro.
GW invented big green hulking ape-like Orks with a prominent lower jaw with tusks. Blizzard copied that. The original Warcraft was originally supposed to be a Warhammer game but they couldn't get the license.
Warcraft Orcs are copied from Warhammer Orks, Blizzard just added hair and have them a "le noble savage" background.
They wanted to have Company of Heroes gameplay in 40K, and it was worse than Dawn of War.
The point of Dawn of war was straight-up firefights with superior numbers. It was like that all the way through Soulstorm
Then it became almost entirely about cover. Cover, cover, cover. Cover was a neat bonus in the first game, but was then turned into the point of the game in the second.
I'm sorry, but a tiny brick wall isn't going to provide space marines with more cover than their suits already offer.
>I'm sorry, but a tiny brick wall isn't going to provide space marines with more cover than their suits already offer.
Does the job just fine in the tabletop.
>That one autist going full damage control calling anyone who says anything negative about the game a "shill"
Youv been going full damage control and samefagging for something like 8 hours now, the only shill here is you.
You know it's all tolkienesque shit right?
They don't get the credit for orcs.
explain the picture
>Income works well early on, but later in the game it just gets ridiculous, spamming units without any real micro concern becomes the best strategy.
escalations need to be toned down, the meta goes to shit after about 15 minutes, resources come in so fast all you can do is attack move and forget
they did switch them up and made them sorta unique
>they grow from fungus
>once they get on a world that world will forever have them
> they have multiple stages and castes of life
in tolkien they were just corrupted elves
Also they're soccer hooligans, that's pretty unique to their orcs.
Even in the tabletop, that's only a consideration for some races.
Armor saves aren't for everyone because that's not how some of the races play.
>20 foot tall gabriel angelos LITERALLY front flipping halfway across the screen
>space marines have paper armour
>selecting plasma guns for your tactical marines equips the ENTIRE squad with them
>orks have INSANE ranged damage, even low tier models like shoota boyz
>terminators stand upright and run like theyre wearing regular SM armour, looks goofy as fuck
>eldar have to dick around building and researching and unlocking shit that orkz/SM can do in 1/4 of the time and resources
>mid game onwards all fights are just 2 armies standing flat footed pounding shots into each other until one army wins, with the elites absolutely SHITTING on everything around them
They destroyed Cadia, we're getting AGE OF GUILLIMAN soon.
foot tall gabriel angelos LITERALLY front flipping halfway across the screen
>>space marines have paper armour
>>selecting plasma guns for your tactical marines equips the ENTIRE squad with them
>>orks have INSANE ranged damage, even low tier models like shoota boyz
>>terminators stand upright and run like theyre wearing regular SM armour, looks goofy as fuck
>>eldar have to dick around building and researching and unlocking shit that orkz/SM can do in 1/4 of the time and resources
None of this actually matters
Removed everything good about the first two games instead of combining what worked from both. Commander attaching, sound design, dynamic cover and garrisons, dynamic individual models, unit retreating and preservation, suppression, balanced hero units that didn't make standard units cannon fodder, melee with sync kills, etc. All gone.
>space marines have paper armour
This actually matters because it stops tacs from trading efficiently with Dire avengers and boyz in the early game.
SMs 'thing' is they are high hp low model squads so model attrition is meant of effect them less, but in reality microed eldar units fuck SM early because the shields stop attrition.
apart from it involving large imbalances, huge lore contradictions and stale boring games that consist of drag select > attack move > queue more units, im sure it doesnt mate
>Retreat button
>What went wrong?
>join a game dev company
>be forced to dress up like a faggot or fear getting fired irrespective of your actual productivity
If i ever get into the industry, im staying at indie level
how the fuck does the orbital laser work
fine, lore aside, care to address the other 2 glaring points? or you just here for the shitposting and contrarian points
because if you genuinely believe a single squad of vanilla shootaz or avengers can and should win in a straight and static firefight against a tactical marine squad you have no business discussing 40k in any form
who gives a shit about a pink friday event
fucking rubbish
The Imperium abandoned Cadia and Roboute Guilliman is alive again. More primarchs will likely be back soon.
It is just as good as Shadow War Armageddon! ()
It allows you to salvage a unit when they get in deep shit and are they are effectively removed from the fight until they get back to base. You can still fuck it up or your opponent can route them for easy pickings. It allows you to more easily preserve smaller units since it doesn't work for vehicle and large units. DOW3 has a global rally thing but it triggers fo all the units on the field which is fucking stupid.
So are the womyn actual developers or just useless secretary/HR types?
>Retreat button
Casuals like you have killed DoW
completly wrong
You didn't answer the question autismo just posted a picture of some random person.
>the voice acting
Return to reddit.
Yes, they are actual developers
>voice acting
Who cares
people who play with the sound turned on maybe?
i do
there's a weird dissonance in the game design, like they want you reinforcing and micro'ing individual squads into stealth and cover but everything gets globaled so easily
>Not caring about the voice acting for fucking Dawn of War
Actual programmers or useless "teehee I've got a progressive idea" types that ruin modern video games?
Beta is great fun.
Didn't read the thread but watch out for known bait (including 'quick rundown.png', or as I call it, 'dawn of war.png 2: electric boogaloo')
Anyone notice some old voice actors? The original space marine VA from DOW does the voice of the devastators
>women and blacks playing 40k
It lacks this quality
Statistically, out of those 25 men and 10 women or whatever, 6% of the women will be programmers.
>female space marines are canon now
Their lawyers make sure they get credit for it, and they're better than the ones the Tolkien estate has.
Fool me once, Shame on you
Fool me twice, Shame on me
by that logic, you'd be gaga for DoW3
Isn't that an inquisitor?
>Tripling your audience is bad
This is not okay
Yes it is
There must not be an educational requirement for professional shiller
So you wouldn't have bought DmC3 or Dark Souls 3?
They were actually canon for decades now you idiot. It was canon that they happened but like 99% of them died from organ failure due to the hormones. That's why there aren't any of them, they weren't practical. If you go back far enough there is a chapter of female space marines in the old lore.
Are you retarded?
>DmC3 or Dark Souls 3
good riddance