What did he mean by this Sup Forums?
What did he mean by this Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
It would of been even worse if it was worse.
Autisim Logic
Why the fuck did you make a thread based off of my post.
Fucking meme thread.
It's not autism, you just have bad reading comprehension.
fucking kek
He meant normies hate good games, which is a perfectly reasonable opinion to have.
Mediocre games sell like shit, good games sell great, but horrible games sell the best, because of shitty e-celeb memes.
ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong.
this guy was just ahead of his time
I haven't laughed this hard in a long time
this user wasn't in the wrong, "it's fun" isn't a valid critique of a game. where this line of thinking goes wrong is that it forgets the fact that Sup Forums isn't your personal review site, not every post has to be a well thought out fully fleshed review with sources, replying to "what do you think of X" with "it's fun" is perfectly fine, you're just adding your opinion to the discussion.
>2011 was 6 years ago
What went wrong?
This thread would have had a lot less replies if the thread was worse.
[reddit spacing]
Fucking meme thread.
2011 was 7 years ago you mong.
Wait, regular spacing is reddit now? What does spacing have to do with reddit?
How's 2018?
>tfw 2011 was 15 years ago
Honestly I don't even know myself.
A bunch of autists starting calling empty spacing in posts "reddit spacing" so I just decided to join in on the fun.
>tfw 1990 was 30 years ago
I've been posting that way for 10 years now and suddenly I've been getting called out as reddit
Honestly I don't even know myself. [reddit space]
A bunch of autists starting calling empty spacing in posts "reddit spacing" so I just decided to join in on the fun.
This thread would be worse if the spacing was worse
Fucking meme thread
You didn't know that having proper grammar is reddit?
It's the one of the latest memes.
It will phase out eventually, just wait.
I think its supposed to be making fun of
those people who always
use a space for every sentence
instead of using paragraphs
Why Do People Do That?
Deja vu
[reddit statement]
[Sup Forums space]
[reddit statement]
[Sup Forums space]
[reddit statement]
[Sup Forums space]
[reddit statement]
>2011 was 29 years ago
>[using greentext for no reason]
[reddit space]
People really cant complain about how others type here.
These fucking people........
On reddit, you can only make multiple lines of text by entering two line breaks in a row. If you just enter one (without leaving an empty line between text) then it'll be omitted by reddit's formatting system.
Because of that, a double line break was retroactively named the "reddit space." The funny thing is that you need to post on reddit to understand why it's called that
Uhm. feelsbadman? Why not feelsbadWOMAN?
well if you don't properly break
your post up then it ends up
being an unreadable clusterfuck and
anybody who passed high school english
should be able to see why this
format of post is insufferable
I've never even been to reddit, so i don't know why people here hate it; they've obviously spent more time on it than I have
Shit good times all the shit posting that came from it for like a month
It doesn't have the Reddit spaces so it's better. It may have worse formatting and is more painful to read but it's better in the end.
I understand what this guy means and agree. You might be enjoying yourself and having fun, but you're having a forgettable experience if you're not immersed.
At least he's remembered as a hero now.
"how is the new zelda game?
"It's pretty fun..."
Doesn't make sense.
>6 was 2011 years ago
unga bunga
Immersion is just a buzzword when you can't think of any real reasons as to why the game is good, don't use it.
Exactly. This is no different from when you're asking your coworker how their day was they always use the generic answer of "Good, you?" They both don't tell you shit
"How are you this morning"
You didn't understand him. Fun is what happens when a game is good, it's the end result of a good game, you can't use it as an argument. A game is good because of (reasons), which makes it fun.
when I made that post I was actually trying to fuck with the guy because everything on the 1st page had been some post about buzzwords
That's always the deal with these reddit and tumblr accusations. I can't keep up anymore, I miss the days when all you had to avoid was being gaia.
Speaking of buzzwords, I'm so glad rehash died old. It was annoying seeing every sequel getting labeled with it.
Go back to Digg faggot.
digg is the fucking best.
Fight me...
>tfw someone originally screencaped this guy because he looked like an idiot
>his post has only aged like fine wine
Sequel is just the buzzword for rehash.
Aged like fine wine? More like memed like fine meme. Fuck that saying. "Aged like fine wine" is a filthy meme.
'Meme' is just a buzzword for when you can't think of a clever insult!
ok.. fr*ck you...
digg more like SHIT
Buzzword and meme are interchangeable at the point.
'Buzzword' is just a meme for when you can't think of a clever insult!
why is this faggots head so big
what kind of shit photoshop job is this
There's this really cute girl that comes frequently to the fast food place I work at
what do I do Sup Forums
Just b urself dude :)
I didn't know i needed this video in my life
a pathetic loser in his mid twenties working at a fast food joint?
>fast food place I work at
You already lost.
Nah dude, you just have to be more confident :)
ok I'll try
I'll think of you if I lose my virginity
I know
>I sense an incoming "u mad?"
>u mad
It's fun is valid only so long as can list cogent reasons as to why you find it fun, though that's still totally a subjective standard. I mean, I have "fun" playing and trying to mod paradox games into not painful experiences but it's tedious and frustrating as fuck and not the kind of fun I'd recommend to other people who don't skirt the border of Autismtown
Reddit spacing is a meme that started on 8ch and has now migrated here. It makes no fucking sense, since when has there ever been some proper posting format on Sup Forums other than no fucking capital ex capital dee and shit like that.
>bitch at people for redditspacing
>bitch at people for wall texting
non-japanese style emotes
Get the FUCK out.
Stick it in her pooper, bro.
i should have mentioned that shes a beautiful trans woman and probably doesn't like her private area being referred to as a pooper
I'm sure she'd change """her""" mind once you're slamming her poopchute.
Not really, do you remember those immersive 2d games you used to play with friends?No you remember them because you had fun.Alien Isolation for example is an immersive game, some flash game you played on the web back in the day is fun.It's almost like he is making up his own dictionary about what fun and immersive is.Also saying something is a buzzword is such a fucking dumb way to argue, it's just as bad saying a game is SJW because it has a female protag or a white male villain I'd say.Only a fool would go for such a way to dismiss shit.
Nice try faggot leafcuck
There is nothing wrong with Canadians.
There's something so graceful about sticking your wiener in someone's shitter, I'm sure she won't mind
A game doesn't need to be good to be fun.
Yes it does. There is no such thing as a fun bad game you mong.