Now that the dust has settled, what did Sup Forums think of Rain World?
Now that the dust has settled, what did Sup Forums think of Rain World?
The main character is a cute hamster
This game is absolutely beautiful. I'm kinda sad it got hit hard by journalists, it could have been so much more
Also WTF
I don't think anyone here played it.
In still interested in it though.
Just another pixelshit game
It's got a small audience at least, there's been some threads for it
It rains much much too often for any dust.
Will it run on my toaster laptop? For reference Hollow Knight works but only at an unplayable 30fps.
Far from it. It's innovative in ways that was the standard in '90s but rarely seen today. Props to Rain World devs and others looking to make games ground-up instead of blindly following in the footsteps of others.
Hollow Knight is horribly coded, I love that game but it's really dumb how they got it working.
It's made in unity so I've heard there might be some issues
It can run on a toaster, but it depends on what you define as a toaster.
I'll just download it and try. Game looks too cool to not.
>get to the wall after the trip to five pebbles
>immediately get hounded on all corners by lizards and pole ferns
You know what, I missed this. I missed lizards being my only worry
have fun user, just remember that the game doesnt hold your hand at all so you're gonna have to figure out a lot of stuff on your own. There's plenty of steam guides if you just want to get it over with, but figuring shit out is half the fun
i like it a lot, but i can see why some are put off by it. it's an absolutely brutal and unforgiving experience; the best approximation of actually being a member of a prey species that i can imagine.
Does this game have a map? I've always been confused by what this game is supposed to be exactly.
Yeah but it's rather hard to read.
I've mostly just been relying on my memory
What's the best way to the Subterrenean, through Farm Arrays or the Drainage System? I'm at chimney canopy getting rekt by lizards and vultures
Imagine metroidvania style levels where an ecosystem unfolds. The levels themselves are hand-made, but the creatures just go about their way and do their own thing, rather than being hand-placed obstacles for pre-determined challenges. There are lots of creatures, all have their own behaviors and they will hunt each other or simply fight because they're dicks. They all have their own hidey-holes where they live.
Each 15 minutes, catastrophic rain pours down and you have to make it to a shelter (predetermined checkpoints within levels) to hibernate. Other creatures will do the same. Once you wake up, the creatures emerge from their shelters and do their thing again. It's never the same. Each creature that dies frees up their assigned hidey-hole where another creature respawns (not necessarily of the same species).
The goal of the game is to dick around, explore, learn creature behavior, uncover lore and to make it to the next checkpoint. This and the difficulty are where the Dark Souls comparisons come from, but the real heart and unique trait of this game is the AI.
So huh
What do? No spears nearby
It's an Echo of something no longer bound by the earthly realm.
For all intents and purposes, a God.
I'm pretty sure you can leap those with long-jump.
All I've learned from threads is that this game is basically a ryona game except you're not a cute girl.
leap my man
Yeah I managed to get a spear right into the platform, only to jump and learn I didnt need it
I'd rather a slugcat boy than a cute girl desu
Sky Islands is the worst area in the game right?
the game is pretty bad but I like the visuals, though design wise I found them to have issues too because there were moments where I though things were in the background when they weren't
Journalists axing this game for not holding your hand enough is a fucking tragedy.
The themes of the game are about survival and discovery, it's only fitting you're forced to learn through repetition and random encounters.
how about not having pure luck determine your success
How about gittin gud?
>my thread is dying
there are moments where 100% impossible to survive, developers admitted, there's also a chance to have it happen consistently
how about facing the facts?
What am I not allowed to ask a question about which route would be the most optimal or easiest?
I didn't say you're allowed to, you're allowed to do anything as far as I am concerned and I can post whatever does not break rules as far as I am concerned.
I meant
I didn't say you're not allowed to you're allowed to do anything as far as I am concerned...
That's the nature of random.
Part of the enjoyment comes from surviving a tough encounter or an oncoming flood despite odds stacking against you.
If you really want to go that way there's speedruns that clear the game with very little deaths (3), hell I got through the whole Shaded Citadel -> Five Pebble trip with minimal deaths and most consider that one of the hardest parts of the game.
There's a random element but you can mitigate it for sure
How's the porn so far
I fundamentally disagree that that's good design or that it's a good thing at all
also WRONG, you can limit scenarios while still using algorithms to generate random scenarios that are outside the limited ones, i.e. impossible to survive scenarios, it's just shit design not to
I tried it out a little but felt rather constricted by the hard time limit that comes up all the time
Might give it another go because it sure looks nice, plays well and the AI are promising from what I've seen so far
No lizard porn yet
the more you legitimately die due to lack of skill, the higher your chances are to die because of impossible spawns
>what did Sup Forums think of Rain World?
The what now?
I think that pretty much sums it up. But I'm sure you three will a have jolly good time bumping this thread to limit.
>this game was not advertized to me on prime time TV what the fuck
sure was here though
The game legitimately deserves its review score. I like it personally, but it has many flaws that are also core parts of the game.
There are improvements to be made, but I doubt they will be made in good time, so it doesn't really matter too much. Overall a very cool and interesting game that falls short when it comes to the actual game part of it.
well the team seems to be competent at making a finished product at least and if I recall correctly they live in Sweden so they can't even run out of funds because neetbux, hopefully their next game will be great
I loved it. I'm not done with the game yet, but it felt genuinely fresh and is the best metroidvania that is not a metroidvania that I've played recently.
Hollow Knight was a great game, but also way too classic in term of movesets and exploration.
Rain world has its own rules and these same rules are bent differently depending on the area you're in. Absolutely no hand holding, and the game forces to improvise constantly and that's great.
There have been quite a few bullshit moments so far in my game (frog apes which spawn just above the shelter) but the game is so unique that you forget quickly about them. I just wish the game had a larger bestiary to keep you on the edge the entire game.
Best exploration in a 2D game for quite a while.
>tfw your thread isnt in the pics
how about this one? I got an endless stream of this stuff but I think I'll contain myself
No I dont even remember what the thread said, I think it was about going the wrong way into Chimney Canopy
>There have been quite a few bullshit moments so far in my game (frog apes which spawn just above the shelter) but the game is so unique that you forget quickly about them.
For all that's good, dont go to the Sky Islands. You'll hate the game
Poor OP, if only he knew what his post would bring.
I don't see the issue with image attached.
user wants to share his love for a game and is thus deemed "cringe"?
Generation Z truly is the worst gen.
yeah well make of it what you will, you're entitled to have your own view of things, I for one hate this sort of advertising and I'd like for this site not being used for that
>Another game that we will never be able to discuss because of one fucking autist
I like to think they're overly enthusiastic.
Hell I only found out when it was gonna come out a day before, and I was waiting for this for a while.
But he's not here tho.
You havent seen true autism until you've seen that guy
maybe so but it seems to be a case of him and not them
I'll straight up clear it out here and now, there's more than one of us, also nothing stops you from talking about the game at all, also there's really no shitposting going on in this thread.
I'm stuck in shoreline guys because I want to get through a place with 3 spots with blue leeches. Is there a reliable way to get through this place? I don't have a screenshot right now but the yellow alien tells me that the blue aliens are beyond this place.
Are you perhaps this hero?
Actual paid shills and spamming threads with no changed OP I'm inclined to agree with you about, but devs shilling for their own games and fans who want to spread knowledge I think is free game, as long as it isn't done in an obnoxious manner like and .
Then again, maybe I'm just cringe.
Now dont quote me on this, but I think leech spawns are random. You can try to sleep and come back to see if they're gone.
Honestly leeches are my least favorite enemy, and I got pretty lucky when I went through Shoreline, almost didnt see any
it's ok if you don't like the game, but why would you come to a thread about a game you dislike just to shitpost?
also those threads probably were made by that autist that one time made a million samefag posts sounding like a shill to prove his point that the game is being shilled
>also those threads probably were made by that autist that one time made a million samefag posts sounding like a shill to prove his point that the game is being shilled
Works every time
>act like obvious shill
>someone is bound to screencap it and spam the image to prove that the game is being shilled
For extra shitposting points you can make the cap yourself
I don't hate the game at all. I think it's mediocre but I have no problem with it, I want to see what the devs make next.
sure, I figure these are not actual shills though but just some obsessive fan
falseflagging even before release? eh... I just think it's someone who REALLY likes the game
I'm about to give up on the Sky Islands. I've been having really shitty luck and have saved up a ton of passages anyway. It's a shame because the area is really pretty.
This isnt a horrible idea right? Maps say I can go through the Drainage System
also there's nothing shitpost about it, I figure it's pretty nice to put out sketchy shit like this instead of hiding it, people can make what they want of it though, like you figure it's falseflagging, whatever
>sure, I figure these are not actual shills though but just some obsessive fan
I'm with you then, but OP's like where user just wants genuine discussion doesn't really match the autism of spamming threads IMO
>you can't have a thread about an indie game anymore without the Sup Forums police showing up
Did you go there early?
I suggest following the yellow helper and backtrack if you haven't gone to Shoreline and such or else you're in for a world of pain.
>I'm with you then, but OP's like (You)
I unironically think that post is the worst one I've seen though, it actually fits every definition of advertising and makes it clear there's someone with the intent of doing that repeatedly, unless it's falseflagging which I'd hope it is but I don't think it is because rest of the thread I took it from reads similarly.
But sure, I won't complain any more if you think differently.
Nah I'm coming in from 5 Pebbles. I already went to Chimney early on and turned back
Yeah, I think you can go to Subterranean through Drainage System and also Outskirt -> Farm arrays -> Sub
I went through Sky islands because it's the closest one to Five Pebbles and it's somewhat short if you know the route, which I did from struggling for hours when I went there before anywhere else.
Yah this area is crazy. Tons of hard jumps and vultures in every room, I even saw a flying centipede.
What would the short route be user?
I dont want to give up on this place.
Can you actually kill other creatures with throwables or is it just stun and run?
Don't spoiler things that don't contain spoilers.
You mean the rocks and debris? You can make lizards fall off from really high places but aside from that no
I'd assume you reached the first safe zone located inside the whole structure where the cicadas tend to hunt bats.
From there you need a cicada to cross some long jumps in a further area, I drew something off the top of my head, it shows the path from the safe zone to the long jumps, I think?
Those too but I was more thinking of spears.
Seem like lizards' heads are too thick to pierce but what if I get enough spears into their body/rear?
Are they or any other creature killable besides edibles?
Oh that's neat user, thanks. Now that I look at it I already died in that area, I totally forgot I could use cicadas like that
Yeah you can kill lizards if you spear their bodies enough. You can eat centipedes if you kill them, also Vulture larva
Cool, thanks
Then you follow this and you're out of the sky Islands, there's a safe zone halfway through if you explore a bit and one at the end, the karma gate needs 3-4 karma.
Please be patient I hate seeing patterns.
Damn thanks a lot user, based.
As much shit as it got in the past, this game really reminds me of Fez in its strengths; exploration and A E S T H E T I C S minus the hand holding.
What other games are there like this and Fez where you can just get lost in a cool world with nice aesthetics?
there's a disproportionate amount of this in rain world threads it seems, I noticed it too when going through the archive taking all those other images, well easy to identify the amount of samefaggery if anything, like there's really over a hundred of these rain world posts with spoilers in them when the spoilered text is not a spoiler at all. So yeah, I'd group them all as one or two posters.
Spoilering nonspoilers isnt exatcly a rain world only phenomenon
it's way disproportionately common in these threads though as he said, reading 101