>reading comments on kickstarter pages years after fulfillment date asking where their rewards are
whats your guilty pleasure Sup Forums
>reading comments on kickstarter pages years after fulfillment date asking where their rewards are
whats your guilty pleasure Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
i use this list to wank over the comments btw
I have a Switch.
>laughing at failed kickstarters
>realized I backed Bloodstained
>backing any ks
>Inform people who are anticipating a game that it's going to be filled with cancerous DLC, microtransactions, and lots of other shit
>They always claim "no! The devs are better!"
>They are always wrong
it's incredible
playing video games
I will never understand how people can be fooled like that.
maybe i'm just a jew because it seems the rest of the entire fucking world can't throw money at a promise soon enough
Once I finish a game I rush to Tvtropes to read all of said game's tropes.
I do this but only for games I really like.
>tfw never EVER donated a single cent to any kickstarter bullshit
Feels so great to be this smug :^)
>remember when that was announced
>9 year old girl with only a small goal
>found out mom was pretty wealthy
>no update in 3 years
The writing was on the wall from day one.
>runs away and fails
>mfw I'm still waiting for my muvluv physical vita copy
I knew it would late but not THIS bad. shit I backed it at least 2 years ago and it should've came in November.
at least it'll be expensive as fuck once I get it
>when you get the perfect falsefag and people pile on 20 (You)'s
GameFAQs boards. The most obvious bait just makes those idiots fucking rage. It's beautiful.
Man, I remember they even suckered in some celebrities to shill for this, the mom is one smart bitch for scamming all those retards for this garbage
This but with Sup Forums's Sup Forums board. They go berserk everytime.
75% of replies to bait on Sup Forums are ironic, and another 5% are post-ironic self aware quasi-serious posts.
>back only 5 to 10 bucks to kickstarter game
>get credits on games that did get released
>if a game fails i only waste 5 - 10$ and never feel guilty about wasting 1500+ dolalrs
Do you know who updates this? I'm surprised Tangiers isn't on here. The dev stopped updating and hasn't said anything about it so it should be listed as failure probably.
>mfw I heavily shilled a kickstarter
>More nervous about it not arriving on Vita than it being bad
>Devs are total bros so I trust them but I'm still nervous about it
What's the difference between irony and sincerity when people are going to bite anyway?
>justifying being an idiot this much and the only reward is being named with a bunch of other Idiots in the part of the game everyone skips
>was about to celebrate never having funded a kikestarter
>remember I preordered Starbound
I've only funded one Kickstarter, and guess what. It was a scam. Pic related.
>>no update in 3 years
Pretty sure they made a game and released it for free. Yes, it sucked, but it was made by a fucking 9 year old.
>Backed Half Genie Hero
>Backed Mighty No. 9
>Got a refund on MN9 after the Dina disaster
I've never ever supported a Kickstarter but I do follow those that interest me. I've also only ever bought one early access game and that was because I did it drunk, but I don't regret it because it was Darkest Dungeon.
Feels good to make good decisions all the time.
>mfw never backing a kickstarter
you couldn't pay me to pretend that half of them aren't complete wastes.
I will give you $5000 dollars to pretend half of them aren't complete wastes
Technically it never had a Kickstarter, but yeah I know how you feel.
>reading comments on kickstarter pages years after fulfillment date asking where their rewards are
How do you do that when 99% Kickstarters news posts and comment sections are hidden unless you backed?
Huh huh?
Huh huh huh huh huh?!?
>video game kickstarters
be a real man and back action figure kickstarters
If I wanted to sell snake oil, I'd at least get 10k from EA.
>back yooka laylee for $10 on kickstarter 2 years ago
>I make $10 in 20 minutes at work
>game released a week ago and it works perfectly, has no bugs, and is a lot of fun
>maximum value
Sometimes you win
How so? I forgot it was happening until i saw a clip from it the other day.
>When the plastic brick you kickstarted is taking so long to deliver that several Chinese clones have already popped up and people are buying those instead as they actually arrive on time
My boner is even harder if it is genuine rage
>no update in 3 years
because the game came out
What kickstarter
Whenever I finish a game or anime I liked a lot, I go through the catalog searching for threads about it for the next 4-5 hours as a form of closure.
>Every kickstarter I have backed delivered what they said they would
>AAA games get shittier and shittier
My raging hard on can get no harder and my face can not get and more golden.
Toy for literal autists, went viral, made millions of $, they're being sent out to backers at a snails pace, people are sill waiting for their toy to arrive almost a year later. As it stands you can order the official one today and it may not get to you before the end of the year.
Or you can go on Amazon and buy a chinese clone for a literal tenth of the price and get it in 1-2 weeks.
>tfw never backed eny kickstarte
>but did something worse
>preordered a machine for pigs
>when steam didnt had the refund policy
What's the difference between backing a kickstarter campaign and pre ordering a game?
When you preorder is a fact that you will get the game
Kickstarter is like a lottery you may or may not get your game
pre-orders generally have a set release date
kickstarters generally haven't even started yet
You can cancel a preorder up to the release date. You can't cancel kickstarter once it's been funded.
I don't know why anyone bought this thing, it just looked annoying and cheap.
If you need an autism toy, spinners are a million times better.
My guilty pleasure is jerking it to Werewolves, but I don't know if that's videogame related.
It's not super terrible for simple things (i.e. not video games)
I got a nice hoodie for cheap from a Kickstarter, that's literally the only thing I ever backed.
But then why is Kickstarter a thing if it sounds so unreliable?
>Pre-order - game will happen
>Kickstarter - game might happen
Either way 90% of the time you get trash or nothing at the end.
>backed an artist for some $1 doodles
>get small drawing of peppermint candy in mail
It was okay.
Mmm, jello
I watch SS13 lets plays
Because both are diferent forms of buisness
Kickstarter is for backing up proyects of people that need economin help and cant get someone big to help them with the proyect
Preorder is just buying a game before it comes out so you get shure that you will get a copy on day 1
Pre-ordering is putting your money up-front to guarantee you will get the product, while Kickstarter is essentially funding the product's development.
Of course, to what extent depends on the project. Something like Risk of Rain already had a lot of the game already developed and simply used Kickstarter for additional polish and getting the game its OST on top of securing an absolutely useless publisher, while many other projects will practically (try to) use the funding to develop the entire thing.
Before it became a big thing it was a good way to get little ideas for products or books made without having to rely on selling it to a big corp or it being crazy successful on its own.
then multi-million dollar kikestarters happened and every scammer and their dog started using it too.
Me too user. I also searchbup the wiki so i can learn more about the things i may have missed/misunderstood.
I backed only Town of Salem with 5 bucks.
No regrets.
>There are people who pre-order non-physical media
for what purpose
why does the option even exist
>Before it became a big thing
Non-vidya related but I liked the way Greg Stolze used it way back. He would just say "I have written a short story of X length/splat for tabletop rpg about Y. Give me like a grand and I release it free for everyone always"
Not all kickstarter games turn out bad, my man.
>Darkest Dungeon
>Shovel Knight
>Freedom Planet
>Hollow Knight
>Stardew Valley
>Skullgirls (DLC)
>Lisa the Painful/Joyful
>only backed 2 things in life
>turned to be bad
Never again
Occasionally you get discounts/rewards for preordering.
>whats your guilty pleasure Sup Forums
Me? Oh I'm just building a Age of Empires II scenario on a ludicrous size map centered around a female villager trying to run around doing things without wetting herself. I have a timed loop that tributes gold slowly for bladder fullness, and there are things you can or sometimes must do as the player, like "drinking water", to increase the fill rate by temporarily activating a second similar loop. I'm looking into a way to show some visual correlation with wetting herself, like spawning some object or changing terrain at her current location, but I'm not sure if I can do it with scenario triggers, so right now there's just dialogue to go along with it. It's getting to be a pretty involved project, with its own plot and storyline and even minigames, I'm sort of worried it might start crashing, and it's been a while since I was able to save a backup with everything in working order because everything new I do breaks something else for a while.
I mean I wouldn't call it a guilty pleasure, I own the game, but it sort of fits I guess.
You can't read comments for KS you didn't back.
So that makes fingerboxes a trillion times better then.
>Paying money for promises.
Why are people so stupid?
i would have backed FTL, but i was too lazy and couldn't be arsed.
I go on Sup Forums and pretend my wife is asian
It works better than it has any right to be
Yea you can dumbshit
Holy shit.
I am waiting for you to complete this project.
Which AoE2 is it? Normal or HD?
>I still never got my gold coin from that Shantae Kickstarter
Adding on to this:
>Octodad 2
>Blade Symphony
>Zombies, Run!
>Organ Trail: Director's Cut
>Guns of Icarus Online
>Wasteland 2
>Shadowrun Returns
>Cloudberry Kingdom
>Carmageddon: Reincarnation
>Detective Grimoire
>Defense Grid 2
>Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
>Planetary Annihilation
>Mercenary Kings
>Chivalry: Medieval Warfare (yes, that was a kickstarter game)
>Sir, You Are Being Hunted
>Divinity: Original Sin
>Risk of Rain
>Road Redemption
>Fran Bow
>Awesomenauts: Starstorm
>Sunless Sea
>The Fall
>Hyper Light Drifter
>The Escapists
>Hand of Fate
>Rain World
>Tabletop Simulator
>Frog Fractions 2
>Dragon Fin Soup
No you can't retard.
What's funny is that you don't understand how deeply embarrassing it is to bring up a long dead meme, that was created AFTER everyone of any worth left that shithole of a board.
Please reply to this post with the O RLY owl, it's another solid meme choice, although it might be a bit too oldschool for a 12 year old like you. Look it up on your favorite meme database first.
>None of us backers have gotten our rewards
>It's also not it's own show anymore
>Last episode was in fucking November
>tfw backed broken age
You can buy upgrades for bladder capacity too
and downgrades
at least you can once I debug it
The new Steam one, but the scenario doesn't require any of the kangz n shit expansions.
I'm not sure if I should really post it on Sup Forums if I ever finish it, I just...I just don't feel my genius would be fully appreciated kek
Now you know what the kids felt
This, don't ever back digital media.
I backed a portable power bank once, and that's the only thing. $30 for like 6000mah and two dozen different power adapters
yes you can
>I'm triggered by Sup Forums in 2017, the post
The best part is you seem to think Sup Forums is an elite seekrit QUALITY board.
Prior to release, I remember some folks on Sup Forums loving Undertale's demo.
Share that shit nigga
>bunch of shovelware shit by nobodies that you've never heard of and will never play: the post
star citizen drama
Like I said, it's broken/incomplete right now and frankly you'll never untangle my triggers without having designed them. Sorry senpai, I wouldn't have brought it up if I knew someone would actually want it.
Get a better browser theme you faggot
Keep in mind that the nazis with their propensity for Schadenfreude were defeated in WWII. Don't let the same fate befall you user.