Find a flaw.
Find a flaw
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the other half of the game being sold as DLC
That's like handing someone a Where's Waldo book and asking them to find anyone except Waldo.
Crucial storyline is in a separately purchased film.
>10 years
Graphical glitches
also, it's boring
>unironically playing anime games
sausage fest FF
Is 15 actually good? I heard the ending sucks.
The combat system, the world itself, the plot, all non-party members, Noctis himself. No backstory of the party members. The fact that this incomplete bag of shit cost full price. DLC out the ass.
When you spend a full fucking decade on this game, and it nothing but the size of the world and the graphics beats the original NieR, which was a budget game made by FUCKING CAVIA, you've got yourself a real fucking problem. NieR even does fishing better than FFXV.
Now you've done it. Cue the screencap of Noct and his blonde fiancée happily married in the afterlife.
the combat
the rushed story
the lame characters outside the main 4
it's kinda rushed. Important shit happens off screen that is either told in loading screens, a casual sentence only mentioned once, or by newspapers
It'd be more challenging to try and find something that isn't flawed in this turd. Which I admit I cannot do myself.
>It'd be more challenging to try and find something that isn't flawed in this turd
the music
This games currently on sale where I live and I haven't played it yet. Do you guys think it's worth the purchase (money isn't a problem just don't want to waste time with it if it sucks). Kinda need a break from BB and waiting a bit before I get P5 or Nier
how much of a sale?
It was kinda cool riding a Chocobo around. Even though the leveling system was fucking stupid because there was no progression otherwise and you couldn't even own your own Chocobo.
Nevermind you're right.
It feels uninspired. Like SE just listened to a bunch of other OSTs from other games and said, "Wow, that sounds good! Let's make something similar to that."
It costs 60 bucks.
$25 Canuck bucks. So it's $55 CAD atm
Expecting us to be sad about that grandpa guy, even extending to the characters themselves moping about it, when Gladio and Iris never talk about their dead father.
The combat
>$25 Canuck bucks. So it's $55 CAD atm
wait until it's at least 60% off it's original price
>Expecting us to be sad about that grandpa guy
it took me a while to even realize who the fuck they were talking about.
The overworld theme doesn't play enough so there's not that much music, and the car radio has absurdly shitty controls. Having other FF stoundtracks as the only option while driving along interminably wasn't a good idea either.
Aranea's not the protagonist
Tell me this doesn't seem like the musician didn't just listen to Skyrim's OST when making this song, for example.
No Lightning
I was playing it today. Couldnt help but feel bored by it. The vast landscape and the amount of time you have to spend driving killed all fun.
When will this massive open world meme end?
I wish more games would have the map size of Bully and Arkham City filled with secrets and hidden things and locations with varied locations, especially like it is in bully.
Why they got rid of the cyberpunk neo tokyo setting for bland forests and deserts?
its so stupid. It goes all the way to even the ending, where basically the only side scene after the timeskip is with the grown up kid talking about it. Of all the interesting things that could have been used for a scene, they went with that one. No Iris, Cor, Aranea, just the dead grandpa.
Yeah. I actually thought that Gladio and Iris were the only ones acting like adults in regards to that invasion, and then they totally broke immersion with the old dude dying, who had like a whopping 5 minutes of screen time, if that.
Daily reminder that FF is objectively better than SMT
Try one of the demos. The game isn't nearly as bad as Sup Forums makes it out to be, but why take my word for it when you can try it yourself?
delet this
>using old outdated games
get with the times
This, most of Sup Forums have never played a truly bad game
It would have been a nice character moment to deal with that; Gladio prides himself on never showing weakness, so have a scene where he actually talks about his feelings about his father, Its such an easy and obvious character moment that not having it is bizarre.
>This, most of Sup Forums have never played a truly bad game
I have
Those are both good scores dumbshit
dude, XV scored lower than both games in
story is garbage
battle system
meant to link
The vast majority of those are good though. Or at least decent.
Fuck you. I've played all 3 Drakengard games, as well as Lagoon.
And comparing what game I would rather play from beginning to end, out of all 3 Drakengards, Lagoon, and FFXV, it would go thusly:
Drakengard 2 (Extreme difficulty)> Drakengard> Lagoon> FFXV> Drakengard 3, if only because FFXV is so fucking long and boring.
Drakengard 2 on Extreme difficulty is actually a fun game with a shit story. Drakengard 1 has a more interesting story. Lagoon is worse than FFXV in both story and gameplay, but mercifully short. Drakengard 3 is just an abomination.
>8 out of 10
I understood it as an adult. Again, the entire country is currently on fire, or about to be, so they needed to tuck that shit away until they had a quiet moment alone, and do what needed to be done to help the new King. It made sense. But then the old guy died and everyone was in shock, and I was just like, "Who died?"
Drakengard 3 is better than the original in pretty much every way. The fact that you would put that piece of shit above anything speaks volumes about your lack of taste.
I'm glad you think a game that was developed for 10 years should be an 8/10. Low standards scrub.
The story was shit, and any time there was more than one magician on the screen, the fps took a nosedive to under a single frame per second. There were times where I sincerely thought the game had locked up. That kind of framerate negates anything positive I have to say about the game, and this is coming from someone who actually purchased the Collector's Edition.
Boring is just a buzzword when you can't actually think of any real reasons as to why the game is bad, don't use it
Not being entertained by something you paid 60 dollars for is a legitimate critique. If you want to ask him why he feels bored by the game, that's legitimate, but his critique isn't.
Shit combat. I think I'm abandoning the franchise if they keep making games with real time battles. It sucks so much and it doesn't feel like Final Fantasy.
FF7 remake even has COVER SYSTEM
Fucking cover system
in jRPG
fuck everything about modern FF games
Its actually great, you just got old and cynical
70% of the game is sitting in a car that drives itself and there isn't even enough banter recorded to fill 20% of that time.
I've made the decision to after FFXV. That shit burned me as hard as Mass Effect 3. The fucking devs got people WAY too hyped up for what they wound up delivering as a product.
I haven't bought anything EA since ME3. I'll still buy shit produced by SE, but I'm not buying anything developed by SE.
The devs fucking knew it, too, which is why Gladio had a book to read.
Doesn't change the fact that I hate it.
>"Back in my day..."
there is nothing wrong with action jRPG games, FFXV is just shit at it.
Nice collection. I got the CE as well. Need to get the OSTs though. I keep hearing this meme about the framerate dropping to single digits but It never even came close to that for me. I'm assuming the people who had issues were playing on a Slim. I had drops on my 80gb fat but it never went below 20.
Nah. I didn't get into JRPGs until I was around 20 years old. I didn't even play FFVI for the first time until I was 27. Still thought it was great.
If anything, I actually prefer ARPGs, like NieR, Zelda, Secret of Mana, etc. That's what I grew up with, after all.
The combat of XV is just shit. I'll take NieR, NieR Automata, SoM, SotN, almost any Zelda (2D or 3D), OR any FF I've ever played (except for XII) over FFXV.
Fuck off xv-kun the game is shit.
I have a launch 60GB (with upgraded HDD). Wanted the BC. I also got it reballed back in 2012, so it's not a hardware issue.
he said flaw
>"But m-muh turn based combat"
Fuck off nostalgiafags
I blame the weapons appearing out of thin air. Such a half-assed design. Fucking hate it.
You would have had to ignore my post in order to respond to his, and I actually said that I prefered ARPGs. Swing and a miss, dude.
You rang?
I blame the fact that you can beat optional bosses 40 levels above you simply by holding dodge until a counter appears on the screen.
This has nothing to do with nostalgia. I just like various turn-based and semi-turn-based battle systems. I genuinely enjoy this shit. It's the way JRPGs are supposed to work.
American cover is shit, the dubs are shit.
They released the game unfinished (it seemed pretty rushed near the release) and filled the missing stuff with fetchquests. There are a few fun hunts but "Kill 10 Garula but they're green" is pretty dumb. And least they're still working on it.
Story DLC was overpriced and isn't really that different gameplay wise.
The characters (main party) are good or even great but other characters are worse. The world and story are interesting but the storytelling is complete shit. The ending wasn't satisfying but the last camp scene was really good
Other than being rushed towards the end and pretty easy, nothing really. Hope they add hard mode with item restriction in one of the updates.
I hate this meme
Hate it all you want. It sounds like Skyrim.
The execution was just bad.
They're ignoring their father's death because everything is fucked and he died while protecting the king.
Then this guy gets fucking murdered because the prince visited the hotel
Being symphonic doesn't automatically make it the same as skyrim
It really doesn't. There is like one part where they sound a bit similar and it's a whopping 3 seconds long
It has a better ending than pretty much all the others, and yeah it is.
How wrong can you be?
The final levels are some of the worst I've played in recent memory.
No. But it sounding like skyrim makes it sound like skyrim.
If you disagree with anything in that post, I would ask you the same question.
Being symphonic is literally the only thing the two soundtracks have in common
No it's great. You probably just suck at it.
and here is second worst part of FFXV!
Ladies and gentelmen! Welcome :
fanfare sounds
No Makoto Niijima
It was deliberately made wrong.
kill yourself
Stop posting already.
I'm allowed to talk about what's wrong with the game. Which is just about everything.
>not available on PC
So you have no argument and can only attack me because I defend XV. Fantastic.
Fuck off antikun, learn the difference between what comprehensive and comprehensible mean.
It's not any good dude.
No that's objectively wrong as is everything you mentioned earlier. In no universe is cavia shit even close to as good as XV.
It will be soon, it's gonna be sweet.