This is Tifa. Say something nice bully to say to her

This is Tifa. Say something nice bully to say to her.

I'm pretty sure that Bulbasaur's name is h, not Tifa.

>Tifa (male)

what the fuck am I reading?

Kill yourself

I don't know what you are smoking. That's clearly a Bulbasaur named h.

Who would be cruel enough to name their Bulbasaur "h"?

I think you're smoking a bit too much Grass-type, OP.


I would love to touch your bulb, Tifa.


she looks like shes got chicken arms


feminine stamen


His ass isn't even visable.

are you ok


hey I remember Pokemon Go. Is it still up?

this user needs medical attention

what did he mean by this?



isnt that h?


>Orange soda chicken arms

This sounds utterly repulsive. Why not put mayonnaise in your cake batter too?



I haven't laughed this hard at a thread in a long time.



you fucking idiot! you posted a stupid ass pokemon go screenshot! if the image wasn't vidya related id of called you a stupid nigger!

still go back to /vp/ you cunt

fuck you

Great thread


Accidentally hit Post?

what do you like to play?