Why do games just not have character anymore?
Because people rely on sexuality to tell a story
>this game has no character!
>this game is soulless!
>I don't like this game!
Never noticed the smiley face sun before.
Also is there any way to make the hud less obtrusive?
Higher budgets = more focus tested design-by-committee = less auteur-driven projects
There are tons of game that ooze style and character that are also shit and unfun senpai. Don't do this.
Because devs realized that you can just make generic 20x20Km 'open world' and fill it with repetitive shit calling it 'content' and people will will lap it up anyway.
Why bother with being creative when mediocrity sells?
I fucking hate normie casuals, they truly ruin any medium that they get their grubby hands on
Because when games like Tearaway and Puppeteer come around no one cares. "Character" doesn't sell to the lowest common denominator.
They do you just aren't looking
Is your name Joey? Cause I'm gonna call you Slowy Joey
because every year a new crop of 13 year olds emerge from the pre-teen cohort, and driven by testosterone and very few brain cells, they seek out the loudest, flashiest, and inevitably most brain dead experiences.
As publishers compete for greater and greater shares of this lowest common denominator market, different companies are forced out or absorbed to make marketing use of their corpses.
And so Innovation is stifled through the twin factors of risk and lack of competition with sufficient funding.
This phenomenon will continue for the foreseeable future.
if you are looking for something though...
Undertale was full of character and very good
>he just assumed xir's biological gender
its strange, even kickstarter games that that rely on nostalgia and style to be enjoyable end up being mediocre at best, even with a competent dev team behind them, like tim schafer's shit game, armikrog and Yooka Layle. I think its mainly because instead of trying new shit they try to emulate what they did well in the past. So nowadays most stylish games are ripoffs of "homenages" to older stuff.
Could it be merely a sign of the times? Meaning, it's the culture that's actually making us stupider, even the devs, and they simply don't have that creative capability any longer
Most new movies and tv shows are remakes, reboots or based on books/comics or follow the sane formula as everything else.
jews found out that they can just rehash shit and sell it for full price, so why innovate at all?
play indie and smaller games. Psychonauts had a budget of around 12million only.
This game had a bunch of small stuff I loved
>Main character of a Platformer is an actual Acrobatic
>He learned Levitation so quickly, while the other kids had trouble, cause being raised in a circus taught him balance
>The section of the level that teaches you what your Levitation can go over lumps Water with other hazards even though you can't go over water, and that's because in-universe this only applies to Raz and his family.
Small studios seem to be the only ones making original games nowadays.
With larger studios it seems like having 50+ people working on the same thing just creates something mediocre and average.
le bump
Funny considering the japanese games are the most open sexually and still the best ones to tell story.