Why is her game so good, and why do such whiny faggots try to shit on every thread about it? Are they that sad IRL...

why is her game so good, and why do such whiny faggots try to shit on every thread about it? Are they that sad IRL? Are they really just insecure drones? Do they really believe the game is some progressive feminazi propaganda? How simple are these people?

Other urls found in this thread:


Go back to plebbit you literal fucking moron

so why are you here then?

if you're looking for acceptance, NeoGaF is that way

I didn't think it was bad or feminazi propaganda, but now I do

Ninten drones and mustards have openly admitted to creating the shitposts in an attempt to derail all HZD threads, on account of drones being jealous their games are shallow and anemic in comparison, and mustards are triggered that someone finally surpassed their master race tech demo from ten years ago and this somehow makes them mad

>watching sportsball with wife
>horizon commercial comes on
>wife asks if the game was made by americans and they intentionally made her ugly


This guy is triggered beyond the capacity for actual posting

K, luckily you can still kill yourself

all different IPs but all using the tmp in filename
youre not even trying to hide it you literal fucking moron


>wife is an unapologetic dyke

look like shit sweetie
i'll stick with bloodborne ;)

How mad is this guy right now?

Xpoorfags and PC assholes

It's not a bad game, just has issues. Anyone who reaches for "sjw propaganda" first is a moron.


I hate it specifically because the name sounds retarded as fuck and the main character looks like a pig in a wig.

Less than you is confirmed.

How does it feel to have backed the wrong horse? To have paid 60$ for a subpar game?
TLOU 2.0, shit game praised by shitter because they got shit all else

Let's be honest here. Aloy looks like a dude. Someone's eventually gonna photoshop her hair off and it will become clear. Let's just nip this meme in the bud right here.

I want to choke on her bush.


hahahahahahah you're so triggered and assblasted you couldn't help but respond and fill out a captcha to say how mad you aren't

>outsold by Zelda
It was a failure

Try harder kiddo.

>I can't pay a game unless I want to fuck the protag

I have bad news about your CoD obsession....

I got a PS4 for everything but this but I'm pretty pleasantly surprised with it. Hunting robodinos with cool tools in a beautiful open world is pretty fun and if it wasn't an exclusive or a triple A game everyone would be sucking its dick saying it shits on the Witcher. Which is does. Because it's a good game, not just a good visual novel.

>ur just mad
Kek, keep crying kiddo

t. no facts

Your tears are salty and delicious xd


from the thumbnail i always thin this is some breast expansion morph

NPD charts and Media Create are both facts

It's another generic open world "follow the waypoint" simulator made by a devs that have literally only made a single decent game and the only thing putting this game on a pedestal is it's graphics.
But of course a portion of Sup Forums will defend this mediocrity for one reason only, its exclusive.
It doesn't take an "angry nintenbro" or a "salty PCfag" to see this game is bland and average at best.
t. owns a PlayStation 4 and plays it regularly, even I don't want to be associated with this shit

Respond with any of these and you're just proving to everyone your delusion.

fake news, you just got rekt

>Persona 5

Horizon was released at a really bad time. It's no surprise that nobody really cares about it with all these great games coming out. They should have waited until things slowed down later in the year.

elk ok dronebabby

Not only are they just all around better games but Sup Forums always favours japanese games, don't go playing the victim when you come barging in "THIS GAME IS THE BEST ALL YOUR JAPANESE GAMES ARE SHIT" and then get shit hanged on you.

hahahahahahah this fucking weeb

No one on here has played it, including myself.

>one sentence saying the game is good
>rest of the paragraph is shitty bait
you need to be 18 to post on Sup Forums

moss plz ban this faggot

honestly fuck this guy and those like him, no wonder Sup Forums sucks so bad these days

I played through it, it was okay, but nothing special. Nothing they did in the game was new or innovative, no matter what I was doing I could always say "i've already done this in another game".

>only new mechanicus are fun meme
You sound like a spoiled child

The people shitposting about haven't played it because what they claim the game is about is totally false - they always bring up SJW shit when it's a brutal sci fi kill fest, hell the no brains shit tribe is comprised of mostly dumb black people whereas the well learned brick and mortar and iron tribe is mostly white which almost makes the game racist

Anyway I think a lot of ahem Zelda fans are really mad at how well the game sold especially in NPD where it outsold Zelda on Switch - nothing against BotW it's a great game but I definitely have seen some shitposters here shit on Horizon and claim Zelda is amazing in the same post so it really rotates my rotary

Dunno why but it stuttered like hell for me, but only every other day or so. Sometimes more.


Do you get excited going to work/school every day, seeing the exact same road?

>I've already done this

And who's fault is it that you buy every single shit that Ubisoft and others release?

Let this be a lesson to not buy every bullshit release that comes your way but to be selective for when a gem like HAD is released

She's literally voiced by Ashley Burch.

cause the game is for simple people who have no reasoning skills.

You're not going to like sex with that attitude.

I think your ps4 is broken, bruh

cool anecdote

If you know who that is outside of the context of this thread, perhaps you're the problem with Sup Forums

says the Sup Forumsposter

Hahahahahahahah this shit taste

So being shown the same thing over and over again is the height of entertainment for you? Why does your opinion matter at all then?

t. Angry Virgin

Not a valid counter-argument. To claim that the game being derivative isn't a detriment to it because I shouldn't have played games that were to it in the past is just plain stupid.

You can call me any number of insults that come to mind, doesn't make you right. You need an actual argument first.

you should take your own advice, kiddo

I've yet to even insult you.

No, you're stupid for buying every piece of shit presented to you. Come on, are you capable of being a responsible consumer or not?

And don't you forget it

I'll be sure to do so.

How can the literally who dev STILL afford to pay shills for this fucking garbage months later? Is Sony just bankrolling these viral marketers? We are approaching Borderlands-tier level of shilling at this point. Your SJW propaganda failed to convert people and everyone moved on to much better games. Fuck off.

And if I know who she is with the context of this thread? You're always pushing your feminist agenda in everyone's faces. It's downright patronising that you think anyone here could see Aloy as something other than a strong and independent caricature. She's not a woman, she's a developer's political statement.

Still not disproving my claim

looks like a man, baby

You're so wrong it's hilarious

>e-everyone who doesn't like what I like i-is a s-shill

No, but you literally post similar filenames and samefag every single thread while spamming horizon webms on the catalog. Pretty sure that's shilling

that's some nice ad hominem you got there

hahahahahahah how insecure are you?

Angry drones in coming.

>only one person could have filenames like that

I disagree, Ayyyloy's just a poor character.

how hard is it to understand if you want a woman warrior at least make her sexy and girly

I get it, you're 13 years old

>it's okay for a game to take ideas & mechanics from previous games, because you shouldn't have played those previous games.

Do you not realize how stupid you sound right now?

Ad hominem. It means you've run out of arguments. Your defensive stance indicates that deep down you understand the opposing point is valid.

>same shitposter making Horizon threads every hour

Just sad. Don't son*ggers have anything better to do bros?

I should be asking you that question, because you know I'm fucking right

sorry for liking girls and not le stronk womyn warriors

lol ok stay mad

How come Horizon fags are such insufferable cunts?
Not a single sentence resembling human intellect comes out of their mouths.
Without a doubt the most unlikeable people currently on this board.

this game looks amazing and I want to have it but I don't need to buy it right now because I have other games to play.

It's sad that I can't support all the good titles and hzd looks like a gem.

In most cases, I'd agree with you, but this shit is an outlier. For one, this game literally, actually, genuinely, factually has liberal propaganda in it. For two, it's a Sony exclusive. While Sony "fans" are the loudest minority, they still are a fairly small fanbase. Most importantly, however, is the fact that the PS4 actually has real video games to play right now instead of this filler garbage. There is absolutely no reason anyone should be making threads about this forgettable piece of shit now that P5, Nier, Nioh, ect are out. HZD posting is so transparently shitposting that it's either A) one dedicated autismo, akin to Barneyfag or B) paid shills. If you are saying you aren't a shill, that's fine, but please contain your autism to Neofag instead of Sup Forums.

>ad hominem

You have no idea what the term means

other than drones and mustard fags

>the post quality in this thread
What a trainwreck

all the same person



At least it's easier to recognize and ignore him this way. He's doing us a favor.

Didn't have to read your whole post, you were clearly wrong by the end of the first sentence. Get a clue, you insufferable bigot.

>Ad hominem. It means you've run out of arguments.
No, what it means is that you had no counter-argument, so instead you opted to attack my character. Nothing you said is a counterpoint to the claim that I made. In fact you agreed with me by telling me that I shouldn't have played the games that it was derived from.

>I'm so mad that everyone who disagrees with me is the same person!

Don't you mean "racist, misogynist, cis shitlord"? I'm fairly certain Tumblr's new policy requires people like you to use stronger language than just "bigot".

Was it autism?