Is it just me or do games not know how to end anymore...

Is it just me or do games not know how to end anymore? I can't remember the last game that had a final boss and ending sequence that left me feeling satisfied.

Shido's dungeon was a complete dead stop after how fun and hype the Casino was. And then the final dungeon was just sorta there. Final boss was a push over in both forms and then you bring out Satanael and it puts you back in battle making you think you're getting a final badass 3rd form of the boss but no you insta-kill him in a cutscene and then the game just awkwardly stumbles to its conclusion in a playable epilogue.

Yakuza 0 went out with a whimper because you had zero attachment to the final boss and Kuze was a better antagonist. FFXV was literally unfinished. When was the last time you guys felt complete at the end of a game?

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I played Kingdom Hearts this year and thought it had a good ending but Ansem was a joke of a final boss. Threw Aero on me and barely took damage.

It's hard for me to think of many games at all that have ended well. Metal Gears come to mind. Sand 5

I quite liked Nier Automata's ending.

Best credits sequence?

I'll have to give it a try sometime. I really want to play the first one before jumping into Automata even though I know you don't need to. But I've heard good things about its story and ending(s).

After some thinking, Furi is the last game where I enjoyed the ending and final boss. Before that I couldn't even say.

It feels like every game these days goes for the cinematic ending over good gameplay. Plenty of them don't even have real boss fights anymore, sadly. I think of something like FF6 which I played for the first time last year and the last portion of that game and the final Kefka fight are gaming bliss.

I just beat BotW earlier today, and I thought it was pretty good. Wish the two forms of the final boss were switched, though, the first form was a lot more entertaining and climactic.

But if you want the hypest shit, I can't think of any ending more hype in recent memory than W101.

>I just beat BotW earlier today, and I thought it was pretty good.

Damn really? I'm not trying to meme when I say I felt BotW had possibly the most disappointing final boss/ending to any video game I've ever played.

The boss is a joke in both forms, the ending is basically nothing and the "true ending" is a line of dialogue. It left such a disgusting taste in my mouth I still haven't gone back to the game.

Maybe I'm just easy to please, then. I thought it was at least the third best Ganon fight I'd played, after OoT and TP. I also didn't expect it to be absurdly difficult or anything, since they had to assume that some people wouldn't have done as much of the side material as others, and, to be frank, no final fight against Ganon has ever been ridiculously difficult. They do tend to nail the atmosphere pretty damn well, though, and I think the hideous Calamity Ganon form was pretty fitting for what the game had been building up, and the underground arena you fought him in was pretty neat too.

Dark Beast Ganon was underwhelming, sadly, but I chalk it up to being a spectacle fight, kinda like the battle against Yu Yevon in FFX or something. It's there to cater to the story, while the first form was more gameplay, which I can understand, at least.

The ending wasn't amazing, but I didn't expect it to be either, when it's possible to get to the final boss in under 2 hours doing no extra story material. Doing a montage of all the people you've helped out along the way
or something like that would've been kind of absurd, and it'd leave the credits really bare for people who didn't do any of it.

Maybe they'll fix some aspects in patches or DLC, I can't really say. In my opinion, though, a decent first form and a lackluster second form and ending don't spoil what was otherwise an excellent game for me.

But hey, that's just my opinion, man.

To me a great credits sequence either gives you some kind of flyby of your journey and all the people you've touched (Something like ALttP or Earthbound comes to mind) or is playable (Devil May Cry and Bayonetta do this well)

The worst are stuff like, speaking of Persona 5, that. A credits song interspersed with recycled scenes from earlier in the game. Just kinda lazy.

Tales From the Borderlands, surprisingly enough, is up there for me.

Try to watch/read a playthrought of Drakengard 1 and 3 for complete lore understanding. Those 2 games also have arguably some of the most memorable endings. Unfortunatly they play like grindy musou for most of the game though that's part of the experience I'll say.

My friend recommends this to me regularly and it's one of her favorite games ever. Maybe I should get around to this.

Silent Hill 2 and Shattered Memories are still probably my go-to endings.

Emotional draining, but in a satisfying and conclusive way.

As someone who's not a huge fan of Borderlands in general, I thought Tales was a blast.

Not the most cool ending out there but sets a nice pace for the next game

SOMA's ending got to me, as far as emotional horror games go.

Persona 5 almost did it for me but it just fell short.

Last one before that was Persona 4 I guess.
Can't remember if I really liked the Xenoblade Chronicles boss and ending so probably not.

Uncharted 4 had a great ending (yeah yeah casual garbage bla bla)

I was satisfied with all the final bosses in Dark Souls 3, especially Soul of Cinder. Gael is also being hyped up a lot even before the final DLC, he helps you out for some fights and then you finally get to fight him.

It's funny, I think Persona 5's final boss ties into the themes of the rest of the game better than P4's did, but I don't know, it felt a little more abrupt than the resolution of the murder mystery. And the cosmic horror born from unconscious human desire doesn't make as much of an impact by the third time you see it happen.

Not sure which I preferred overall.

I honestly thought the twist was going to be that you were in a cognitive world all along and everything was a lie. The ending was still Good-tier, but I think it had potential to be God tier.

Still enjoyed the fuck out of it, minus group events.

I can get why some people think P3 was too angsty, but I still think it had the best build up to what they were dealing with in the end, and how it would all culminate in a futile struggle that they couldn't bring themselves to turn their backs on.

But you create that build up with months of nothing going on, which is arguably too high a price.

How many fucking red flags do you need user

>futile struggle

I don't get how people got hyped up by Nix. Every boss before it were nothing hp sponge and there was nothing to make you believe Nix wasn't going to be the biggest, spongiest son of a bitch in the game.

Plus were you supposed to give a shit about his human avatar ?