What are some good ARPGS on pc aside of dragons dogma?
What are some good ARPGS on pc aside of dragons dogma?
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>elwood posting
nice baps!
I've always considered Dragons Dogma to be kinda similar to the Gothic series in its own very japanese sense, so check it out
Is there a posibility that her face is attractive?
Dark Souls 1-3
post more baps
Who is this Big Titty Kitty?
>Jessica Elwood
I'm sorry user.
Fortune Summoners
It's been a while since i saw elwood getting posted
Can I see..?
I like mexican girls..
Why does that name sound so familiar?
>dragon`s dogma
Cosplayer that arranged a gangbang at a con
The Ys games.
Some dude on Sup Forums paid for her to fly to some con and fucked her. Took pics of her tits next to some paper cut out creeper and posted them here way back.
he gave you her name google it you fucking retard
Dark Souls
Gothic 1-2
Arx fatalis if you're intelligent enaugh
>Jessica Elwood
sounds awesome
Its all furry porn...
try harder
Oh dear god
>Man in a wig.jpeg
>Dragon's dogma
Oh fug
it's a role playing game that has action
Darksiders which is basically a 3D Zelda clone. Not sure how the remastered version is, haven't played it.
Eh I'm desperate enough
Same shit, mildly - MILDLY - improved textures. It's Darksiders 1.1, basically.
That's not nearly as bad as you guys made it seem.
It's fuckin mclovin with a wig
Why does she wear the mask?
To hide the fact that she has no chin
>doze tiddies
>dem hips
Eh, i can deal with that.
Yeah but them tittays tho; as Duke once said, "Hey, I'd still hit it!"
Not mask that's fan.
She wants to breathe air in large quantities.
because if she removed it, it would be extremely painful
if I pulled that off would my boner die
Put a bag over head, I'd fug.
Just did some reading up on her
>Shes a furry and a weeb who collects kantanas
>Impersonates other people but mostly women and sends fake nudes for whatever
>Does commisions but never delivers which got her banned on the furry site
>Has a habit of lying, stealing others art, and hiding behind her white knights
>Shes a fat manface attention whore from mexico
Ys 1 and 2 especially, but also Oath in Felgahna. I haven't played the others but I'm sure 7 and Origin are good. Falcom knows what's up.
I want some pictures too.
thats a big girl
would smash idgaf
I-i think you're cute a-user
Would fug
>Velma Dinkley is real
>comparing her to Velma
That's an insult, senpai.
How can tits be so big? Girls in my country are ALL FUCKING FLAT what the fuck
Hormones, user. The FDA is all about beeg american teeties.
>Reading through her tumblr
>She organized a "public use" event
>She let numerous men ejaculate inside her (she admitted it, as well as having a fetish for it)
>Somehow there's no pictures or a video
Her face is as appealing as a truck stop toilet, but those tits are off the hook.
what did you expect? Mexican women porn is extremely hard to find, pic VERY related
I'm not sure it's true but she could probably be posting her smug fantasies.
I'd like to give her the paizuri, although everything else that's not her tits look like they'd give me problems
God gave her tits to make up for her face
Who is this?
I saved this image years ago but have never found out.
Does she do porn?
I think she had one video. Another thing was that she might have been photoshopped
she did tons of porn, some even with her daughter too, but the videos are all lost . she retired years ago
I agree, it seems far fetched, but she has a history of sleeping around with little effort.
Also I'd destroy those tits.
She doesn't do scenes i think
Only pics and shit
better than expected
>but the videos are all lost
Didn't know this was possible with internet, especially with busty girls doing porn :^)
How can one human be so perfectly built for sex?
There's more estrogen in our food and drinks, so naturally tits get bigger. The side effect is that all the men turn weak and turn into mentally ill trannies. So is it really worth it?
>but the videos are all lost
Are there any leads I can use to find them?
I've tried checking xvideos and pornhub but for nothing.
Do you know what publishers she worked with?
Also how old are these videos?
She must pass on her genes
Worth for non american guys of course
Fuck I missed it, what was it?
Fake tits
fake ass
so what.
She's a big gal
Just two images of her topless riding someone
Not him but I vaguely remember some producing company called
hey I have a lot of her so anyway how about them video games
Im pretty sure it's mexicanlust
her face looks weird
repost it
It's more plain and fat than bad. Poor nose though.
fuckin fatties i swear to god
Literally eight posts above yours
I think I'm getting closer
I didn't know my brother of african decent was in this thread
there are videos of jessica stripping and showing her tiddies but her white knight army keep them to themselves to not denigrate her "dignity"